Live blogging election night?
I guess we’ve done this a couple of times and it was pretty popular. TSO brought it up the other day, so I thought I’d put the question to the masses; do you guys want to have a live discussion on Election Night? I might draft a couple of you to help moderate, but that’s […]
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year, dickweeds. Thanks for making us part of your year, thanks to Hondo and TSO for their support and filling in for me when I’m gone. And to the rest of you who contribute occasionally. Thanks to our advertisers who make this a lot less expensive. I have no idea how many phonies […]
Little help (A Letter From Our Attorney)
As you all know, we went to court last week and we were unfairly and erroneously held responsible for comments in contradiction of actual law. It was proven in court that neither TSO nor I were personally guilty of harassment, but some of the comments caused someone to feel harassed. So, here is a letter […]
Administrative note to all
Our technical team is migrating the blog to it’s own server at about Midnight (Central Time) because we’ve gotten too big for our britches. That shouldn’t interrupt our service to you unless you hit “Reply” at the exact same moment they’re moving it. They’ve been getting ready to move it since Monday which will probably […]
Weekend Open Thread
Well, someone mentioned in the comments that you needed an open thread on this slow news weekend – so here you go.
Weekend Open Thread
We’re entertaining a world renowned celebrity here at TAH HQs this weekend, so instead of beating me up for things I write, beat me up for not writing.
Weekend open thread
Ex-PH2 wants an open thread and I don’t argue with the ladies. She also sends two pictures that she took for your viewing pleasure.
Dear Reddit; a TAH history
Some troll by the name of Joe sent us a link to Reddit this morning wherein some of the folks over there discussed This Ain’t Hell behind our backs. Joe said that we should pay attention because it’s what “combat veterans” think of us. Well, actually there are only 9 people in that discussion, so […]
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