At the intersection of Crazy and Stupid

| November 13, 2011

Jose Vasquez, the executive director of Iraq Veterans Against the War (what war?) sits down with Cornell Ag School grad, Keith Olbermann, to discuss how IVAW finds itself intermingled with smelly hippies of the Occupy Wall Street movement (it’s a movement in the “bowel” sense of the word).

I just think it’s hilarious that I get to hear Vasquez talk about “taking an oath to serve the country”. Vasquez decided to become a conscientious objector to the war in Iraq after ten years of service as a medic in the final moments before his unit deployed to Iraq. Vasquez said publicly that if his unit had deployed to Afghanistan instead, he would have deployed to the “just” war, too. Under his leadership, while the Iraq War was winding down, IVAW voted to oppose the war in Afghanistan, so his sense of “taking an oath to serve the country” are somewhat narrowly defined.

Of course, he has to mention that crank General Smedley Butler…using him as figurehead doesn’t help IVAW. Olbemann and Vasquez agree that veterans give the Occupy movement a measure of credibility. In that, they’re sadly mistaken. As the occupy movement collapses, it proves that no amount of credibility veterans give them will improve their image in the public’s eyes. In fact, I figure veterans’ participation in the display of public masturbation called the Occupy movement with have some splash back on veterans as a whole.

I call it public masturbation because it does nothing productive, only gives the occupiers a measure of satisfaction and embarrasses anyone else who happens to see it. Kind of like the mutual stroking Vasquez and Olbermann are involved in during this video.

Thanks to one of my ninjas for the video.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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“I call it public masturbation because it does nothing productive, only gives the occupiers a measure of satisfaction and embarrasses anyone else who happens to see it”. It isn’t just a figure of speech for the Occutards,
I wonder if Algore still thinks that Olberdork was worth the money to sign that pathetic jerk, that no one else wanted?


For every “veteran” who lends their support to the OWS movement (bowel or not), there are a hundred veterans who stare back in scornful silence.


#1 UpNorth,

A tax lawyer may correct me, but if one’s business goes underwater, one gets to write the expenses off as a tax deduction.

With Keef on board, Algore’s loaded with tax deductions.


“Vasquez said publicly that if his unit had deployed to Afghanistan instead, he would have deployed to the “just” war, too. Under his leadership, while the Iraq War was winding down, IVAW voted to oppose the war in Afghanistan…”

Ah yes, the old good war/bad war dichotomy. Back when these tools were pretending they supported the “real war on terror” in Afghanistan. It “proved” that they weren’t unpatriotic. In fact, they were MORE patriotic than the rest of us because they wanted to get the bad guys who attacked us on 9/11 and those who harbored them.

You didn’t believe that crap, did you?


He would have supported it until he was ordered to deploy there.

Memo to Vasquez…you don’t get to pick where you go as part of a unit, numbnuts. And how exactly do you get to LEAD (as much as you assclowns follow each other) an organization like IVAW when you were never there?


You know Dave, I never thought of Current TV as a tax write-off, but it makes sense. Have to pay for that house on the ocean somehow.
How can one be a conscientious objector to one war, but not to one located not that far away from the war he’s objecting to? Doesn’t that call into question his whole “moral objection” to war? Hypothetical question, I know.


@5: “And how exactly do you get to LEAD (as much as you assclowns follow each other) an organization like IVAW when you were never there?”

Dude, this is IVAW we’re talking about. Have any of them actually been to Iraq? I’ve heard a few have. But most of them are just posers.

They should call themselves Non-Iraq Veterans Who Collected a Paycheck For Years And Then Skipped Out the Moment They Were Called Upon To Do Anything, Who Once Opposed the War in Iraq But Supported the War in Afghanistan and Now Oppose Both Because They Want to See America Lose There Too.

But that acronym would get much too long.

R Jewell

The group “Veterans Occupy America” is actively trying to recruit help by “liking” the facebook pages of American Legion Posts. I doubt that they got much support from the 140 of us in rural Indiana before I deleted and blocked them.


