Behind my back

| November 7, 2011

Those sneaky, smelly hippies at The Village Voice have been trolling This Ain’t Hell again. They quote me once again;

“I’d counter that millions of veterans are NOT marching in the flaccid movement,” said This Ain’t Hell. “Scott Olsen who was injured last week in Oakland belonged to both VFP [Veteran for Peace] and IVAW [Iraq Veteran Against War].”

Oh, well, he had that fractured skull coming, didn’t he? This too became a rightblogger talking point.

Where did I say that he deserved it? I merely made the point that he didn’t take reasonable measures to prevent it from happening either. In fact, i made a point of sympathizing with him…I guess that didn’t fit their pre-conception.

Anyway, i tell you about this cisit from village Voice because i don’t know what they touched while they were here, so you’d probably better decontaminate yourself and your computer as a precaution against the plague or other filthy hippie contagions.

Category: I hate hippies

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This is how the zombie apocalypse will start. People please decontaminate your computers after you visit this site.


These moron obviously don’t know how to comprehend what they are reading.
IE: “I don’t agree with the war in the Middle East.” misconstrued into “THIS PERSON AN ANTI-AMERICAN WAR HATER WHO DOESN’T SUPPORT THEIR TROOPS.”

This is why I take opinionated journalism and piss on it. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.


Village Voice? still free and used to pick up dog crap all over NYC……they’re still fighting Nixon


“Village Voice? still free and used to pick up dog crap all over NYC”. Minor correction, S.G. Still free and encouraging crap all over NYC.


IIRC, the choice of words ‘had it coming’ came from one of the trolls. The Village Voice is to Truth as Hitler is to Jews.



FEDEX and UPS are hiring for the seasonal zoom right now. FedEx allows you to apply online. I imagine UPS is the same but I don’t know. It’s good pay and hard work and, who knows, seasonal work may become something else. Good luck.


An obvious case of irrational hippie-phobia.


Thanks 2-17AirCav!


Tell ya what, Joe–go to any Occupy event with a stack of job applications and see how many takers you get.

Doc Bailey

You know, I think I did say he got what was coming to him. Especially because it appears he wasn’t hit by anything the police might have used on him.


@#10 (Doc Bailey) This…for the win!

To paraphrase something I wrote when this “story” broke: he played a stupid game and he won a stupid prize.

Want to fuck around with LE in a confrontational, tense situation? Then don’t be surprised when your ass is handed to you.


Jonn, hae you seen this editorial titled “In Praise of Hippies”? Actually it’s pretty lame, just thought you might get a kick out of the title….


How quaint, Joey shows up to praise the occutards of OWS. Color me surprised, and he quotes “commondreams”, one of the standard bearers of the occutards? What a shock.
And, Joey, the so-called editorial you cite is just another incoherent rant from another unwashed hippie, but do keep on, we’ve missed your idiocy around here. Well, not so much.


[…] and all of those hippies writing at the New York Times, the Columbia Journalism Review and the Village Voice – veterans can judge the service of other veterans without official documentation – […]