William Mourvneen Johnson; Delta Farce guy?

| October 25, 2012

Scotty sends us a link to more of his research on phonies. This one is William Mourvneen Johnson who claims he was in Beirut sniping away with a rifle that didn’t exist for another decade.

He claims that he served in the Marines until 2007, but the Marines swear that he didn’t make it through basic training back in 1980;

Of course, that’s because his records have been redacted because he was serving in a special operations Marine unit that didn’t exist when he was in the Marines. As proof of his service he produces these ID cards;

His ID card is the same color as my wife’s ID card. Mine is blue. So I figure that he may be a dependent and he may have been discharged from basic training (or boot camp, or whatever) for medical reasons. Nothing wrong with that, but there is something wrong with claiming to be a bunch of stuff that he’s not. And if I’m not mistaken, he looks like the guy that was in the Larry the Cableguy’s movie Delta Farce, so he’s got that going for him.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Wow, The resemblance is identical. I wonder if he watched the movie & had flashbacks of when he ” almost ” became an infantryman in the Corps ?


I got out after 4 years due to disability, and after I got 100% from the VA they told me I was eligible for a card to get PX privileges….it looks just like that. DAVPRM means Disabled Veteran/Permanent.

As far as the rest of his story…

Just another turd that needs to be flushed.

So many these days.


Of course, now I’m curious if he’s defrauding the VA…


He is claiming to have a diff. SSN than when he served his 6 month enlistment JP. That is enough to entice an investigation into the matter.


Excellent, Scotty!

Keep up the great work.


He couldn’t possibly have served, and I know what his medical discharge was for. If they put a steel pot/kevlar on that noggin, his neck couldn’t possibly support it.

Discharge reason: no backbone.




In those days of the Iranian held US hostages (prisoners of war), many covert snipers were needed. Drop outs from USMC were often used. Look it up or just ask this guy.

The thing that pushes his story over the edge to believablity is the Marine Corps flag misplaced over the flag of the United States of Amercia with an after market M-4 with bullshit optics inappropraiteley laying on top of the flags.

The gaunt look on his dependant or whatever the fu*k kind of ID card it is says … please let me use the PX and Exchange for cheap cigs and Wild Turkey. And his happy smile on the VA ID says, I can’t believe I got away with it.

Other than that … REAL DEAL!


2-17 Air Cav

The FB exchanges (available through the link) are great. The Maureen starts strong and ends with a tail-between-the-legs whimper. Says he in the big finish, “I know what I have done and thats [sic] all that matters.” Too bad he didn’t have the same perspective before he got caught. He would have had little to say to anyone if he had said only what he had actually done. Nice work.

2-17 Air Cav

@4. Identity theft? Switched SSNs with a legitimate?


Logically, if this person (I use that term loosely) was old enough (18?) to enlist in 1979, by now he’d be pushing past 50, which he does not appear to be doing.

Granted, being a secret squirrel can allow for time warps into the future to escape retribution from unseen, shadowy and vengeful enemies, but considering that smoking stogies and boozing it up do some serious damage to your skin, but that can be repaired with cosmetic surgery, so something about this stinks worse than the aftereffects of 3-bean salad.


M16 7.62×39 in the ’80s…nice.

Reminds me of the artillery battery during the Civil War that fired Copperhead rounds.

Must have been an ancestor of his.


Don’t yout dair degragate this Marine Snipper. He will procectute yous all to the fullist exdent of the law by God All Mighty darn you all!


What state does he hail from? I think I have a mug shot on him!

Virtual Insanity

Looks like Upper Peninsula in Michigan from his FB.

Green Thumb


CI Roller Dude

Wow…6 months…. shit, I have more time than that in the chow line


Do you think he slipped on a pea or a lima bean and broke his tailbone?


Come on.. look at this guy! he is a monster I tell ya, why I bet he could lift both his weapon AND a magazine… at the SAME TIME!!. What a brute!


You guys are wrong. That blue symbol that looks like some kid wrote on it in crayon means that after almost 7 months of intense boot camp, he was drafted into secret squirrel school. Of course his official docs would end after that. It’s secret. That’s how you can tell he’s legit.

2-17 Air Cav

@20. Okay, that sounds reasonable, Teddy. [Thinking, thinking, thinking] I do have a question. If you–and presumably others–can determine from the absence of records that he was drafted into Secret Squirrel School, doesn’t that broadcast to the world that he is, in point of fact, a Secret Squirrel? Doesn’t that blow his squirrel coat?


