Occupy DC turns on Democrat masters
The Fleabaggers are evidently turning on their Democrat masters according to the Washington Times;
“Because no party is representing the 99 percent. And because money should never equal speech, we are marching on a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. … The DCCC is a vehicle for the 1 percent’s influence in the Democratic Party and in America as a whole.”
Yeah, they’re getting it all out of the way now so they won’t have to during the election year. It’s just a brief interlude to quell the criticism that they’re biased in favor of Democrats. It’s strictly a fund-raising ploy…you won’t hear any talk like that next year like they various groups weren’t critical of the Democrats in 2008 and did very little protesting saving their energy for the Republican National Convention.
Category: I hate hippies, Occupy
The Democrats were never OWS’s masters. Folks who vote for, and give cash to folks who say they are Democrats, are OWS’s masters.
This stunt is just one more kick in the balls for the folks who are actually Democrats, not Communists wearing Armani. To keep in line those Dem voters and operators who don’t care for Obama and the company he keeps.
Dave, isn’t more than a coincidence that less than a week after Obama gave his “Put on your marching shoes” speech that the Occupy Movement took to the streets?
And as far as people who actually Democrats, what exactly do they stand for? OWS has the unions (Democrats), the Tax the Rich crowd (Democrats), the anti-War crowd (Democrats), and the entitlement crowd (you get the point).
How is this not a mainstream Democrat movement?
Sorry for the crappy typing above.
I’m thinking of the bluedogs, and conservative Democrats. After getting their butts handed to them in 1968 and 1972, the hippies/communists joined the establishment Democrats, and like a cancer have been displacing Dems who love America ever since.
Okay. I read you. They have vanished. I think Zell Miller was the last of the Conservative Democrats. After Congress, he was off quicker than a cheerleader’s uniform at a frat house. I can’t think of a single conservative Democrat anywhere in this country who has spoken out against Occupy.
“I can’t think of a single conservative Democrat anywhere in this country”. You could have stopped right there, AP. I don’t think there any of them left.
Unfortunately like roaches we haven’t seen the last of these schmucks.
These losers are already planning something for next year, especially as the weather gets warmer again. They are trying to be a “force” to be reckoned with during the elections and whatnot.
Inbreeding doesn’t quite work out, fella’s….
Tman, there’s been more than one commentator on the right, who’ve made that point. Especially in regards to Tampa and the Republican National Convention. I hope that the Tampa PD has stocked up on OC, batons and barricades.
At least Angel Adams won’t have far to travel to demand that somebody pay up for her not being able to keep her knees together.
the danger of mobs is that eventually they will turn on the people leading them.
These losers are already planning something for next year, especially as the weather gets warmer again.
From your keyboard to God’s ear. And if the GOP nominee doesn’t use that (you want four more years of THAT shit?), they deserve to lose.
I wouldn’t be so worried about the GOP Convention in Tampa. Hippies, OWS, anarchists and leftover fruitcake will be there to cause trouble.
No, where the action will be is at the polling stations, especially in red states/districts where Hope and Change were applied without lube. AG Holder has already shown in the NBPP voter intimidation case that he won’t prosecute his allies disenfranchising American voters.
#12 DaveO. Too true. And what they can’t disenfranchise or intimidate they will simply steal through the tried and true method of recount, recount, recount until we have enough, “losing”, and disallowing absentee ballots that don’t go their way and via the registration and voting of dead people.
Jerry, the dems have already stocked the trunks of their cars with ballots. And, you’re right, Dave, the polls in Detroit, Chicago, LA, NYC, Atlanta and the other bastions of plantation politics will be open late, just so all the “disenfranchised” dems can vote. The rules are all laid out here. http://www.ejfi.org/Voting/Voting-11.htm
I definitely see them pulling some shenanigans at the RNC UpNorth, but it’ll be interesting to see what they do about the democrats and barry.
Oh, they’ll march, but it’ll be tame, compared to the RNC.