RSSHugo Chavez

And in Latin American News Today . . .

| January 3, 2013 | 20 Comments
And in Latin American News Today . . .

. . . . it looks like Generalissimo Francisco Franco Hugo Chavez is still – breathing.  Maybe. Reports are scanty, but it seems that recovery from Chavez’s last cancer surgery hasn’t gone all that well.  Chavez is allegedly now in an “induced coma” with “very weak” vital signs, being kept alive only by life support […]

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Hugo Chavez on “Short Final”?

| May 31, 2012 | 20 Comments
Hugo Chavez on “Short Final”?

According to Dan Rather (yeah, that Dan Rather – he’s still around, even if CBS ashcanned him), Hugo Chavez’s cancer has “entered the end stage”. Per Rather, Chavez has ” metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma” and is thought to have only a short time (a couple of months) to live. I’m no fan of Rather, but it does […]

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Chavez term-limited by God?

| June 26, 2011 | 8 Comments
Chavez term-limited by God?

A few years back, hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, successfully altered the Constitution so he could remain as president beyond constitutional limits. Fox News reports that he is in critical condition after surgery in Cuba; Chavez is “in critical condition, not grave, but critical, complicated,” the source told the newspaper; the Spanish-language, sister publication of […]

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Obama joins Chavez against Britain

| June 9, 2011 | 10 Comments
Obama joins Chavez against Britain

Since it’s easier to order around your friends than it is to influence your enemies, the Obama Administration has joined the bloc of communists in South America to criticize our British allies over the Falkland Islands; The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a […]

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Argentina seizes US military cargo

| February 15, 2011 | 15 Comments
Argentina seizes US military cargo

So we go down to Argentina to train President Christina Fernandez’ police for hostage rescue. Sounds like a nice thing to do, right? Well, the Argentinians turn around and seize the cargo of the C-17 bringing the mission assets back to the US. (Wall Street Journal link) Relations between Argentina and the U.S. have deteriorated […]

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FARC’s #2 eats hot lead

| September 23, 2010 | 7 Comments
FARC’s #2 eats hot lead

The Star (Reuters) is reporting that the Colombian communist guerrilla group FARC is reeling from the aerial attack which killed their #2 commander, Mono Jojoy, pictured above in an Eric Shinseki black beret with FARC founder Manuel Marulanda. El Universal says that the defense minister of Colombia is calling this “the most significant blow to […]

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Sean Penn At His Finest

| March 8, 2010 | 7 Comments
Sean Penn At His Finest

Sean Penn takes himself WAY too seriously. In what has unfortunately become quite typical in Hollywood, Sean Penn believes that his time as an actor gave him extensive experience and knowledge in world affairs. He also believes that it makes him above criticism. When Trey Parker and Matt Stone parodied him in Team America, he […]

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Hugo (hearts) Cindy

| February 3, 2010 | 18 Comments
Hugo (hearts) Cindy

After celebrating his 11th anniversary in office, Hugo Chavez is turning to the Cubans to help solve his energy consumption woes; President Hugo Chavez has turned to his friends in Cuba for help in tackling Venezuela’s energy crisis, drawing criticism Wednesday from opponents who say that the communist-led island is notorious for its own electricity […]

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