Chavez term-limited by God?

| June 26, 2011

A few years back, hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, successfully altered the Constitution so he could remain as president beyond constitutional limits. Fox News reports that he is in critical condition after surgery in Cuba;

Chavez is “in critical condition, not grave, but critical, complicated,” the source told the newspaper; the Spanish-language, sister publication of the Miami Herald.

Officials say Chavez underwent surgery June 10 for a pelvic abscess, which is an accumulation of pus that can have various causes, including infection or surgical complications. Neither Chavez nor doctors treating him have disclosed what caused the abscess.

Ace of Spades has heard rumors that he’s already dead;

Supposedly, the rumor goes, he went to Cuba for surgery, and died there.

I hear this from a source too, but he only hears it from his sources, and they’re not always right (he tells me).

Can I just put out a general warning? Not about this necessarily. But generally.

I know for a fact there is an effort to punk the media. Maybe the blogosphere too.

Be on the lookout for tantalizing tips. Do not take the first level of verification as authoritative, because they’re putting enough thought into this at least pass the first level.

I think if there was ever someone who I wished was dead, it’d be Chavez…it’d be even more delightful if it was that wonderful, world-famous Cuban health care system that Castro won’t use which killed him.

Category: Hugo Chavez

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B Woodman

“it’d be even more delightful if it was that wonderful, world-famous Cuban health care ”

My thoughts exactly. Irony.


You can bet that if this asshole has assumed room temperature, somehow it will be blamed on George Bush.

Old Trooper

My birthday is coming up; it would be a great birthday present…….I’m just sayin

Adirondack Patriot

Will Michael Moore produce a sequel to “Sicko”, touting the magnificent Cuban health care system?


Will Obysmal attend the funeral? Silly question, I know….


UpNorth: It wouldn’t surprise me if he wrapped the WH in black bunting and ordered flags half mast…

Michael in MI

Will Obysmal attend the funeral? Silly question, I know…

Well we know for certain that Cindy Sheehag, the CODEPINKOs and most of Hollywood will be making the trip to pay their respects to their hero.

USMC Steve

That sounded like a very accurate and apt description for Chavez – crotch pus.