He must have a sweet time machine or deep pockets…he claims that the rifle in the pic is a Colt, but the lower receiver has a Rock River rollmark. So. He either A. Convinced Colt to make him a custom one-off lower with another company’s logo, or B. traveled forward in time to 1996 when Rock River was founded and brought the rifle back to the “early 80’s”. Either way, an astounding feat. Can’t wait for his book to come out; it’s going right next to Spooky 8 on my bookshelf.


Where I grew up, this guy would be called a “LSoS”. Translation of acronym available on request.


Like it has been noted many times before, it amazes me how these turds brag about their secret exploits on FB and then when confronted about it they claim they can’t talk about it since it’s classified.


His family tree research has come back .It seems that Dullass Wittingfeltup is his father and Tony Meyers is his Mother. His uncles name is Cookie South and he has a dog named Bowser


So what’s the ‘service connected’ part?


Did you ever have one of those days when you just wanted to go into a bar, pick a spot near the corner, and just sit there with a half-empty glass of colored liquid with a peculiar odor, and just drool and talk to yourself?


@ Hondo … Let me take a stab at it!

LSoS – Lazy Sack of Sh*t!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hondo, we had those sacks where I’m from too, the fake rifle does go nicely with the fake stories I guess….or maybe he’s testing the old proverb “tell a friend a lie, if he keeps it secret tell him a truth?”

Of course if he were a little more well read he might have remembered Kahlil Gibran’s quote, ““If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@29 replace lazy with lying and I think you are on it my friend….


@ VOV … either way …still works!



The “service connected” part on his VA ID means he has a service connected disability.

I’m sure it has something to do with the time travel between the 80’s and 90’s to get that 7.62×39…I’ve heard warping can be hell on the body, and from the looks of this guy, I believe it.


I’m perplexed about the whole ID card thing, but having 2 different SSN’s raises quite a few questions. Having looked at his NAVC 118 (3) (Chronological Record), he was assigned to an “Administrative” platoon while at ITS for “medical reasons”, where he spent 2 months, 25 days. His period of TEMPORARAY DUTY WHILE UNDER INSTRUCTION (“TEMINS”) was terminated on 8 Feb 1980, and he was picked up the next day for “awaiting discharge”, where he likely remained on permanent light duty and picked up cigarette butts around Camp San Onofre (52 Area), waiting for his med board to finalize (presuming that’s the reason why he separated). His discharge date of 22 Feb 1980 corresponds with the FOIA info. From a historical perspective, had he been part of any replacements for the 24d MEU (Beirut), he would have originated from Lejeune. No part of his records indicate he EVER served on the East Coast. Poser/wannabe.


Close, MCPO. VOV nailed it.


What’s even funnier is that he claims to have had 18 months combat time using the weapon from the future (after arriving in Beirut 48 hrs after the bombing?) Really? That’s an impossibility itself, as President Reagan ordered a withdrawal on 7 Feb 1984 which was completed on the 26th… and that ain’t 18 months.


Now we know who wrote this ad


Just an Old Dog

It’s very possible the IDs are valid. Looks like he finished boot camp then got injured and boarded out, basically medically retired, It still doesn’t cover the fact that all the rest is bullshit. I ran the seps platoon at MCRD in 94′ and had several guys that went through get VA ratings. Some had only been thee a few days. They got jacked up, then came to me and spent a few months waiting for med board.


Looks like he’s also attempting to violate the law by asking for an illegal transfer of a Title II firearm… Hmmm, I wouldn’t normally do this to anyone, but does anyone have contacts at BATFE?


Jesus, don’t do that, PP. Bubba’s schlong is thicker than he is. Christ, that poor boy’ll end up gutted like a trout.


What kind of permit is required when transporting a weapon through time travel?

And who issues it??



You guys are all doomed. I just found out the William Blake, the Round Marine, and William Mourvneen Johnson were all in the same USMC basic class. They are forming a new organization to come after Value Vultures – like you!

The Association of Secret Squirrels (ASS) will seek out, document, develop alligations from alligators, use laws that either don’t exist, laws from foreign countries, and or laws that don’t apply due to jurisdickshunal boundries, and procecute all violinators.



We have found out what his discharge was for. It seems that our super secert squirel had a vagina and they dint catch it until he was at ITS.


[…] William Mourvneen Johnson; Delta Farce guy? […]


[…] 11) William “Guns of the South” Johnson […]