NOAA needs 46,000 rounds of .40 cal. ammo

| August 14, 2012

Business Insider reports that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Weather Service is in the market for 46k rounds of .40 caliber bullets for some reason. Maybe it’s their new method for scaring hurricanes away or something.

The National Weather Service stations in Ellsworth, Maine, and New Bedford, Mass., are slated to receive 16,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets.


6,000 rounds of S&W JHP will be sent to Wall, New Jersey and another 24,000 rounds of the same bullets will be handed over to the station in St. Petersburg, Florida.

This comes on the heels of the Department of Homeland Security buying 450 million rounds a few months back.

Right after DHS placed their order, I ordered some green tip 5.56mm and I just got my ammo can full yesterday from 5 months on backorder. Of course, I was holding out for stripper clips, because I don’t load my magazines a bullet at a time. But it seems to me that the government is buying up all of this ammo to make it harder for us private citizens to get it. Cheaper Than Dirt jacked their prices up $20/400 rounds of 5.56mm right after that government order in March.

I guess if they can’t get our guns, they’ll price ammo out of our reach. I don’t have any .40 cal. Short & Weak weapons, though. I opted for the 10mm instead, and the 10mm is too manly for government agents.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Guns

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I just got a couple boxes of .45 JHP at Wal-Mart last week. The wife works in sporting goods, so she calls whenever they get .45 or .40 in. It’s been a while since they got .40. Earlier this year, they just didn’t get anything in, other than ball ammo.
And, why does NOAA need any ammunition?


Ah, yes. I wonder what New York will do knowing that so much ammunition is sitting on their border. Heir Bloomberg will probably organize a police raid to seize the ammunition across state lines, claiming it was part of a terrorist investigation. With his track record, he might even do it in Florida and Maine, too. Probably not in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts… that would be like Germany invading Japan in WWII… he has to keep his allies well stocked to fight off the rest of the country.

Personally, I still keep my ammo box filled, but I have taken to bow and crossbow. Some people say that it is a fad from Hunger Games, but when the sh*t hits the fan, do you really think ammunition will be freely purchased anymore?


Let em buy all they want….some of us make custom loads 😉


Time to stock up on .45 again…(sigh)

CI Roller Dude

When I do training, I’ve found most people don’t know the 10mm is better than the .40 cal, but too many folks can’t handle it, so they came up with the “10mm lite” AKA forty Cal.
Other shocking news- the .40 cal has a harder kick than the .45 ACP.


Gun toting paranoiac….


Considering that both NOAA is a uniformed service [who knew]…and that NOAA HQ and satellite sites employ armed security, I can see the use for handgun ammo in some quantity at least. 16000 could be the annual alottment.

Either that, or weather weenies are part of the big conspiracy [ala Infowars].

Veritas Omnia Vincit

As a captive resident for over 20 years in the peoples republic of massachusetts (married a nice Irish girl who loves the city of Westfield, oddly also the home of Ranger Burrell, so I will be here a bit yet) I can tell you New Bedford is a bit of a sh1thole…maybe the NOAA intends to clean house around the station.

AW1 Tim

I can see this as part of a “buy it up” program to keep it out of the hands of civilians.

The only worries up here in Maine is the large influx of Somali refugees that absolutely refuse to assimilate and are apparently hell-bent on creating their own “Little Somalia” up here, bit by bit.

Old Tanker

CI should win a prize….. infowars is already all over it!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@9 A bulldozer to push them back into the sea is probably a little extreme?

I am not interested in working with j4goffs from foreign lands who bailed to get out of their sh1thole only to be too effing stupid to realize why this is better than their piece of sh1t homeland…time to end all census check box breakdowns and just have 2 one for Americans and one for legally resident aliens…where you came from doesn’t matter once you are here, if where you came from was something to be proud of you would still be there. So get over what you were and embrace where you are and what you want to become. We appreciate your history and heritage, but it’s meaningless here unless you can’t get over it in which case maybe it’s time to go back. We are at our best when we are not constantly reminded by those who would lead us that because we are all so different we should be suspicious of those who look different, make more money, believe in a different god, etc.

America is for those who believe individual freedom should trump the state’s power to oppress us, that the will of the majority should never be used to limit the individual’s right to exist unshackled by the views of the majority.

If that concept is too hard for you, stay the fuck out we don’t need you.


Paul Watson, Infowars, is shocked that DHS is purchasing more ammo, “including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.” Got news for him, .40 and .45 will do that, too.
It’s like the letters to the editor in the local fishwrap Sunday. 3 of the letters lamented that “automatic assault rifles” were used in the latest round of shootings, and that “automatic weapons” must be kept out of everyone’s hands.


Hehe.. he said ‘stripper’…


I work for NWS, something smells fishy…bad fishy…would bet if you called the weather stations they wouldn’t know what your talking about. Sounds like it’s being bought, they say its NWS but it’s going somewhere else…


The ammo will be used in part, in conjunction, and in support of with the US Navy’s Mermaid Eradication Program. For images of Real Mermaids:


Only kidding about the Mermaids. The reson is probably: Their OIG or Special Agents are probably switching from .357 to .40. Most agencies have been conducting such a switch in the past few years. I switched from SIG 229 .357 to SIG 229 .40 back in 2009. Now I just carry a itzy bitzy Glock … hidden so the bad guys don’t know … just in case!


I may have missed the point here. All this post (comments included) has done is leave me jonesin for the range. Who’s taking me shooting? Pick me up in Michigan =)


MCPO’s comment 16 is plausible. NOAA had nearly 7000 employees in 2006. If only 100 of NOAA’s folks have reason to carry a pistol, that works out to 160 rounds per individual. I’m not sure that’s enough for practice and qualification twice a year.


See, this is why crossbows are my preferred hunting utensil. That, and my cameras — I’m just out there getting venison and butterflies. 🙂 And you can recycle/reuse the arrows, too. Very economical in a sluggishe economy.
And not a fad, Flagwaver. Many hunters prefer the compound and/or crossbow.
And fall is coming, too, so maybe the NOAA folks need the ammo so that they can stock the larder and freezer.

Country Singer

CI, come on, you didn’t already know the WXWeenies were involved? Chem Trails, man! CHEM TRAILS!!!!!!!11!Eleventy! Oh shit, I need to go buy more vinegar and tin foil!

Country Singer

Crap, it chem trails or HAARP? Can’t keep my whackjob conspiracies straight…HAARRRPPPPP!!!!


LZ I would gladly take you shooting here in New Jersey on the MWR Range.

I own two .40 and I love shooting them. They can keep buying up all they want. There is a few guys who will reload from the range for a reasonable price.


“This comes on the heels of the Department of Homeland Security buying 450 million rounds a few months back.”

DHS did not buy 450 million rounds a few months back.

[insert stock lecture about IDIQ contracts here]


[…] Say What? Weather Dudes? How Much Ammo? August 14, 2012  NOAA needs 46,000 rounds of .40 cal. ammo. […]

Old Tanker

LZ, where are you in Michigan?


Current commercial production 10mm is but a shadow of the original 10mm from the early 80s, so I’ve been told. It was “de-tuned” to make the recoil more managable and to keep from battering the frame as much.


[…] clerical error August 14th, 2012 “We don’t need no stinkin’ ammo” says the Weather Service, according to the Washington Post; Due to a clerical error in the federal business vendor process, […]


I’m in Shelby township old tanker