Weekend open thread

| October 19, 2013

Not much going on in the news, so I guess I’ll leave a place for you guys to talk among yourselves.

By the way, Twist needs some prayers, I won’t tell you why in an open forum, just send him and his family some if you’re so inclined.

Category: Administrative

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Sent him mine lat night. Just let hmi and his family know you all are there for them.


Not sure why, don’t really care why, but prayers up for Twist and family.


Have requested assistance of CINC-All. Sorry to hear it’s needed.


Roger on the prayers for Twist:

Brother, know that my King hears the requests of His people, and that His ear is neither too dull, that He cannot hear, nor is His arm too short, that He cannot reach you and yours.

Baruch HaSham Adonai!


Oops – need coffee – that’s “HaShem”


Prayers out for Twist and his family.


Prayers needed? Prayers going out. For Twist, and all others who need them.


Thank you all. I have a few moments and my wife calls this blog my therapy. I don’t know if you know what is going on, but I ask you to keep my daughter and son – in – law in your prayers as well as their daughter. You are all my family and I thank you.

Pineywoods NCO

Say no more, brother…prayers are offered for all.


Just took a giduck…

will send prayers tonight.

Laughing Wolf

Thoughts and prayers out for Twist (and family).

Laughing Wolf

While I have an open thread, I want to invite all the TAH family to a fundraiser/fish fry at the Lafayette (IN) armory. This is my home armory, and the money is going to support the local FRG and other good groups. It should be a good time with good food and good people. Rumor is, I may even be there for it. 🙂

More info at http://laughingwolf.net/armory-fish-fry-come-one-come/

Old Trooper

Round up: Sending prayers downrange!


Prayers out for Twist and family and anybody else in need of them.


Prayers sent.

Joe Williams

Twist,Prayers started foryou and family until further notice. Semper Fi Joe

Laughing Wolf

Twist, you have it. More thoughts and prayers out.


Done, and will do.

No need to know why.


Prayers out, Twist.


Prayers done and prayers work!


BTW. A big BRAVO ZULU shout out to EX-PH2.

I reported in an Open Thread recently that “it still hurts when I pee.”. No doubt the result of a visit to an Asian liberty port long ago.

EX-PH2 jumped into action and recommended a remedy that is more traditionally used on cats.

Well damn … it worked. It worked so well my wife is happy too and my son does not have to hear his dad scream like a wounded sea dog every morning at 0600.

However, there is a terrible side effect to this miraculous remedy.

Every time I blink … I fart!


Twist, you and your family have my prayers

John Robert Mallernee

@21 MCPO NYC USN (Ret.)

Have you seen the movie, or read the novel, “THE GREEN MILE”?

I like it because I used to work in a state prison, AND the guy starring in the movie has to cope with a severe urinary infection.

Anyway, a couple of months ago, I had a similar problem, and it almost killed me.

An ambulance took me to the VA hospital where they diagnosed severe blood poisoning caused by an infected kidney.

I don’t know how the kidney got infected.

I spent a week in the hospital, and several more weeks recuperating at home.

One thing that I experimented with that seemed to really help was to take LOTS of vitamin pills, of all types, FAR more than the recommended dosage.

Because of a back injury in the Army, I still have other problems, including constant pain, with difficulty standing and/or walking, but taking all those vitamin pills sure seems to have me more alert and feeling better.


Twist, you and your family are in my prayers.

Joe Williams

FYI, me and my cammo are still not violent.PN, we are still green here,I am using green cammo. I conceal myself in a natural blind of brushes.Deer find it very hard to detect me.This blind has been very productive over the past years for me. Joe

A Proud Infidel

Prayers out here too, Twist.


Prayers sent!


Re Twist

Copy that. Done.


John. This is a no Shitter. It really happened. Last April fools day I had surgery … Down there! I was very sick for months and never knew how bad it was. Botton line is, if you can’t pee, you are in the boatswains locker with a rabid horney monkey and that aint good.

Laughing Wolf

If anyone is interested, my first feature article for PJMedia Lifestyles is up, and it’s how my visit to Normandy crushed a dream — and put me on the track of some WWII Stolen Valor. http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/10/18/a-hollywood-dream-crushed-at-normandy/


Twist – I don’t know how much stock you put into “Birthday wishes” but I will be donating mine to you tomorrow. I feel that when your wish is for another it means more. I wish you and your family hope and peace in this time of need. I’ll be sending prayers good wishes and hugs your way.


Hack’s brother, Joe The Plumber, has an older friend in a Veteran’s retirement home up in Philly. Anyone on the board ever serve with General George Blanchard? Not sure which of his buddies, but most likely his drinking buddy Mugsy. I have no idea how he got that name.


Our Sat evening meal at the country house (FOB Warwick) is our best. Lovely wife cooks a fancy meal, wine matches food and the son executes prayer before we eat because he is a believer.

Tonight he said a prayer for someone we do not know. After he asked, “Dad who is Twist?”. I paused, not knowing, he said, “it is OK Dad … I think I know.”

Yeah … He knows … As we all do … One of us!


Laughing Wolf, I just read your link. How do you say “stolen valor” in German?

John Robert Mallernee



I just read your article, and enjoyed it very much.


Hack.Stone: the literal translation would be “gestohlene Tapferkeit”. But “verdammte liegend Arschloch” might be more apropos.

Laughing Wolf

Hack, seems Hondo beat me to it. 🙂 To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

Mr. Mallernee, thanks! I’ve also got some interviews with Normandy vets up at laughingwolf.net, hope you will check them out. Hope to have more up soon.

Laughing Wolf

Oh, and Hondo? I agree, Verdammte liegend Arschloch is the better phrase.


Master Chief, glad to be of service. Just keep an eye on it.


Anonymous was moi. Cleared my browser, forgot to re-enter myself. Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow and my brain has already turned into mush.


Kevin: WaPo is kinda bit late with this one – Stars and Stripes had this over a month ago.


Jonn did a story on it then as well.



Prayers for twister…

I live almost full time in an RV. When Im not in it one or more of my employees use it.

Currently its in Arlington TX. I have spent the last couple of weeks at home. Much to my dismay one of my employees left the black water tank valve open. I have literally been dealing with a mountain of shit today….

Joe Williams

At #43, if you need any contacts in Arlington,I might be able to help . I lived there for forty years. Joe

2/17 Air Cav

Twist. You and yours were in our prayers yesterday and today. If there is more we can do, don’t hesitate to let us know. There are more than a few folks here who have said prayers but declined to say so in a comment. That’s where I was yesterday. My point is, you have much more prayerful support than is evidenced in these comments.