I hate hippies
Hippies deface WWII Memorial
A group of teachers from Bismark, North Dakota traveling with some students to the nation’s capital discovered that vandals had defaced the North Dakota column of the World War II Memorial with “#NoDAPL” (meaning “No Dakota Access Pipe Line). One of the teachers posted the photo to Facebook and it’s also been written about on […]
Hippies try to bomb Colorado police station
Earlier this month, David Michael Ansberry, a member of the STP Family street hippies group attempted to bomb a police station in Nederland, Colorado. Ansberry’s distinguishing feature is that he’s 3 feet 6 inches tall. He was arrested after the attempt when he arrived in Chicago by air. From the Boulder Daily Camera; The group […]
Canadians want to keep Iraq War absconders
Back in 2009, TSO wrote one of his first posts here at TAH about Joshua Key’s book “The Deserter’s Tale” about his journey from Iraq to Canada. The story was packed with unadulterated BS. According to The Guardian, Key is still in Canada and begging their stank-ass hippie Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to stay there. […]
Danny Stecher; phony Vietnam POW
Some bereaved widow wrote about her deceased husband over at the Daily Kos and about the day that she spread his ashes at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in 2007, two years after he passed. She was under the misapprehension that her husband was a Vietnam War veteran, I’m guessing because that’s what he told her. […]
Millennials are fine with you going to Iraq
…but not them, according to National Public Radio reporting on a Harvard Institute of Politics poll. In this most recent survey, 60 percent of the 18- to 29-year-olds polled say they support committing U.S. combat troops to fight ISIS. But an almost equal number (62 percent) say they wouldn’t want to personally join the fight, […]
MoveOn wants to house Syrian refugees
Those big hearted folks at MoveOn.org are signing a petition on their website to demand that the US take in more of those Syrian refugees, according to Reuters. The organization of partisan Democrats formed as a grassroots group to protect Bill Clinton from impeachment, characteristically blames former President George W Bush for the burgeoning crisis […]
Protesters meet in Brooklyn park
The NY Daily News reports that flag-burners met flag supporters in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park last night. I guess the flag burners were racists because the fellow who shot nine people in Charleston last week was also a flag burner, and the flag supporters are against racism; Anti-racism and police brutality protesters organized by a […]
Hippie on a plane
ABC News reports that Karen Bettez Halnon, an associate professor of sociology at Penn State University (so she’s obviously a stank-ass hippie), woke up from her nappie on an American Airlines flight from Nicaragua to Miami and decided to burn some tobacco to protest “US Imperialism”, because that makes perfect sense. “I felt it was […]
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