Wednesday morning feel good stories

| August 19, 2015

In Aiken County, Georgia, Emilio Rojas awoke to a room full of people he didn’t know. One of them whacked him in the head which motivated him to get his revolver. He discharged the firearm several times during a physical altercation, but the people in his room took his gun from him and un-assed the AO. As the three stooges left his home, the one with his gun fell down and discharged the gun one more time. The police found Dontrell Washington-Allison at the hospital getting his non-life-threatening wounds treated while a search of the area around Rojas’ home turn up the other three who were apparently not motivated to leave the scene of the crime.

In Jackson, Mississippi, a homeowner found someone breaking into his car, so he unleashed a flurry of gunfire at the criminal, which caused the criminal to fire back – apparently a couple of vehicles were hit, but nothing else. It also woke the neighborhood. It kind of sounds like the thief was arrested, but, apparently, in Mississippi journalism school, they urge writers to leave little details like that for your imagination.

Chief Tango sends us a story which happened in Oakland Park, Florida. Andrew Hepburn was ordered to the floor of his auto-parts store by Conrad Bloomfield. When Andrew wasn’t quick enough, Conrad whacked him with his gun. Andrew then took the gun away from Bloomfield and shot him five times in the chest. Hepburn was shot by another gunman on overwatch and then made his escape. Police took both wounded men to the hospital where they’re recovering.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a car thief was trying to escape from police by breaking into a nearby home. The uncooperative homeowner discharged his firearm in the general direction of the criminal who changed direction without injury and police are still looking for him.

In Whitley County, Indiana, a homeowner was forced to defend himself in his yard with his gun. There are no details, but Adam Porter was DRT and 62-year-old David Hagan, was released from police custody.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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A Proud Infidel®™

ONE DRT out of five FG Stories, RANGE TIME, PEOPLE!!


Lotta lead flew but only 1 DRT?


In the Jackson, MS story….in NYS the order of events would have to be reversed. Bad guy shoots, or a gun is seen causing fear of imminent harm/death, then the good guy can fire. Can’t just start shooting at a “car burglar” (class A misdemeanor) unless you can verbalize that your life or that of a third person was in danger. Yeah, it sucks!

In the Florida story….what in the hell was the bad guy carrying, an air-soft pistol?? – – Shot five times in the chest with his own gun and he’s not DRT?? Wow!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

“5 times in the chest and in the hospital recovering”?
Even the thieves are bringing pea shooters to the gunfights. A .22 loaded with shorts is hardly a weapon.
Only one DRT in 5 incidents, not good enough at all. A weapon is not a warning device. Properly used it is a stopping device. Know your weapon, get intimate with it, feel and fondle it, and get it all hot and bothered by sending lead down its barrel, and do it often.


‘Get it all hot and bothered’?????

Is there something you aren’t telling us, Frankie?

CC Senor

Phallic symbol?

(not safe for work)


Five shootings and only one taxpayer relief shot.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Taxpayer relief shot”, GOOD ONE, mind if I steal that sometime? 😀