Don’t let the door hit you
Old Trooper sends a link to the bizarre news that hippies are assembling on a mountain in the Pyrenees where they expect to be taken aboard the alien space craft that will carry them away from the destruction which will be wrought upon the rest of us on December 21st;
A rapidly increasing stream of New Age believers – or esoterics, as locals call them – have descended in their camper van-loads on the usually picturesque and tranquil Pyrenean village of Bugarach. They believe that when apocalypse strikes on 21 December this year, the aliens waiting in their spacecraft inside Pic de Bugarach will save all the humans near by and beam them off to the next age.
It makes complete sense to me. Several hundred years, a now extinct culture which didn’t foresee it’s own demise, leaves a calender that ends, somehow, on December 21st this year, even though they didn’t use the same calender we use. And the aliens are coming to rescue those of us with the foresight to go to a mountain that the Mayans didn’t even know existed, on a continent they didn’t know existed.
The only problem I have is that not enough of the filthy beasts are going to France to await their demise in the form of hippie-cicles.
…American travel agents have been offering special, one-way deals to witness the end of the world…
Hey, I’ll contribute to that fund. Let France deal with the creatures – they’re already familiar with the poor hygiene habits.
Category: I hate hippies
That’s nice
Could they take the occupy people as well
When the end of the world doesn’t happen can we have these oxygen wasters declared legally dead and not have to deal with them anymore?
Can we get an airstrike scheduled for them on that day? I would hate for them to live out the rest of their days in sadness and despair when the little green men don’t pick them up.
Best to just put them out of their misery.
Don’t forget your purple shrouds and applesauce, guys.
A bit too science fictiony I know, but say the aliens do show up and all these people are crowded to welcome their saviors, only to have the mothership open up and blast them with a giant frickin blue laser beam, melting them into a puddle of gelatinous goup? We can only hope.
And wouldn’t it just be hilarious if a twister or tsunami hit that spot that day?
Of all the Mayan calendars that have survived in the archeological record, only one ends in (roughly) 2012. All evidence indicates it was simply unfinished. Some of them go on for several thousand more years. enjoy your vacation hippies, have some kool-aid.
Leaving with the more advanced aliens, eth? Three words: “To Serve Man”.
Heaven’s Gate, Part Deux, perhaps?
Without getting into peronal details re: the French personal hygiene standards, France may even be more receptive of their pig-ins, so let ’em go crap on the French cop cars and get the bastards out of our parks.
@#9 Hondo –
Hondo @9: Damn… Ya beat me to it! Well done! <--- (is that a pun?)
see what lack of oxygen does for ya?
I wonder if those smelly hippies realize that, like our calendar, it simply rolls over into the next long-count.
Several hundred years, a now extinct culture which didn’t foresee it’s own demise, leaves a calender that ends, somehow, on December 21st this year, even though they didn’t use the same calender we use.
Dude, you’re making me think that December 21 may not be The End, and I’m kind of counting on that to deal with some current and upcoming projects at work.
Don’t scare me like that.
I need to buy stock in Kool-aid. There’s been a run on it lately.
“It makes complete sense to me. Several hundred years, a now extinct culture which didn’t foresee it’s own demise, leaves a calender that ends, somehow, on December 21st this year, even though they didn’t use the same calender we use. And the aliens are coming to rescue those of us with the foresight to go to a mountain that the Mayans didn’t even know existed, on a continent they didn’t know existed.” Could not agree more with your summation!
Just saw an recent article on this. 20,000 have arrived at the mountain now. They’re expecting somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 by December. And one of the things that has the officials worried is the possibility of suicides.
Pinto–worried that they will, or that they won’t?