Obama joins Chavez against Britain

| June 9, 2011

Since it’s easier to order around your friends than it is to influence your enemies, the Obama Administration has joined the bloc of communists in South America to criticize our British allies over the Falkland Islands;

The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic.

I think there was a war over the sovereignty of the Falklands and there are no more questions over control of the islands. Now, the Chavez-bought president of Argentina wants to reverse the fortunes of the war they lost decades ago.

Obama just doesn’t know when he should vote present.

Thanks to a link from Old Trooper.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez

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Yeah, didn’t work out so good for them last time.

Doc Bailey

He threw the Israelis under the bus. Heck why not the Brits? I have to ask, and this is an honest question: Is this guy TRYING to get the US Screwed royally?


Why, yes Doc, he is. I never bought the eyewash he peddled in the media that he bought into the “special relationship” between the US and GB. That he would align this country with the likes of Chavez, Ortega, Morales and Kirchner doesn’t surprise me, outrage me, yeah, surprise me, not in the least.


I understand that a certain RAF officer whose uncle fought in the Falklands war is coming for a few months. Perhaps that officer can explain this to the idiot


Should say coming for a visit in a few months.


Our POTUS has been screwing over the UK since day 1 in office. Giving back the bust of Churchill, giving a legally blind man movies to watch, except they don’t play, giving the Queen an iPod with all of his speeches. Screwing up toasts and other protocol nightmares.

Folks have commented that Obama, Jr., is fighting the war that Obama, Sr., lost when Kenya was given its independence.

Just Plain Jason

Lets not forget how he screwed the Polish.


This just proves how dangerously out of touch liberals are with history and reality! The people living in the Falklands want to be subjects of the Crown. If they wanted to be part of Argentina, I am sure they would hold elections to that effect. Obama just needs to STFU, and quit trying to rearrange the world into a liberal vision of utopia. He needs to stop alienating our allies, and making nice with wackjob criminals that also happen to be leaders of countries unfriendly to the US and our few remaining friends. I have a suspicion that the better part of his dna ran down his mother’s leg post coitus.


JPJ, in #7, don’t forget the Czech Republic. And, let us not forget how he tried to get Honduras back into the commie fold when they threw out their president, who wanted to change his title to President for Life.


I know what you are saying UpNorth.