
| May 3, 2012

ROS sends us a video of some scumbag, pussy-ass m-fkr who hits a female Los Angeles cop from behind with the drum he probably stole from his high school band.

It’s not clear what happens to him after he takes his cheap shot, but it looks like the other Occu-pussies covered for him and urged him to run. But they call a little tear gas “police brutality”. Cowards.

UPDATE: Thanks to H1 for dropping off a link in the comments to Hot Air (see how I linked you, there, Hot Air – look I did it again) which announces that 23-year-old, 6′ tall, Brian Mendoza who attacked the 5’1″ 100 lb. officer, has been arrested.

Category: I hate hippies

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CI Roller Dude

little pussy pos turd. then he’ll cry and whine when he gets and ass whopping later on.


That kid looks like he’s missing a few chromasomes too…anyone else notice a pattern?


Someone somewhere knows that little fucker’s name. He’ll get his.


I jsut read an article here:

“which organizers called a “general strike,” or “a day without the 99 percent” — were held in more than 130 other U.S. cities and about 80 countries, where demonstrators demanded new jobs, better education, halts to austerity programs and initiation of increased government spending, ends to political corruption and the creation of radical political reforms, among other changes.”

A day without the 99%….huh. Was I supposed to notice? My hambruger was still served up hot and fresh.


” . . . increased government spending, ends to political corruption . . . ”

— ?? — A CLASH betweeen these two — may occur .


I love videos like this one … video = evidence … evidence = probable cause … probable cause = warrant … warrant = arrest … arrest + evidence = conviction … conviction = date with big guy in jail named Bubba … Buibba say, “you got a purdy mouth”. Have fun little drummer boy! BTW … lets give credit to the cop who resisted tuning this POS up! She is clearly much STRONGER!


I hope this little pecker stain resists. by the looks of it even if he does it won’t be much of a fight. Not even with his stupid little drum.


BTW … that region of the body (rear base of the skull adjacent to the spinal column) is a NO GO ZONE. Striking that part of the body is equal to deadly force. Lets see the local PD and DA do the right thing!

Just Plain Jason


“mommy, can you come get me…they have me in jail with a bunch of criminals…”


why is a 5ft, 100lb cop sent to a riot in waiting and why are the cops enlisting such obviously unfit people for duty other than handing out traffic tickets? Hello affirmative action.


A day without the 99% huh? Sweet I’m gonna go check my bank account…

Yat Yas 1833

jonp, Really?


Indiv arrested for was reportedly Brian Mendoza, age 23. He’s 6 feet tall and weighs 280 pounds.

Such a “big man”. But Bubba is bigger. And not quite as roundish.

Enjoy your stay at the crossbar hotel, Brian. Bubba’s waiting to welcome you.