12 Gauge Pistol- Just Because You Can…

| September 25, 2018 | 40 Comments
12 Gauge Pistol- Just Because You Can…

…doesn’t mean you should. Fortunately only five or so of these monsters are in existence. They started life as drab but reliable-as-a-hammer Rossi break-action, single-shot shotgun that was cut down and then reclassified as a pistol. This 12 gauge pistol is completely custom, and the only versions seen were found in Canada, surprising nobody. Rossi […]

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Brunswick County sheriff discusses crime during Hurricane Florence

| September 14, 2018 | 38 Comments
Brunswick County sheriff discusses crime during Hurricane Florence

Never fails, some low thugs take advantage of other people’s distress and go in, looking for whatever they can grab. If anyone needs a reason for the Second Amendment, look no farther than the breakdown of law during and after a catastrophic event. Trees and power lines down, flooded roads, all make for a thief’s […]

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Why Am I Not Surprised?

| September 12, 2018 | 23 Comments
Why Am I Not Surprised?

Defensive gun use (DGU) happens more regularly in the United States than gun crimes, according to data the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) never publicized.  Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck has been arguing that point for a quarter of a century, saying that his own research led him to believe that DGU was far more prevalent […]

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School Shootings that never happened.

| September 9, 2018 | 22 Comments
School Shootings that never happened.

  II am always skeptical when people use statistics.  Even accurate numbers can be used in misleading ways.  Sometimes it’s just out of ignorance that numbers are misunderstood, but other times the statistics themselves have been deliberately skewed. How many times per year does a gun go off in an American school? We should know. But we […]

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Dick’s Is Down

| September 4, 2018 | 55 Comments
Dick’s Is Down

Looks like Dick’s ideas of how to do things to please customers and bolster their public image is backfiring. Their consolidated 2nd quarter earnings (all stores, all departments, all products) are down 4%. While this can legitimately be related to the decision by CEO Stack to cease and desist gun sales and destroy remaining […]

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Military veterans to fight gun violence.

| September 4, 2018 | 66 Comments
Military veterans to fight gun violence.

I never felt that Marie Harf was one of the brighter crayons in the box.  Her opinion about most anything took a dive with me a few years ago. “We cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war,” Harf said at the time. Harf continued,” We can […]

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Two Thirds of Veterans keep Guns as Decorative Brick

| August 28, 2018 | 121 Comments
Two Thirds of Veterans keep Guns as Decorative Brick

It is amazing how two people can read the same data and come to completely different conclusions. One third of United States Armed Forces Veterans store at least one firearm loaded with ammunition and unlocked, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine that reports on the first survey of a nationally representative […]

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Lessons from the Loud Music Murder Trial

| August 26, 2018 | 33 Comments
Lessons from the Loud Music Murder Trial

Ammo Land describes the event and trials (yes, trials) of one Michael Dunn, who, during an altercation with a group of youths over their music, shot and killed seventeen-year-old Jordan Davis. Dunn then fled the scene, and was arrested at his home the next day. I know I for one look forward to the daily […]

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