I hate hippies
Occupy hippies to protest at Capitol
Yes, the unwashed masses still think they’re relevant and have something to contribute to the national conversation. Today they plan to protest at the Capitol says Associated Press; Participants say they plan to decry the influence of corporate money in politics and show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like. The House reconvenes […]
Coast Guard to protect grain shipment from Occu-spazes
Old Trooper sends a link to the Daily Caller which reports that President Obama is sending the Coast Guard to Washington State’s Port of Longview to protect a grain shipment to Asia from those Occu-tards; The group of leftwing activists had shut down ports all along the West Coast on Dec. 8, including the Port […]
Biting the hand that feeds you
Our buddy, JammieWearingFool reports that after a pastor offered his church as refuge for the Occupy Wall Street nomads, he noticed his laptop was missing; “There was a sense of shock and sadness that it had happened,” said Brashears, whose laptop will soon be replaced by Occupy organizers. “And there’s a common understanding that if […]
Occupy protesters “save” baby
ROS sends this link from CNN about a douche nozzle who left his 13-month-old baby unattended and alone at the Occupy DC protest; Police were called around 10 a.m. and found the baby girl wearing only a “onesie,” Schlosser said. Temperatures in Washington at the time were in the low 40s. DC Fire and EMS […]
Debbie Wasserman Ditz blames Tea Party for “tone”
A year has passed peacefully without the Left going batshit crazy over the shooting in Tucson involving Congresswoman Gabriele Giffords…until it’s the political season. She’s the only one left in America who still ruminates publicly about the Tea party being anyway involved in the shooting by a nutjob. From Michelle Malkin; “We need to make […]
Rats infest Occupy DC, but we knew that
According to the Washington Post in a link sent to us by Old Trooper, there’s been an infestation of rodents – how they can tell, I don’t know; Akhter said in an interview Monday that city health inspectors have seen rats running openly through both camps and spotted numerous new burrows and nests underneath hay-stuffed […]
Anti-war drivel
This was on Lew Rockwell, someone posted it on Facebook and despite the warning, I didn’t take antacids before reading it. But, it’s written by some doofus named Laurence M. Vance and titled “Marines, Why Do You Do This to Your Families?“. judging by the title, you’d think Mr. Vance is asking the Marines to […]
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