Winter Soldier – Europe testimony

| March 15, 2009

I only sat through about an hour of it all so far, but the peace-nazis are working overtime to get the blather from yesterday of Winter Soldier Europe on the internet. They’ve already posted some of the testimony. And it’s pretty much like their Silver Spring horsedung. They make excuses for their childish behavior and they really have nothing to add to the discussion about the war except their own personal feelings. I’ve put the “testimony” of Shepherd and Baddorf below the jump.

This is deserter Andre Shepherd’s story;

If you don’t want to sit through the 19 minutes of Shepherd reading mechanically from a prepared statement – here’s the gist of it; the recruiters lied to him, but he was desperate because of the Bush economy. So he joined the “mercenary Army for the poor”. Then he became a robot “at the mercy of his superiors”. “Questions were not tolerated.” “The Army doesn’t pay you to think”. Then he reads the Army’s description of the mission of the Apache helicopter, like it’s a secret that it’s mission is to kill the enemy and destroy their equipment.

In the second video, he explains, like he has in his interviews, the same tired old line about losing faith in the Army by looking at the faces of the Iraqi laborers (because he never left the FOB while he was stationed in Iraq) and by reading the accounts of journalists. He claims that most of the fobbits he knew felt the same way. But why didn’t they desert their posts? Seems to me that if it was true, Germany’s refugee camps would be full. Shepherd’s a dork. He ran through the whole checklist of excuses of the left for not supporting the war – imperialism, profit, no WMDs, the military is a poor man’s job, recruiters lie, Stop/Loss is evil. And he’s the only one with the courage to stand up to it all.

Except, he didn’t stand up to it – he ran away and hid like a toddler in trouble. I’d have more respect for him if he took his punishment like a man instead of running away like a little pussy.

I watched Christian Neumann’s testimony, but it was all in German. From his hand gestures, I guessed he was angry because laundry service in Afghanistan lost his pants.

And this Zach Baddorf (I think he’s an alien) is a serious dork. He not only looks the part, but he talks like one, too. His blather which goes on for another 25 minutes. His first complaint is that armed forces broadcasting networks didn’t allow him to criticize politicians while he wrote for the Navy. He doesn’t like Alan Colmes, nor does he like Limbaugh and Hannity.

But he’s angry at the American media because they don’t pay attention to IVAW and their weak “testimony”.

Baddorf complains that all of the armed forces broadcasts are presented “without context, critique and analysis”. I’m not sure that’s even the job of a journalist – a journalist reports the truth without critique and analysis. The public doesn’t need to be told what to think about events. they just need to be told that happened and the facts surrounding it. Journalists are generally idiots with no experience in anything. But Baddorf, who is smarter than you ever thought you could be) thinks he needs to tell us what to think.

In the second video, he lies – he said he was in the Persian Gulf for six months, but he was there only about a month. The whole ship tour was six months from the time it left San Diego until it sailed back into port – I got that information from the ship’s webpage for the post i wrote yesterday (because a quick search on Baddorf’s name told me his testimony would be of little consequence). Baddorf should have done the same thing. I’ll include Baddorf’s testimony, but it you don’t feel like you want to spend 25 minutes being talked to like a child, I’d skip it if I were you;

And I guessed right yesterday, that mop-headed commie Darnell Stephens Summers was there the whole time.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sitting thru this drivel. What a band of malcontents and certifiable morons. More accurately just chicken shit cowards!


“I watched Christian Neumann’s testimony, but it was all in German. From his hand gestures, I guessed he was angry because laundry service in Afghanistan lost his pants.”

WRONG! He was p.o.ed ‘cuz the beer wasn’t always cold in Konduz!


COB? We got to devise some kind of award for Jonn’s pain and suffering through these a$$hats ummmm….testi-lieing er war stories….lol


What a bunch of oxygen thieves.


Blah!! I couldn’t even make it past “On Sept 11th…” Barf bucket,please.
Okay, I did it. But it was painfully obvious that Spork was right…O2 thieves.


He ran through the whole checklist of excuses of the left for not supporting the war – imperialism

Sound like Andre Shepherd was given Marxixt talking points by TJ Buonomo! 😆


Wow. Just wow.


[…] journalists? Matthis was one and there was a Navy journalist, Zack Baddorf, who testified at Winter Soldier Europe that he spent six months floating off of Iraq when his ship’s whole tour was six months from […]