I may have to start charging for TAH
Someone sent us this screen that blocked their access to TAH;
So, since this is pornography, maybe I should start charging you guys.
Category: Administrative
Someone sent us this screen that blocked their access to TAH;
So, since this is pornography, maybe I should start charging you guys.
Category: Administrative
I may have to start reading more!
potty mouths!
How do you think I found this site??
You must have irked the Establishment, Jonn.
Don’t start charging, just start putting up the porno!!! If you’re gonna be accused of doing it, you might as well do it!! 🙂
Oh, I see you already put up some porno for us with the Browning thread….Good on ya!!
I’m going to go out on a limb and blame this on dicksmith, because I can.
It probably picked up on Matthis’ bullshit about where he’s been shoving his erection and who has been cradling his balls.
But, I’m wearing clothes!
I have been gone for a couple of weeks… What did I miss? And it better have involved atleast some naked men for the ladies 😉
Yeah!! What melle1228 said!
Jonn! You’ve been posting “heat” lately, but it’s all been for the guys! Where’s the girl stuff??
Yep, you heard Pinto… get nekkid guys! LOL
I must respectfully disagree with PintoNag and Melle.
There is not enough bleach to wash my eyes with should one of the gentlemen take a wild hair to the ladies’ suggestion.
Yeah, Melle, you don’t want to see this; trust me on that.
Like these hunks of man-meat? Be careful what you ask for, ladies.
Well…I can’t speak for Melle, but I can attest to the fact that I do NOT ressemble that pretty young lady on the “Armed and Gorgeous” thread, either…
Maybe just sticking to showing off our personalities would be the best thing to do. 😉
Has anyone ever told you that you’re meaner than catshit?
Make a note of it.
Damn Jonn, I was gonna ask where and how you got my picture, then I remembered I don’t own a boat!!!
Toothless Dawg That is Ted Kennedy’s weight trainer, who inherited the boat when the Gelatinous Mass kicked the bucket.
OUCH!!!! Mind bleach, where’s my mind bleach. I want SF operators from all branches not that crap!
More gun prOn!
Lol, interested ladies should remember that old photos of Jonn in uniform can be seen at his flickr photos site.
Anyone who is interested can see me at mine. http://www.flickr.com/photos/15527076@N02/
LMAO–Okay Jonn- I’ll remember to watch what I ask for from now on..
Thank you, Jacobite…at least you cared enough to post something that didn’t cause retinal meltdown!
Thanks PN, I need to expand my military folder though, I have lots of interesting photos from my time over seas, I just don’t seem to ever have time to edit and post them anymore.
Well, the graphic on that “Happy Birthday” post above this one was pretty darn sexy. I’m not sure it quite qualifies as pr0n, though.
I dunno what’s sexier, the midget moo-lay or the string of drunsticks in his hand.
>I dunno what’s sexier, the midget moo-lay or the string of drunsticks in his hand.
I am kinda partial to the mullet and the stache is is rockin’– but that is just me… 😉