First ever TAH fundraiser
I’m going to be off the network today because I’ll be at Walter Reed for an appointment with my pretty lady doctor – that means five hours on the road. But I thought I’d leave you with some news. Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich earned us over a half-million hits this weekend and about 100,000 new […]
Headed to the MilBlog Conference
TSO and i will be at the MilBlog Conference in Arlington this weekend. My son is also flying out to Korea tomorrow on his birthday. He has a year over there with a follow-on assignment to Kaiserslautern, Germany. So I’ll miss part of the conference to take him to BWI. But I can’t miss the […]
The #1 song 45 years ago today
I remember when it was #1 – I was ten. The staff at Camp Mackall played it on a loop over the loudspeaker every night until lights out. I’ll be off the net this weekend, but I’ve been assured by the eleven other people who have posting privileges here that they’ll keep you entertained. Have […]
I may have to start charging for TAH
Someone sent us this screen that blocked their access to TAH; So, since this is pornography, maybe I should start charging you guys.
Wild and wonderful
I’m sitting up here in the TAH Corporate Retreat and the power went out. TSO and COB6 have the keys to the nuclear power back up plant so I have to rely on Allegheny Power who says the power should be back by 3:30 tomorrow. I’ve got the fireplace going and found the little AT&T […]
A plug for our sponsors
You probably noticed the ad in the sidebar for MyServicePride. Well, they emailed me yesterday and said that you guys have bought more of their stuff than any of the other other blogs on which they tested. Thanks for clicking the ads. They’ve decided to continue advertising frequently because of your patronage. Yeah, I bought […]
So, Happy New Year
I’m sure glad that 2010 is gone. In my younger days, I fully expected to be tooling around in my hoover hover car by the time 2010 rolled around, so my disappointment is complete with the end of the year. However we were able to bust our most flamboyant phony soldier ever, and we got […]
Welcome, Uber Pig
You probably all know Uber Pig from his famous “Ask an Infantryman” posts at our mentor’s place at Blackfive. A few weeks back he asked us if he could join the TAH team and we happily agreed. I guess he wanted to fine tune his pitching arm with the farm team. Uber Pig and I […]
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