Where are the proud parents?

| November 10, 2011

Old trooper sends us a link from Boston which reports that students who should be getting ready for finals are instead becoming buffoons and trying to Occupy Harvard;

“Personally, I’m slightly uncomfortable receiving money in scholarships that come from a direct result of displacing people and depriving them of their lands and their livelihoods,” said Reed McConnell, a Harvard Freshman.

“I love the scholarship money I am getting from Harvard but I don’t want the money coming from expense of somebody who is getting their land taken away” says Reed.

When asked if she’d rather take out loans, McConnell says “The way I see it, I shouldn’t have to. Harvard should be able to make socially responsible investments and earn the same returns and still be able to give incredible financial aid.”

Poor empty-headed Reed wants it both ways…she wants her $40000 grant to get a Harvard education, but not if she has to feel guilty about taking the money from someone else. Um, you could work, ya ditz, then it’d be, like, your money to do with what you want.

Meanwhile, on the other coast, James sends us a link from Berkeley where police are just about fed up with the occupy bullshit, like me;

Police in riot gear moved Wednesday night to break up a demonstration at the University of California at Berkeley that started when anti-Wall Street protesters tried to establish an encampment on campus.

The university reported earlier in the evening that an administrator had told the protesters they could stay around the clock for a week, but only if they didn’t pitch tents, use stoves or other items that would suggest people were sleeping there.

The protesters voted not to comply with the demand….

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Veterans’ Day weekend than to spend it bashing hippies in the head with a baton. I wonder if Berkeley cops are offering part time employment for the weekend.

Category: I hate hippies

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I’m all for it. Let the “99%” attend Harvard with little or no qualifications to do so, and see what the value of that Harvard degree is in five years.


I don’t think college students realize what happens to the job market when everyone looking for a job has a college degree……


Displacing people? AYFKM?

Oh, and Jonn, tuition, fees, room, and board are over $50K at Harvard. IOW, total costs will push it well over $60K/year, or a cool quarter-million for a Bachelor’s Degree.

But now let’s see, Harvard enrolls an average of 2000 freshmen per year. Even if you go with the $50K figure and leave all the personal shit and travel to and from home on your own dime, you’re looking at $100 million per year.

For the record, as of June 2011, Harvard has an endowment worth over $26 BILLION. That’s right, little self-righteous smug hippie fucksticks, Harvard could give a free fucking ride to EVERY UNDERGRADUATE WHO WALKED THROUGH IT’S DOORS FOR THE NEXT 250-PLUS YEARS.

Who’s the sucker now?


I’m surprised that colleges don’t have better applicant screening.


Technically speaking, Harvard made enough money last year to pay for 2 semesters (all of everything) for every student in America.

It’s not like Harvard has a football team to spend the money on, and lordknows it’s Econ department is sh*t.


Funny thing about Hah-vahd. Few of the classes are taught by the profs listed for them. You get grad students instead. When the actual profs lecture, it’s by video. The purpose of a Hah-vahd education is twofold:

1) Mother (Madeline Updike-Bluenose) and father (Gentry H. Bluenose, III) get braggin’ rights, and;

2) You get to tell yourself how very important you are.


She could always sign up to serve our great nation in its time of need and get some education money to boot.


#2 Too right. Remember when an MBA was the Big Ticket degree? Now you can pluck them out of the trees there are so many unemployed MBA’s walking around.

Just Plain Jason

God I wish I was her father…not really, but I would to pull pretty princess out of Harvard and dump her ass in some Community College.


Looks like the Occupy groups have had their first shooting:


““The way I see it, I shouldn’t have to.”. Yup, she doesn’t want to invest anything in her education. Yeah, poor, poor Reed, she wants a free education, while not “depriving them of their lands and their livelihoods”? Yet, that’s what her compatriots in the Occutard movement are doing. Send this piss-poor representative of whatever high school she graduated from back there. She doesn’t have a clue as to how anything in the real world, outside of her dorm, works.


Harvard gives out $40,000 grants

Actually Jonn, it’s more like $40K “aid packages”, some of which are Pell Grants, some of which comes from the endowment, but most in the form of loans in one form or another.


$50K in debt with a Bachelor’s in Womyn’s Studies. But damn if that ain’t a pretty sheepskin.

And the grad school students end up with debt burdens upon graduation well in the six-figure range.


You know what’s funny. I’m going to an online university for my Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate (all in religion). I am paying $250 per credit for the entire program. That means, my entire start to Doctor program will cost me $69,000 (not including books). That’s for the full 8 years of the program! That amount of money will get you what, three semesters at Harvard? And you know what, nobody is going to think twice about the name on my sheep skin. Not to mention, I’ll be able to hold my head high when a troopie comes into my office and sees it. (btw, I’m shooting for Army Chaplain)