RSSI hate hippies

Thomas Rick’s Big Idea

| April 22, 2012 | 25 Comments
Thomas Rick’s Big Idea

Thomas Ricks of the Center for a New American Security writes in the Washington Post that the all-volunteer military is a thing of the past and we need to go back to the draft. If the Center for a New American Security sounds familiar, it’s because they’re the same numbnuts who started this talk about […]

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How the Left Can Win the Military, and Save America’s Soul

| April 10, 2012 | 37 Comments
How the Left Can Win the Military, and Save America’s Soul

Some dillwad who claims he was a Marine for 5 years by the name of Lyle Jeremy Rubin also claims he has the key to the Left winning over the troops as they make their way through life after they take off their uniform for the last time. “How the Left Can Win the Military, […]

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Ditz disses Perry

| April 2, 2012 | 38 Comments
Ditz disses Perry

Y’all probably remember this video I posted a few weeks ago of Katy Perry’s “Part of Me”; Well, according to the Military Times, Naomi Wolf didn’t like it calling the video “shameful” and accusing Perry of being a paid shill for the Marines. Naomi Wolf, you may remember will go down in history as the […]

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Don’t let the door hit you

| March 26, 2012 | 19 Comments
Don’t let the door hit you

Old Trooper sends a link to the bizarre news that hippies are assembling on a mountain in the Pyrenees where they expect to be taken aboard the alien space craft that will carry them away from the destruction which will be wrought upon the rest of us on December 21st; A rapidly increasing stream of […]

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Facebook rage

| March 15, 2012 | 10 Comments
Facebook rage

No, I’m not talking about the conversion to the new “timeline format”, I’m talking about the simplistic underachievers on the internet who think that signing a petition will get justice for Amina Filali, a 16-year-old in Morrocco who killed herself because she was forced to marry her rapist, so that rapist could avoid jail time. […]

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Coming to NYC “An Army of Rape: Why Supporting the Troops is Wrong! “

| March 13, 2012 | 53 Comments
Coming to NYC “An Army of Rape: Why Supporting the Troops is Wrong! “

I went over to the facebook page that was in this post. There is one comment that I could not pass up. Looking at the names involved that this conference this is going to be a real meeting of the minds. We have Sunsara Taylor, Carl Dix and Mathis. I find it funny that people […]

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Jane Fonda: Limbaugh is offensive

| March 10, 2012 | 37 Comments
Jane Fonda: Limbaugh is offensive

Jane Fonda, pictured above during a vacation in North Vietnam a few years back, takes to the internet to pretend that she cares about the troops and the the fact that Rush Limbaugh’s program is on the Armed Forces Network; [Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem] state, “Our entire military depends on troops respecting […]

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Car parking is not free speech either

| March 10, 2012 | 4 Comments
Car parking is not free speech either

Jason sends us a link from the Idaho Statesman which tells the story of an Air Force veteran who decided to test the judicial decision from last month which declared that Occupy Boise’s tents were free speech. Ike Sweesy parked his Corvette near the Occupy encampment to see if he’d get the benefit of the […]

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