Weekend Open Thread
I’m still going to be around and posting, but I shut down comments on all of the posts over ten days old in an effort to get control of the spam. So far this month, we’ve dealt with 391,000 319,000 spam comments, so I’m hoping if I narrow down the targets, we’ll get less. It […]
Spam, spam, spam
Yeah, I’m complaining about spam again. Some of you are getting caught up in our spam filter, and I can’t help that. Well, I could if I wanted to troll through our spam comments – we had 933,000 spam comments last month and 81,000 in the last two days, so you see my dilemma. If […]
Sunday Open Thread
It looks like a slow news day – Fox & Friends spent the last ten minutes talking about some Hollywood guy who crashed his car and died and how the Obamacare website still doesn’t work, so I’m going to IHOP for a pork-packed breakfast. Since the nearest IHOP is in Virginia, I’ll be out a […]
“Bullsh!t! Put Yer Bullsh!t Stories Right Heah . . . . “
Some folks seem to want an open thread today so they can swap “No Sh!t” (wink, wink) stories. Well, here ya go. Pile it as high and deep as yer lil’ hearts’ desire. (smile)
Weekend open thread
Not much going on in the news, so I guess I’ll leave a place for you guys to talk among yourselves. By the way, Twist needs some prayers, I won’t tell you why in an open forum, just send him and his family some if you’re so inclined.
Weekend Open Thread
Here’s your chance to talk about whatever is on your mind. You can drop off links to news you want to discuss, or links to your own blog, exchange recipes, cuss me out for being absent – but Mom is visiting this weekend, so my attention is diverted for a while – knock yourselves out.
Moving Wall & Open thread
Ex-PH2 sent us some photos from the “Moving Wall” that she visited today and says she’ll be back to see over the weekend and send us more pictures. If you want her to get photos of something specific, let her know in the comments. She can tell you the story of her meeting this Seabee; […]
Ex-PH2 to the Moving Wall
Ex-PH2 writes to tell us that she’s going to see the “Moving Wall“, well, here, I’ll let her tell you; I’m going to the Moving Wall, which will be a few miles north of me, to get some photos this week. I may go up tomorrow for the ceremony, and will definitely go on Friday, […]
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