FARC’s #2 eats hot lead

| September 23, 2010

The Star (Reuters) is reporting that the Colombian communist guerrilla group FARC is reeling from the aerial attack which killed their #2 commander, Mono Jojoy, pictured above in an Eric Shinseki black beret with FARC founder Manuel Marulanda.

El Universal says that the defense minister of Colombia is calling this “the most significant blow to FARC in history”.

Using his real name, Jorge Briceno, ABC writes;

Briceno belonged to the FARC’s seven-member ruling Secretariat. The group’s main leader, Alfonso Cano, remains at large and is believed to be in the mountains of central Colombia.

Colombian officials say they believe other Secretariat members are hiding out in neighboring Venezuela.

Good. That ought stir Hugo Chavez into making stupid mistakes and saying stupid shit.

Once branded as a failing state, Colombia has seen bombings and kidnappings from its long war ebb and foreign investment has grown fivefold since 2002, when former President Alvaro Uribe began a hard-line campaign against the rebels.

The news comes as former captive of FARC, Ingrid Betancourt releases a book about her experiences as a hostage for six and a half years. I haven’t read her book, but I did read the book “Out of Captivity” by the three American contractors who were held hostage by FARC for five years. In that book, Marc Gonsalves was not kind to Betancourt. Betancourt and the three American hostages, Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell, were rescued by Colombian special forces without firing a shot.

I wonder how this administration will react to death of Mono Joyjoy (mono means “monkey” in Spanish) along with an estimate of 27 others in the attack.

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Terror War

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I watched an interview with Ingrid Betancourt the day before yesterday, and I’ve read excerpts from her book. Personally I think she’s a remarkable person. She appears to have figured out for herself, while in captivity, much of what is taught in SERE school, and it is her implementation of many sound personal survival tactics that seems to have pissed off Kieth Stansell.
It’s my understanding that Keith Stansell is the former ‘contractor’ that had the major personal issues with Ingrid, not Gonsalves. Marc Gonsalves has publicly stated “She’s a tough woman. She used to give those guerrillas a hard time.” He also apparently stays in close touch with her still, having developed a ‘close’ relationship with her while in captivity.

As for the Colombian rescue its self, WOW. The whole thing reads like a Hollywood movie script. Most impressive.

Adirondack Patriot

FARC-ing bastages.


Yeah, Tom Clancy couldn’t have written that rescue.


“Shinseki Beret”….LMAO! Ahh, yes, the end of the Glider Patch as we knew it. Idiots.

Honor and Courage

Old Tanker

Dead of lead poisening….

3 points to Adirondack for the Johnny Dangerously reference!

AW1 Tim

My compliments to Colombia. Killing all those Farc bastards is certainly a step in the right direction.