Ever Wondered “Why Platte River Networks”?

| August 19, 2015

Ever wonder why Clintoon chose Platte River Networks to host her private email server?  Well, it appears that the UK’s Daily Mail got curious about that too.

So they tracked down a few former Platte River Networks employees and asked them some questions.

This is what they found.   I’ll warn ya:  “It ain’t pretty.”  But the article does appear to have a good timeline of what happened when.

Color me unsurprised.  When it comes to the Clintoons and how they operate, insider connections and plausible deniability seem to be primary concerns.

The linked article is IMO worth a read.  But after reading it, I can’t say I’ll be surprised if it turns out there really aren’t any existing backups of Clintoon’s server.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Crime, Foreign Policy, Legal

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Mike P

“…..I can’t say I’ll be surprised if it turns out there really aren’t any existing backups of Clintoon’s server……”

Maybe or maybe not, but I suspect that the possibility of a backup or that the FBI can pull even a bit of information off the “wiped” server has some close Clinton associates questioning just how much loyalty they have to the queen. It could be an interesting few months.


Agreed – the company doesn’t appear to be a shady LLC set up for this sole purpose, so surely they kept backups. Unsecured, but perhaps (hopefully?) encrypted backups, but that should be recoverable with enough pressure.

I don’t think you’ll find much more that isn’t already known though – she had classified messages there, which is bad. There’s no word yet on whether the people who managed the system had a security clearance, but I’d guess not – and having people who aren’t vetted/cleared with root access to a server with classified material is also another no-no.

The size of the company doesn’t bother me; some smaller, more nimble ones might be better than large ones with more people in the know for this sort of thing. But the flagrant disregard for common sense and the denials and bending of truth in the wake of this is a pretty strong indicator of how unfit she is for any high level position, let alone President.


I read the article – and yes, there was a connection, but I don’t immediately attribute that to malice. People often rely on friends suggestions for recommendations on services; the company itself doesn’t seem nefarious.

Put another way, if this was some shady LLC with offshore accounting and no office, formed right before Hillary ‘hired them’ to do her stuff, I’d laugh at the idiocy of her team. If one of her tech people was told find a company who can do private email servers, and someone else from the team said, “Oh, hey, we know these guys who did it for so-and-so in Colorado — check them out.”, and thus they got hired that way, no big deal.

And the fact that employees were asked to keep it quiet is just good sense. Civilians without any counter-intelligence training make ripe targets if word did get out. For everyone’s sake, it was just wise not to trumpet the fact.

As for backups, that’s the funny thing – if they were done, wiping them requires more than just deleting them. You can recover ‘deleted’ info pretty easily. To really get rid of stuff, you need to write randomized data over the info several times, which is probably done as a matter of course on the servers themselves… but on backup tapes, I’d be somewhat surprised unless someone pretty knowledgeable supervised the protocol. It could happen, but seldom does.

Overall though, I don’t think you’re going to find much more – all the damning evidence has already come to light. What else might they find that substantially changes this already bad scenario?


The problem is in the timeline. Up to the Guciffer hack, Hillary was running everything on her home brew e-mail server located at her house. After the hack, the “oh $hit” alarms went off and she migrated to Platte River, presumably for some level of security that she couldn’t maintain, and had her home brew server scrubbed by a professional company. Anyone want to bet that none of those “personal e-mails” about weddings, funerals, and yoga made it to Platte River?


She said she’s never SENT any classified emails, but she sure as shit received them. That means SOMEONE had to have sent them to her. Where the hell is that individual, and why hasn’t he/she been slammed with all sorts of charges yet?

Plus, she was a fucking PDB customer and cabinet member. She would know if the information she was looking at was or should have been classified, so the claim that she somehow didn’t know, because the classification banners and portion markings were removed or missing means she’s either lying or is beyond fucking incompetent.

Take your pick.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Printing something out that doesn’t have “Top Secret” on it doesn’t mean that it didn’t have it before it was sent or when it was received. It just wasn’t there when it was printed. Which is why they were printed.

The from address has to be on these emails. Go to the source.

The bet is that no one has the original email in their sent folder with the TS designation to a “Clinton.com” email address on it. Or DoS doesn’t want to find it.

If Huma takes the fall, so what. Her lawyer? Again so what. Some poor kid just out of law school in the law office that printed them out? Ibid…

A Proud Infidel®™

Since when has anyone’s life meant anything to the Clintons when it comes to their staying ahead? I think she’s Sociopathic as well as corrupt and narcissistic.


Ever wonder why this ditzy broad didn’t follow protocol and work in DC?


