How The McCain Stole Christmas, a DU tale….

| September 24, 2008

(Photoshop by my internet wife Caroline)

Like I need to tell you where this comes from.

QuestionAll (1000+ posts) Wed Sep-24-08 10:05 AM
Would an Obama win help save the Christmas shopping season…?
all reports are predicting a VERY GRIM holiday shopping season, for myriad reasons, many that should be fairly obvious…gas prices, food prices, economic uncertainty…yadda tadda yadda…


if WHEN Obama wins, will it give the population enough of a sense of optimism for the future and changes that are hopefully coming, that they find a way to go out and spend some money on gifts and the like to help them feel even that much better…?

and if they steal it for mccain, we’ll have one of the worst xmas shopping seasons EVER.

Dude, and just imagine what he will do to other Holidays.

I heard he was a founding member of the Temperance movement, which means both St Paddy’s Day and Cinco de Mayo are screwed. He can’t eat sweets, so goodbye Easter, no chocolate bunnies and animal shaped marshmallow treats for you. And Thanksgiving? Puhleez- the man is the one who gave the native Americans the polo tainted blankets.

Word has it that Columbus Day will be okay. Only time will tell, but for the sake of our planet, our children, and the entire Time/Space Continuum, how could we take a chance by voting McCain?

Category: Politics

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As a concerned Christian and Republican who has voted for GOP candidates since Hoover, I am dismayed by John McCain’s lack of attention to the problems of the common American Indian with polo tainted blankets. I could see a Ralph Lauren blanket, or maybe even an Amy Grant Target blanket, but Polo? How day rigair. Whatever that means.
Therefore I am voting for Obama because otherwise I would be racist. Thank you.

TSO: Thank you Tom, on behalf of myself, Chief Running Mouth, Gaia, and the guy played by Jean Claude Van Damme in that true story movie Time Cop who made it with Ferris Bueller’s girlfriend.


You notice that if McCain wins (Please God) that they are setting it up already as he ‘stole’ the election? The left just cannot fathom that anyone would have a different viewpoint from theirs. They just stand there like the character from The Princess Bride repeating “Inconceivable!!”


Well, I, for one, am glad the man gave Polo blankets to the Indians–it’s better than a blanket made by that sissy bastard Tommy Hilfiger!

509th Bob

Your post wasn’t entirely clear to me to whom “him” was. I couldn’t tell whether you referring to Obama, or McCain.

If it was Obama, I certainly couldn’t see how Columbus Day would be preserved, since it celebrates the outrageously Euro-Centric view about Europeans “finding” America. Obama, and Rev. Wright, would certainly froth at the mouth about “typical White people” doing such a thing.

If it was McCain, a presumably “typical White person,” I can see where he wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to Columbus Day, although (of the day) Central Europeans were certainly NOT aligned with Spaniards and Portugese (Sp.?) of the period. By the name “McCain,” it certainly suggests that he is of Irish ancestry, and there is no apparent record of Irish opposition to the discovery of the Americas. But who knows? Is he against drinking alcohol (as an Irishman?!?), eating turkey at Thanksgiving (When English settlers later screwed the Indians? Well, maybe, and perhaps deservedly so!), can’t eat sweets and chocolate (I have an allergy to chocolate, but I don’t demand that others avoid it, and I’m diabetic, so I have to avoid sweets) and hates the Christmas Season? I thought you were talking about OBAMA!

Please be more precise in your future posts.

Thus Spake Ortner

I shall endeavor to do so sir. But I was referring to McCain and goofing on how idiotic this morons post was.