Who knows
National PTSD Awareness Day
HMC Ret reminds us that today is National PTSD Awareness Day. So, if you’re not aware of PTSD the rest of the year, you should be aware of it today. It’s probably not a coincidence that it comes just before July 4th; If you need a sign, like Mr. Mayor here, you can get one […]
Enablers – Part 2
Some weeks ago, Jonn wrote about the tool who claimed to have “created the POW/MIA logo” – the logo actually designed by World War II veteran Newt Heisley. I’ll refer to that individual hereafter as “Logo-boi”. “Logo-boi” even managed to get honored by both the IL State House (2013) and the US House of Representatives […]
Drawing the Bow: Archery in the Modern Gun Culture
From the pen of Pinto Nag; I’m pointing the finger of blame squarely at Ex-PH2; she’s the one who suggested an article on archery for TAH. I am not a writer like she is, so I hesitated at first; however, the idea grew on me. Perhaps, in the lines that follow, you’ll see why. I’ve […]
Truth? Yeah, It Matters.
I’m probably going to catch some grief for what follows. No matter. Some things are worth saying, popular or not. Jonn wrote an article the other day concerning the famous Joe Rosenthal Iwo Jima flag raising photo. The bottom line: one of the individuals identified 7+ decades ago as being part of the “flag raising” […]
Charge dropped against Kyle Carpenter
Late last year we reported that Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter was charged with hit and run in Columbia, South Carolina. 3E9 sends a link to the news that charges were dropped in April; An incident report said Carpenter also made an improper turn by going into the outside lane instead of the inside […]
“Non-binary” Jamie Shupe
I don’t what TSO is doing out there but he sends us a link to our one-time co-defendent, The Oregonian which reports that a former Army NCO, now known as Jamie Shupe has been legally recognized as “Non-binary” – neither male nor female. “I was assigned male at birth due to biology,” Shupe said. “I’m […]
Do Not Let the Gwookies Win! by Ex-PH2
A short while ago, someone accused me of being no better than the Vichy government of France, just because I don’t agree with his morbid, thumbsucking, navel-gazing view of how things are going to progress from this point forward. That’s a rather heinous thing to say about someone, especially when it’s someone you don’t know […]
“Gary, you better get back into that thing.”
What follows will seem fantastic – much like any other “no sh!t” story. But with this tale there’s a difference. In this case, what I’m about to describe actually happened. And it’s fully documented. I’m about to relate the story of the US Air Force’s “Cornfield Bomber.” . . . On 2 February 1970, four […]
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