RSSI hate hippies

Occupy DC: we don’t need no steenking permits

| December 4, 2011 | 12 Comments
Occupy DC: we don’t need no steenking permits

Finally, Occupy DC pissed off the police bad enough that they got themselves arrested this morning They built the above-pictured barn in McPherson Square a few blocks from the White House and on K Street…right downtown. When the police asked them to remove the structure, they refused and police moved in to remove the building […]

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Occupados need therapy to deal with their ordeal

| December 4, 2011 | 13 Comments
Occupados need therapy to deal with their ordeal

The LA Times reports that folks swept up in the police raid at Occupy LA may be in need of therapy to deal with their mild discomfort from being in police custody; One speaker suggested that some of those arrested might need therapy. Several said they felt traumatized after witnessing police use nonlethal force and […]

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Occupy DC turns on Democrat masters

| December 1, 2011 | 16 Comments
Occupy DC turns on Democrat masters

The Fleabaggers are evidently turning on their Democrat masters according to the Washington Times; “Because no party is representing the 99 percent. And because money should never equal speech, we are marching on a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. … The DCCC is a vehicle for the 1 percent’s influence in the Democratic […]

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How to let everyone know you’re a dingus

| December 1, 2011 | 18 Comments
How to let everyone know you’re a dingus

These pictures of some dolt at Occupy Pheonix came from Mr Wolf;

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Occupy New Haven and their upside down flags

| November 30, 2011 | 14 Comments
Occupy New Haven and their upside down flags

TT sends us a link from the New Haven Register about their local Fleabaggers and how they think they’re cute for hanging the American flag upside down in various spots around their shithole. Yeah, they say it’s a signal for distress, signifying the country is in danger. But they’re not on a ship and there […]

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Rounding up the hippies in LA and Philly

| November 30, 2011 | 16 Comments
Rounding up the hippies in LA and Philly

The Associated Press reports that 1400 cops moved into the Occupy encampment in LA early this morning and arrested 200 of the smelly creatures. Meanwhile in Philly, another 50 were herded into the hoosegow for refusing to abandon their social event; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa raised public safety and health concerns in announcing plans […]

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Zuccotti recovers nicely, thank you

| November 28, 2011 | 2 Comments
Zuccotti recovers nicely, thank you

Tommy sends us some pictures from a friend of his to accompany Sparky’s post below; It just goes to show that the world is a much better place without hippies.

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UC Davis students provoked police in pepper spray incident

| November 25, 2011 | 121 Comments
UC Davis students provoked police in pepper spray incident

ROS sends us a link to a video from the misnamed Democracy Now! in which UC Davis’ Elli Pearson, one of the pepper sprayed students in the famous event admits that they, the students, surrounded the police and refused to allow the police to LEAVE the campus provoking the pepper spray incident. In short, they […]

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