Ringo/Zombie; “Unite Against the War on Women” march

| April 30, 2012

Our buddy, Zombie, got a preview of our buddy Ringo‘s reportage on the march in LA against the war against women.

I think you’ve had a sandwich or two too many, dear. Maybe waiting on me to make you one will help you a little. The Other McCain calls it “The ‘Million Ugly Women’ March” for obvious reasons.

Category: I hate hippies

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@47–Joe, first off, Slick Willie ain’t my “friend.” Second, he made that comment and then pumped a shitload of cash into Planned Parenthood; i.e., government-funded abortion.



And Joe? She made a choice when she spread her legs. Abortion isn’t about choice, it’s about avoiding consequences for their actions, which is why the only times abortion should be legal is rape/incest/life of the mother. Period.

Just Plain Jason

I once made an argument for men to be able to have a “legal abortion” but for some reason it never flies as well. I usually get the men do it all the time argument. Long story short men never have any say before a child is born, so if they are going to bear the consequences no matter what why shouldn’t they be able to legally divorce themselves from responsibility before the child is born like women are able to do.

It was an argument made in class… Just a thought, not a really serious consideration.


Is Joe suggesting that we kill and eat babies because we do the same with animals? The fuck?!

Just Plain Jason

Redacted that was basically the crux of the argument. He was usining a basic form of an argument that was once used by Peter Singer whose philosophy is kinda the backbone of the animal liberation movement. He makes an equation that all life is equal and thus needs to be treated equally. It’s actually pretty stupid when you get down to it. PETA has a hell of a criminal enterprise based around it though. They will have clothing designers do ads and make donations in turn they won’t sick their minions on the designer. If you check out a little on PETA you really realize how shitty they are and leftys donate and hang out with them all the time.


No one else noticed she has a fucking ice cream CONE tattoo??

That is fucking hardcore.


Semper: see comment 28.


There is so much going wrong with picture… I am trying not to notice.