Simple, she’s a sociopath-narcissist who believes that the rules don’t apply to her – just like Obama.

Hack Stone

Why isn’t she in DC? Too many interns. We all know how that turned out last time.


If this company was keeping servers in the bathroom closet, their idea of back up probably means a spare roll of toilet paper.

A Proud Infidel®™

Since when HAVEN’T the Clintons, “Blowjob Willie” or Das Hildebeast been narcissistic, conceited self-coronated royalty always demanding to be in the lap of luxury and never holding themselves accountable for their own actions or the consequences thereof? They also have a long history of abusing and misusing their power, I’m absolutely positive that Hillary Clinton is THE least qualified and most unfit Presidenial Candidate out there period, but here on TAH I’m preaching to the choir about that.


Here’s some more about Hillary in case you have forgotten. I had forgotten some of this! Folks this is scary; and this woman is running to be the President of the USA. God help us to not let this happen. This woman is getting most of her support from the way her husband acted. People gave her all the sympathy for the evil that her husband did; therefore, this made her popular. True or not, it is interesting… No — scary is the word. But we know it is true . . . . unless you have lost your memory – in which case get someone to help you vote “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” If you’re under 50 you really need to read this, if you are over 50, share it with those under fifty. When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts. Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children. Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration. Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison,… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

I had forgotten some of that myself. What part of the Clintons’ history ISN’T a perpetual trail of waste, corruption, cronyism, obstruction, opaqueness, and malfeasance (I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface)?


But she could use her futures-trading expertise to get us back on sound financial footing…


But what people really want to know:

What kind of cigar does she like?

RGR 4-78

That would be one nasty cigar.


Lunchtime, the news comes up with the story about those mysteriously missing e-mails. shrillary waves her hands in the air again, protests her innocence, insists that she gave 50,000 pages of stuff to investigators, then says it was ‘everything’. Huh? What? She counted the pages she handed over?

Even my cynical self can’t even figure out if she’s just plain lying, or thinks that being so wide-eyed innocent in appearance will work, or actually does not know what the hell she’s talking about, because she’s an incompetent idiot who shouldn’t have responsibility for anything more important than Huggies for her grandchild.

My cynical self also says it’s probably all three mixed into one vile brew, with a drip and drab of deviousness thrown in and a whole wagonload of contempt for all the rest of us.

The Party of Hell No!

In reading the Daily Mail Online story; it seems they have recently moved into a new building and have 20 – 30 employees – as pictured. By the pictures this appears to be a successful hosting service. As such if this is their business, they know and we understand there are backups. The consequences for such a business if caught conspiring with individuals to erase, delete, or try and conceal public records whether Government, or private corporation/business are door shuttering, fine inducing, prison time producing. They know the law, they knew these were .gov or whatever domain the state department was using and they CTA’s by backing up everything. The “wiped server” is an attempt to snooker one group of politicians by another group of politicians who think they are computer/network savvy; but just morons. They fail to realize beneath them are real people owning and running companies and career bureaucrats who will loose everything (Not to mention prison time.)if they do not follow the law. Therefore these individuals do not wipe servers, shred hard drives, or permanently delete emails emanating from within the government bureaucracy. As proof see Louis Lerner, IRS and her emails now found. Another thing – why the Daily Mail? A British tabloid outdid all the American Journalists? Reminds me of the Enquirer, Monica Lewinski, Billy Jeff and John Edwards and his love child. Man the American press has a major blind spot. I guess they are such weenies they no longer have egos about being beaten by a British Tabloid. Finally some speculation. I believe the connection is not Hillary it is Bill. Given Bill’s salacious public record and his known connection to Jefferey Epstein – convicted pedophile and his visits to Mr. Epstein’s island. Mr. Clinton cannot help himself, the next best thing is to find an obscure, small, private, secure, unknown email hosting service of a friend- of a friend to manage your communications you really don’t want anyone to know about. Especially when it is dealing with possible illegal activity with a known felon. This is why the lie is often repeated… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

I still can’t believe there are people out there willing to support a disbarred Attorney that’s married to Monica Mewinsky’s ex-boyfriend in her bid for POTUS!! Chelsea Clinton has a cushy $300+K a year job fresh out of college, I wonder if she’d have that if her parents weren’t “Blowjob Willie” and Das Hildebeast? /sarc


Don’t you DARE criticize a member of the Privileged Class!!! Why, they’re likely to spy on your mails, send their police or FB, gerrymander your voting rights, or… oh, wait….

They’re all the same, the Political Plutocracy. They live in another world, where there is only shame in being caught, and simpletons like us just – don’t – matter.