RSSI hate hippies

Occupados show up to support terrorists in Cleveland courtroom

| May 8, 2012 | 16 Comments
Occupados show up to support terrorists in Cleveland courtroom

Yesterday, after the Cleveland Plain Dealer discovered that the ‘splody bridge plot terrorists were also on the lease for the Occupy Cleveland’s warehouse where some of the Occu-tards were living and storing their occu-gear, the leadership of OC gnashed their teeth over what would happen if the media found out how closely they were connected […]

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| May 3, 2012 | 14 Comments

ROS sends us a video of some scumbag, pussy-ass m-fkr who hits a female Los Angeles cop from behind with the drum he probably stole from his high school band. It’s not clear what happens to him after he takes his cheap shot, but it looks like the other Occu-pussies covered for him and urged […]

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Occutard bomber has a long arrest record

| May 3, 2012 | 17 Comments
Occutard bomber has a long arrest record

The Lorraine County (OH) Chonicle-Telegram reports that 23-year-old Joshua Stafford who was arrested Monday in a plot to blow up a bridge outside of Cleveland has long arrest record; In 2008, Stafford was found guilty of criminal trespass, receiving stolen property, criminal damaging, theft and attempted breaking and entering. According to a police report, Stafford, […]

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OK, so point and laugh at this

| May 2, 2012 | 19 Comments
OK, so point and laugh at this

Since some of you don’t appreciate that I made fun of some Trekkies, we should all go back to making fun of Occutards instead. I snagged this video from a Facebook friend. Hey, I only give you what you want.

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Hippies celebrate communist holiday by destroying SF

| May 1, 2012 | 12 Comments
Hippies celebrate communist holiday by destroying SF

So, Happy Karl Marx Day. The filthy Occupy hippies in San Francisco kicked off the Occupy season last night by trashing their city, or at least a mile-long path of destruction, according to Mission Local; It is not immediately known how many people were arrested. The Occupy San Francisco group released a statement early Tuesday […]

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Ringo/Zombie; “Unite Against the War on Women” march

| April 30, 2012 | 59 Comments
Ringo/Zombie; “Unite Against the War on Women” march

Our buddy, Zombie, got a preview of our buddy Ringo‘s reportage on the march in LA against the war against women. I think you’ve had a sandwich or two too many, dear. Maybe waiting on me to make you one will help you a little. The Other McCain calls it “The ‘Million Ugly Women’ March” […]

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Zombie: Meet the New Farm, Same as the Old Farm?

| April 30, 2012 | 10 Comments
Zombie: Meet the New Farm, Same as the Old Farm?

Our buddy, Zombie went to check out the latest Occupy stunt in Berkeley in “Meet the New Farm, Same as the Old Farm? Occupy Seizes Berkeley’s “Gill Tract”” Are you ready for the most ridiculous and pointless Occupation ever? Last week, on Earth Day, the Occupy movement illegally took over an entire farm and transformed […]

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Veterans For Peace in Syracuse demanding that more troops die

| April 23, 2012 | 6 Comments
Veterans For Peace in Syracuse demanding that more troops die

Well, that’s not what they said, but you tell me what else could be the possible reason for protesting against the use of drones if they don’t advocate that more US troops be engaged with the enemy. It’s only fair that more US troops die, right? 28 protesters were arrested in DeWitt, NY outside of […]

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