So, what’s the problem with Smedley Butler? I’m confused.


Besides him being a socialist hack who frankly wasn’t nearly as influential, popular, or smart as the leftards who constantly trot his long-dead ass make him out to be?


The man has two MOH, and was an outstanding Marine. Guess I don’t see the connection.


And as I’ve stated before, I’ve read his MOH citations. Color me less than impressed. Frankly, were he to have done the same thing in Iraq or Afghanistan, would he have received to MOH’s?

Not to take away from the guy’s obvious bravery, but for the left to somehow give this tool any credibility when in another day and age they’d have gladly pissed on his grave, well, YMMV. That and the fact he was a socialist tool pretty well renders a lot of the “outstanding Marine” bit moot.


Two MOH’s?


Jesus Christ. Because you’re not impressed by his medal citation, he didn’t deserve them. Well, apparently somebody along the chain of command thought he did and he was awarded them.


marine and sailor detachment from the U.S.S. Connecticut, Maj. Butler led the attack on Fort Riviere, Haiti, 17 November 1915. Following a concentrated drive, several different detachments of marines gradually closed in on the old French bastion fort in an effort to cut off all avenues of retreat for the Caco bandits. Reaching the fort on the southern side where there was a small opening in the wall, Maj. Butler gave the signal to attack and marines from the 15th Company poured through the breach, engaged the Cacos in hand-to-hand combat, took the bastion and crushed the Caco resistance. Throughout this perilous action, Maj. Butler was conspicuous for his bravery and forceful leadership. FIRST AWARD For distinguished conduct in battle, engagement of Vera Cruz, 22 April 1914. Maj. Butler was eminent and conspicuous in command of his battalion. He exhibited courage and skill in leading his men through the action of the 22d and in the final occupation of the city.

For distinguished conduct in battle, engagement of Vera Cruz, 22 April 1914. Maj. Butler was eminent and conspicuous in command of his battalion. He exhibited courage and skill in leading his men through the action of the 22d and in the final occupation of the city.

After the occupation of Veracruz, many military personnel received the Medal of Honor, an unusually high number that diminished somewhat the prestige of the award. The Army presented one, nine went to Marines and 46 were bestowed upon Navy personnel. During World War I, Butler, then a major, attempted to return his Medal, explaining he had done nothing to deserve it. The medal was returned with orders to keep it and to wear it as well


Actually, even HE didn’t think he deserved them, hon.


Sweetheart, I have a penis, you don’t have to call me “hon”.


Well, since you’re acting so butthurt about it, might as well be the bitch, right?

Seriously, Butler is a tool of the left, nothing more. Had he never written that pamphlet which appeared in a SOCIALIST newspaper back in the 1930’s, most people, including your vaunted OWS hippies, Oathkeepers, Ronulans (but I repeat myself) would be going, “Smedley who? Is he on Cartoon Network?”


If you think I’m on the OWS bandwagon, you’re lost in the sauce. I’m just trying to understand why you’re throwing Butler under the bus and backing the bitch up.


See above.


You’ve gone full retard.


Are we all reading the same posts here? Who is refusing to honor an MOH recipient??

To make one additional attempt to clarify – most of us who served have seen a bunch of folks who were awarded some sort of hero button for things which were questionable at best. Makes no never mind to most of us. Most of us know that generally the MOH is a better gauge of truly meritorious service than the others, but even that one is not absolute.

So, does it honor the individual more to take his word for it that he did not earn the award or to disregard his own wishes and force him into what is obviously a very uncomfortable and unappreciated situation?


Full retard…hardly, scooter.

RIF, troll boy. Back to the Ronulan hive with you.


I’m no troll. Really. I’ve even contributed to a story posted here.

2-17 AirCav

Smedley, or Saint Smedley as he known to today’s OWS flag-burning crowd, was a highly decorated Marine general who denigrated his own service and those of his subordinates by declaring the military to be mere pawns of Wall street. I know little about him but if he’s adored by the OWS mob, that’s as much as I care to know about him.