Occupy hippies to protest at Capitol
Yes, the unwashed masses still think they’re relevant and have something to contribute to the national conversation. Today they plan to protest at the Capitol says Associated Press;
Participants say they plan to decry the influence of corporate money in politics and show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like. The House reconvenes Tuesday after its winter recess.
The protest comes as the nation’s capital has emerged as one of the strongest bastions of the Occupy movement, in part because the National Park Service has allowed protesters to maintain their encampments in two public squares near the White House.
I’d like to decry the influence on politics that the unproductive mouths that we feed, house and then have to listen to while they whine that they’re not getting enough. And then on top of it all, we have to suffer under their choice of elected officials because they multiply like rats.
Category: I hate hippies, Occupy
“and show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like.”
yeah mob rule, so thanks for showing us what it looks like, egypt is showing us the same thing right now…….
Long live the Republic! argh……
“…and show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like.”
Our founding fathers were horrified at the thought of this nation, or any nation, being run by actual democracy. Democracy, as the filthy stinking hippies want it, is an unworkable system of government, and ends up being nothing more than mob rule.
Our founders were smart enough to understand that a Republic is the most efficient means of managing a society fairly, and of ensuring the means for individual liberty as well as economic prosperity and national security.
The best, and necessary solution to our nation’s ailment is NOT “real democracy”, but a reduction of the monstrous growth of our federal government, and, in most cases, our state and local governments as well.
Less government is best government, and it is high time that we began a quick reduction of our federal government back to only those areas detailed in our Constitution, and nothing more.
@#1: I see we think alike. I was typing at the same time as you response.
Has anyone noticed that the Democrat/progressive/liberal crowd can protest 7 days a week, while Republican/conservative sorts have to do it on Saturday and Sunday. Having an actual job makes weeklong protesting difficult.
Not to mention that those of us on the Conservative side have to pay our own expenses. We don’t have that endless Soros money teat to suck off of.
@3 No worries…….you said it much better than I did…..
Right on, Frankie!
Pity the Capitol Police who must deal with them up close. Eeeeeeee-Oooooooh.
@8, yeah it must be a bitch to have to do a report on exposure to air borne pathogens and actually touching an Occutard daily, just to make sure that anything one comes down with is covered as a duty-related illness.
So, if I showed up at the Parks that the Occutards are at, would I be given free reign, and could I just have my friends move them out, so I could take up residence, free of charge? After we killed off the rats(4 legged)that have taken up residence with the two-legged filth.
And now there seems to be some question about trapping/killing the rats which have infested the encampment.