RSSI hate hippies

Moonbat mayor skips city’s Vet Day memorial

| November 11, 2011 | 24 Comments
Moonbat mayor skips city’s Vet Day memorial

Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, the moonbat mayor of Richmond, California decided to skip her constituents’ memorial for Veterans’ Day so she could instead speak at the local Occupy Wall Street rally. Her justification? Well, she’ll be memorializing Iraq veteran Scott Olsen at the hippie convergence. From The Blaze; “I choose to honor our veterans, not only […]

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Gun kills Occupier in Burlington

| November 10, 2011 | 30 Comments
Gun kills Occupier in Burlington

Believe it or not, Vermont has some of the most liberal guns laws in the country, and I mean “liberal” in the traditional sense. So when an occupier in Burlington gets shot to death, who is the next casualty? Gun owners. Burlington Free Press link; Firearms are not allowed in City Hall Park. [Burlington Mayor […]

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Who is teaching your kids?

| November 10, 2011 | 19 Comments
Who is teaching your kids?

Ya know, when I read shit like this, it’s no wonder that the brainless college kids are acting like they do in Berkeley and Harvard. Michael Graham at 96.9 FM Boston Talks relates the letter a Suffolk Law School group received in response to their solicitation for stuff to send to troops serving overseas from […]

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Where are the proud parents?

| November 10, 2011 | 14 Comments
Where are the proud parents?

Old trooper sends us a link from Boston which reports that students who should be getting ready for finals are instead becoming buffoons and trying to Occupy Harvard; “Personally, I’m slightly uncomfortable receiving money in scholarships that come from a direct result of displacing people and depriving them of their lands and their livelihoods,” said […]

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MN Occutrashed

| November 10, 2011 | 6 Comments
MN Occutrashed

Old Trooper sends a link from a friend who took some pictures of the hippie cluster which claims to be occupying Minnesota. Yeah, a revolution, that’s what it is. If a pack of itinerant fucks could summon the intestinal fortitude to do more than wave signs, sleep outside and spread their filth across the cityscape.

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Portland Occupier firebombs World Trade Center

| November 10, 2011 | 9 Comments
Portland Occupier firebombs World Trade Center

The longer this shit goes on the more we can expect the filthy hippies to push the envelope of what we’ll tolerate from their uncivil asses; Lt. Robert King, a spokesman for the Portland Police Bureau, said officers were given a “very good description” of the man who threw the incendiary device and located him […]

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To my face

| November 8, 2011 | 20 Comments
To my face

Thanks to Mr Wolf for sending a link to my interview with Columbia Journalism Review. Not all veterans are in agreement. Jonn Lilyeah blogged about Scott Olsen on his This Ain’t Hell page: Now, the hippies get to hide behind Olsen’s broken body and make a martyr of him…someone they would have spit on a […]

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Behind my back

| November 7, 2011 | 14 Comments
Behind my back

Those sneaky, smelly hippies at The Village Voice have been trolling This Ain’t Hell again. They quote me once again; “I’d counter that millions of veterans are NOT marching in the flaccid movement,” said This Ain’t Hell. “Scott Olsen who was injured last week in Oakland belonged to both VFP [Veteran for Peace] and IVAW […]

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