VFP Geezers make blunt point

| September 24, 2008

TSO sent me this article about the Veterans For Peace brave occupation of a four-foot ledge at the National Archives building yesterday (probably to protest my birthday which is becoming a National Day of celebration).

On Tuesday morning, September 23, 7:30am, at the front of the National Archives Building on Constitution Ave. in Washington, D.C., five military veterans will risk arrest as they climb a 9-foot retaining fence and occupy a 35-foot high ledge to raise a 22×8 foot banner stating, “DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION.  ARREST BUSH AND CHENEY: WAR CRIMINALS!”

Of course, why they occupy the National Archives facade is curious. Other than the Roman style pillars that provide a classical background, it makes no sense. Well except to them. I found a sympathetic blog with more information and another picture;

Tarak Kauff, 67, former Army Airborne, who provided ground support throughout, said in a phone interview, “We’re always told to ‘write your Congressman,’ and we have. Only this time we brought a letter they couldn’t miss. We’ve made our point writ large that Bush and Cheney are war criminals and must be arrested and prosecuted. Impeach them if we can, but we’re not holding our breath for Congress to act. The kingpins of this criminal administration will be brought to justice, along with many of their lieutenants.”

Well, then why didn’t you do something REALLY brave and occupy Congress instead of shooing pigeons and scraping squirrel shit off of the National Archives? This proves that age doesn’t always bring wisdom. The participants (about whom I’m sure Raoul has some stories) are listed as;

Elliott Adams: 61, NY, VFP President and former Army paratrooper in Viet Nam; Ellen Barfield: 52, MD, former U.S. Army Sgt., full-time peace and justice advocate; Kim Carlyle: 61, NC, mountain homesteader, former Army Spec 5; Diane Wilson: 59, TX, shrimp boat captain, former Army medic; Doug Zachary: 58, TX, VFP staff, former USMC LCpl discharged as a conscientious objector; and Tarak Kauff (ground support) 67, NY, painting contractor, former U.S. Army Airborne.

Funny how so many claim to be partroopers. I’d like to see their jump logs. I’ll email them mine in return. I wonder why so few cooks and clerks join the VFP, VVAW and the IVAW.

Of course, now the geezers of VfP are aping the youngsters of IVAW now. Here’s some pictures I took in March of the pinheads “occupying” the same spot on the same building.

At least VFP learned how to properly display the flag. And VFP wasn’t really “risking arrest” since Kokesh and his merry band of drama queens didn’t get arrested back in March. Did I mention that the National Archives is probably the worst place to make a scene? It sits back from Constitution Ave so you can’t even see the facade until you’re passing it. If they weren’t there for the pillars, they could’ve picked a better place.

Category: Politics

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Bridget tFMC

I saw this on the news last night. On that channel, they seemed to be trying to make some statement about being there because that is where the Declaration of Indpendence and the Constitution are housed.

Jonn wrote: There’s also a picture of Nixon shaking hands with Elvis…that sounds like a more likely reason to me.

Raoul Deming

I remind the IVAW that their VVAW puppetmasters who run THE VFP and them haS GOT them repeating all the VVAW events from their Glory Days. They’ll be doing ‘Gimma an “F”‘…” anyday now.

The situation has gotten worse and now the VVAW/VFP has the IVAW repeating the repeats.

Adams is VVAW hardcore, Wilson is one of the founders of Code Pink.

Compared to their last visit there, nobody showed. One local story in the local TV news and that’s about all the publicity they got.

Too bad I wasn’t there with my Half Mile Hailer…..”Jump…Don’t try to save yourself…You have nothing to live for….”

Their plan was to quit the next morning at 7:30, so you you may question their patriotism, you can’t question their dedication.

Raoul Deming

[I saw this on the news last night. On that channel, they seemed to be trying to make some statement about being there because that is where the Declaration of Indpendence and the Constitution are housed.]

Like these clowns respect the Constitution. The VFP had a meeting with Conyers and they wrapped themselves in the flag to justify a coup d’etat if they didn’t get their way.

DC VFP’s Tony Teolis told Conyers that the Constitution is broken if Bush and Cheney aren’t impeached, so they (VFP) would fall back on the Declaration of Indpendence and start shooting people.


Raoul- That jump comment needed a spew alert!!


So in other words, it’s just more of their foolishness? Or did I misunderstand?

Andrew Wang

Bush is the worst president in American history. Bush facilitated the 9/11 attacks. Subsequently, Bush lied to Congress and the American people relative to the reasons for invading Iraq. Bush purposefully misled Congress and the American people. Then, Bush murdered more than 4,000 United States service members. And Bush wounded more than 30,000 United States service members. In torturing prisoners of war, Bush patently violated the Geneva Convention. Bush unlawfully wiretapped United States citizens. In using “signing statements” to challenge hundreds of laws passed by Congress, Bush violated the Constitution. Bush has ignored global warming. Bush is guilty of criminal negligence relative to the response to Hurricane Katrina. Bush disobeys our democratic values and Constitution. Bush is a disgrace to the United States.

Indeed, Bush should be prosecuted for war crimes.

Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA

Jonn wrote: The only thing you got right in that whole comment was the “BS” part.


Andrew, there is HELP here:



OMFG!! An asian euro-weenie wanna-be comes to This ain’t hell and spews? You know there is a 12 step program. You’ll have to get he fuck out of the USA first. Don’t let the door hit you…
Just keep signing your name, son. We’ll be able to save your ass when needed, even if you are lost in confusion.

Sorry Jonn. Asshats like Andrew guy piss me off.