RSSI hate hippies

OWS SF protesters attack police with weapons

| November 13, 2011 | 14 Comments
OWS SF protesters attack police with weapons

Yeah, but if the police were to use tear gas or tasers, they’d be screaming to high heaven; (Mercury News link) About 3:30 p.m., near the Embarcadero and Broadway, police attempted to prevent marching demonstrators from blocking the intersection where MUNI light rail tracks are located. A female protester emerged from the crowd and an […]

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At the intersection of Crazy and Stupid

| November 13, 2011 | 25 Comments
At the intersection of Crazy and Stupid

Jose Vasquez, the executive director of Iraq Veterans Against the War (what war?) sits down with Cornell Ag School grad, Keith Olbermann, to discuss how IVAW finds itself intermingled with smelly hippies of the Occupy Wall Street movement (it’s a movement in the “bowel” sense of the word). I just think it’s hilarious that I […]

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OWS Portland closed

| November 13, 2011 | 5 Comments
OWS Portland closed

Jerry920 sends a link that reports that the Occupy Portland, Ore. crew declared “Mission Accomplished” and went back to Mommy’s basement; “We don’t have enough physical bodies to stop the police from what they are doing,” he said. “We all declared victory and went home, but the reality is we needed to be here.” Though […]

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More OWS news

| November 13, 2011 | 17 Comments
More OWS news

So that’s Michael Moore’s cabin. You remember Michael Moore, right? He’s the guy who was down at the Occupy Wall Street protest railing about the 1% keeping all of the wealth to themselves. There’s more about Moore’s cabin at Big Government. Thanks to UpNorth for the link. Another ninja sent us a link to Frank […]

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TAH now a popular read among filthy hippies

| November 13, 2011 | 18 Comments
TAH now a popular read among filthy hippies

I guess the hippies are getting tired of the echo chamber they’ve created in regards to their good works at the pestilence-ridden Occupy Wall Street encampment and they’re reading some of the more relevent material written about them, because TAH is now being quoted in filthy hippie publications like the New York Times; But not […]

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The deadly OWS

| November 12, 2011 | 19 Comments
The deadly OWS

Donald Douglas at the American Power Blog reports that seven Occupy Wall Street ‘tards have died from various maladies since the movement began. Just Plain Jason sent us a link last night about “Zucotti Lung” which is wiping out New York City protesters. No, really. It’s a thing. As the weather turns, the protesters in […]

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Occupy Oakland fails again.

| November 11, 2011 | 20 Comments
Occupy Oakland fails again.

It seems that Occupy Oakland has opened a account at Wells Fargo and deposited twenty thousand dollars. So with the Occupy movement has been has been telling the public to withdraw their money from the banks has opened a account in a bank that has been labeled as part of the one percent. The general […]

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Just a reminder

| November 11, 2011 | 7 Comments
Just a reminder

That is this the person that IVAW is going to champion during this years Veterans day. So I am sure once that his statements have been made public that they will be flooded over the net. So I figured I get a head start now. UPDATE: Looks like the press is finally looking his past […]

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