Weinstein and cast defend bin Laden movie

| October 26, 2012

I’ve seen reports that say the Harvey Weinstein project due to be broadcast on PBS two days before the election about the bin Laden raid has been edited to make Mitt Romney look bad, but I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know, but the Stars & Stripes says Weinstein and crew are denying it;

National Geographic Channels CEO David Lyle says the film was indeed recut – but to show less footage of the president than an earlier version of the film.

“I think the end titles run longer than Obama’s time on screen,” Lyle said.

The movie has been accused by conservatives of having a political agenda in part because of its Nov. 4 premiere date and its backing by Obama supporter Harvey Weinstein. On Wednesday, The New York Times reported that a copy of the film provided to the paper showed that it had been recut to strengthen Obama’s role.

Fox News reports this about the movie;

But rather than focusing on the heroes who carried out the mission, President Obama now takes center stage in the film, with voice-overs, still photographs and archival footage being added after “SEAL Team Six” was purchased in May for a reported $2.5 million by Harvey Weinstein, a big supporter of the President.

Not only that, Meghan O’Hara – a producer for Obama supporter Michael Moore’s films “Fahrenheit 9/11,” “Sicko” and “Bowling for Columbine” – was the one hired to gather that extra footage.

A report in the New York Times said the new footage serves to “strengthen Mr. Obama’s role and provide a window into decision-making in the White House,” a move the report says will “bolster claims that the 90-minute film amounts to a political stunt.”

Indeed FrontPageMag.com called it an “Obama Infomercial From Michael Moore’s Favorite Producer” which they say is essentially “about the man that sat on his ass while they (SEAL Team Six) risked their lives.”

Those reports are at odds, so I guess which ever side you’re on, the movie is not going support your view. I tend to believe the New York Times report, in this case, but I guess we’ll see.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I’m not sure what the fuss is. I’m sure it will be just as accurate and realistic as Kathryn Bigelow’s last film, The Hurt Locker.


My guy on the inside leaked me a screenshot where the movie portrays the team that went on this mission:



What is sad is the Metropolitan USO of Washington DC sent out an e-mail offering tickets to the premier of this POS movie. It seems the producers want military folks there to make it look like they have our support…


Does anyone really think that people will make up their minds 2 days before the election based on a movie. We already know that he got bin laden, he says so everyday.

2-17 Air Cav

I’m concerned that the film may spark violence in the Middle East where the killing of OBL is not viewed as a happy event. Will obama/Clinton heighten security at our embassies and consulates THIS time? Will Clinton decry the mindlessness of Weinstein in producing such an antagonistic film? Is Rice on the ready to tell the UN that this was unacceptable and will the idiot Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ask the film’s supporters to disavow the film? Inquiring minds want to know!


True or not, it’s this guy’s right to make this video and release it when he chooses is it not? Like Jeff said, 2 days before the elections most people are going to know who they’re voting for. I’ve already established my criteria for who I’m voting for and it includes R & D

The Dead Man

#6 He’s got the right to release it just like we’ve got to bash him for an obvious attempt to shill for the supposed leader. Besides, someone above nailed it, it’ll be about as accurate as Hurt Locker was. Hell, after asking one tech about the movie, he told me it was a fun action flick, but that I should check out Juggernaut instead.


Theatrical release may well be safe, but advertising same on the public airwaves may not be. I seem to remember Fred Thompson being forced to give up his acting gig on “Law and Order” a few years ago due to legal restrictions on TV time promoting political candidates.

Don’t know if the law in that area has changed since then or not.


@2 JP — not something I want to see before breakfast!! LMAO.


I’m sure it will be as accurate as the short lived, yet horrible, tv series about Iraq “Over There”.


#7 you’re absolutely right…bash to your heart’s content. I have other things to occupy my time with

Common Sense

I can’t find where I read it, but the National Geographic CEO made them edit out a part where they said Mitt Romney didn’t support executing the raid. They said they didn’t want it to be political.

However, they did edit it to enhance Obama’s fantasy role, a role that’s been debunked a hundred times.

Special Ops OPSEC is airing an ad during the film:


I hope it plays on every single commercial break.

Just an Old Dog

Lay Off POTUS, his community organizin’ skills led to the success of the raid.