
The public has respect for military veterans, but slightly reluctant to recommend enlistment

| December 19, 2023 | 40 Comments
The public has respect for military veterans, but slightly reluctant to recommend enlistment

A survey showed that most Americans have a positive view of veterans, describing them as disciplined, loyal, and responsible. However, there is a reluctance when it comes to recommending that people serve. However, this reluctance was not as strong when it came to recommending that people join the military via a commissioning program. From The […]

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With the benefit of hindsight, Illinois sees that cashless bail is a bad idea

| December 18, 2023 | 48 Comments
With the benefit of hindsight, Illinois sees that cashless bail is a bad idea

Jason Lee Willie, a transgender that goes by Alexia Willie, communicated threats that involved harming children. He stated that he would walk into areas where there are kids, and either shoot or sexually abuse them. He allegedly made several comments like these. Willie had already made threats like these when he was first arrested. However, […]

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Remington to depart New York after two centuries of operation

| December 17, 2023 | 41 Comments
Remington to depart New York after two centuries of operation

Remington filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2020. Its assets were divided and sold off to other companies. Remington Arms, a new company, licensed Remington’s assets from the buyer. Remington Arms recently announced that it was relocating its operations to Georgia. The United Mine Workers were disappointed with the decision while Republicans pointed to […]

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Navy veteran topples and beheads a statue in a state capitol

| December 16, 2023 | 54 Comments
Navy veteran topples and beheads a statue in a state capitol

Members of the Satanic Temple of Iowa received permission from the state capitol to display a statue of Baphomet. Michael Cassidy, Navy veteran, decided that he was going to act on his religious convictions. Cassidy said that he wanted to “take out the blasphemous” idol. He turned himself in after committing the act. The Satanic […]

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Breathing contributes to global warming

| December 14, 2023 | 48 Comments
Breathing contributes to global warming

A new study claims that humans are contributing to global warming simply through the breathing process. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO2), humans exhale nitrogen (N), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). The authors of the study said that both methane and nitrous oxide are global warming contributors. Dr. Cowan, the lead researcher behind this […]

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Norfolk City Council ignores city planning commission, approves permits for Armed Forces Brewing Company

| December 14, 2023 | 63 Comments
Norfolk City Council ignores city planning commission, approves permits for Armed Forces Brewing Company

The Norfolk’s planning commission, working together with a local neighborhood association, attempted to derail efforts for a brewing company to obtain permits. The Armed Forces Brewing Company’s taproom and distribution facility received opposition due to remarks by one of its owners. The individual, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, is alleged to have made comments not […]

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John Kerry declares accelerated coal phase-out to build stronger economies

| December 2, 2023 | 53 Comments
John Kerry declares accelerated coal phase-out to build stronger economies

John Kerry is at the COP28 climate change meeting at Dubai. Joe Biden had already stated that coal plants would be phased out. While at the summit, Kerry declared that the US will work to accelerate the phasing out of coal. He said that this would help with building stronger economies. Additionally, Kerry declared that […]

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Seinfeld actress uses AI to write acceptance speech, things did not go as planned

| November 26, 2023 | 25 Comments
Seinfeld actress uses AI to write acceptance speech, things did not go as planned

Julia Louis-Dreyfus was an honoree at the Wall Street Journal Magazine’s 2023 Innovator Awards. Being busy for the innovative efforts that she was being credited for, she turned to AI to write her acceptance speech. Chat GPT-4 drummed up a speech that described her as an investor. Chat GPT-4 credited her family and her team […]

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