Veterans For Peace in Syracuse demanding that more troops die

| April 23, 2012

Well, that’s not what they said, but you tell me what else could be the possible reason for protesting against the use of drones if they don’t advocate that more US troops be engaged with the enemy. It’s only fair that more US troops die, right? 28 protesters were arrested in DeWitt, NY outside of Hancock Field in one of my countless hometowns, Syracuse, NY;

Sunday’s protest was part of a weekend event by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars. The group opposes the military’s use of unmanned drones to target suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Organizers said about 50 people participated. The Onondaga Sheriff’s Department estimated that about 150 protested.

The 174th Fighter Wing of the New York Air National Guard has been remotely flying MQ-9 Reaper drones over Afghanistan, from Syracuse, since late 2009. The unmanned surveillance aircraft is armed with Hellfire missiles and laser-guided bombs.

The key phrase here is “target…terrorists” So these ass monkeys must be opposed to killing terrorists. Don’t they realize that drones are the centerpiece of Joe “Bite Me” Biden’s robot ninja zombie strategy in Afghanistan? They put him in office…are they surprised that Biden sees the political value of killing terrorists by risking the lives of fewer US service members?

28 of the little cretins in jail…that’s punishment right there for Syracuse’s normal jail crowd of shoplifters and drunk drivers to be confined with that crowd. Actually, 27 of them were issued appearance tickets.

The 28th person, Jamie Stewart, 29, of Coatsville, Pa., was charged with resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, after lying down in the middle of East Molloy Road, Gabriel said. Stewart was arraigned in the village of East Syracuse and held at the Onondaga County Justice Center on $250 cash or $500 bond.

Now where is a filthy, jobless hippie going to get $250 dollars? That’s cruel and unusual to make him even think about earning some money.

Category: I hate hippies

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Tempting. Almost worth going to the ‘Cuse and getting in trouble just so I can spend 24 hours of quality time with them 😉

Bah Bodenkurk

If laying in the road is a crime, I better stop drinking.

CI Roller Dude

I wanted to start a protest group to “End the shitty food in the mess hall”.
for those on Active duty, you have no idea how shitty most of the Nat Guard food was. When we were put in Ft Lewis for trian up for OIF III (we never actaully did a fucking thing there that was useful) we were put in the old WWII barracks that were going to be torn down…and the opened the old WWII mess halls…and I think they found can food from 1944 to feed us. It was crap!
Some of us wondered down the road to the reg army mess hall and ate there when we had time…the food there was much better.
See how easy I can get of on a tangent….


I’d bet that if the Army had ground drones that killed the terrorists, these asshats would protest that, too.
As for Stewart, where’s a septic tank truck when it’s needed?


I love how they never quite understand, or at least like to confuse the point, that ALL veterans want peace.

As I see it, the difference between us and them is that they’ll never accept the cold hard reality that once in a great while, you have to FIGHT for peace/freedom. They confuse peace with the absence of conflict.

To summarize, as Heinlein said, “You can have peace. You can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once.”

10th MTN NCO

Oh god, how embarrassing! Syracuse, NY…my hometown, WTF! As far as the drones are concerned, they have saved more lives in just surveillance alone, they are worth every tax dollar spent on them.