When The Musics Over…

| August 26, 2011

The Gun Grabbing Fascists are now killing the music as well.

Via Michelle Malkin et al

US Fish and Wildlife officials have raided the famous Gibson Guitars. And the instrument-maker isn’t alone. Antique piano dealers are also in the crosshairs. Why? Because rare, beautiful instruments made of ecologically incorrect materials must be sacrificed at the green altar. Talk about hitting a sour note.

I’m a semi-retired recording engineer with a certain reverence for Gibson guitars, hence this post. Akin to ‘the guv’mint’ deciding what firearms we can handle and how they are configured, etc; they have determined that foreign laws take precedence in manufacturing guitars. I’m just paranoid enough to wonder if the UN is behind this?

From further down in the article:

“The government’s position is, that is the law of the land in Madagascar and they are saying that is the law of the land in India. That is not the case. The fact is, we have affidavits from numerous government officials – and this court case, specifically now, is forMadagascar wood. We have affidavits from virtually every govt official saying that it is legal, that their definition of what is legal is a fingerboard blank and its been exported within every certification that is necessary. So they have the arrogance to interpret Madagascar law differently than the people of Madagascar.”

Our firearms, our food, our livelihoods, and now our music? Picture a country music station being told that they must include Arabic music for the sake of diversity.

A mental/logical leap into conspiracy land? Maybe, but I wish the hurdles were a bit higher than they seem to be on that particular track to bizzarro world.

ETA: Seems there are some who see the simple acknowledgement of a visible pattern as hyperbole? I thought my closing sentence was clear, but perhaps not?

While it has been said that ignorance of a law is no excuse for breaking it, we must also accept that trying to navigate a constantly shifting landscape is excruciatingly difficult.

In the Gibson case it appears that they felt they were in compliance because THIS IS NOT THEIR FIRST EXPERIENCE in the matter cited. There are any number of similar cases in Second Amendment land as well.

I lay no blame at the feet of those with boots on the ground. Been There, Done That!

Category: Geezer Alert!, General Whackos, Pointless blather, Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

“Picture a country music station being told that they must include Arabic music for the sake of diversity.”
Does anyone here think this is an impossibility? And while we are at it, can anyone name even one job, one real worthwhile job, created by any government program anywhere?
Let’s all practice our spelling. Today’s words are:
Government Intrusion


Frankly Opinionated,

Worthwhile jobs created by government programs:

1. NASA – pretty much any job at NASA is awesome.
2. The US Military
3. The FDA – I like to know that the “beef” being served at Taco Bell once had something to do with a cow.
4. Police – I hate having them in my rear view mirror, but they do serve a very important function.
5. The Federal Bureau of Prisons – it’s a shit job with no thanks.
6. The US Marshalls – Again, everything they do is awesome.
7. The US Border Patrol – Another thankless job, but very worthwhile.
8. Immigration and Customs Enforcement – Another worthwhile job.

Government can be intrusive, but if you want no government at all, move to Somalia.


The UN is involved, and it’s not just wood, either. Bone, skins, feathers, you name it, there’s a whole host of banned imported materials that can part you and your money — and in some cases, it can part you and your freedom, as well, particularly if you’re one of the “traffickers.”

AW1 Tim

They are also on record as having seized antique pianos being imported to these United States because of the ivory used for keys and inlay. Doesn’t matter that the pianos are obviously antique and built before any of these laws or regulations were put into play. If you cannot document where the ivory came from, and that it was legally obtained, processed, transported, and every single blank on the form filled in correctly, you are losing your property and you are going to jail. It has already happened.

These enviro-fascists need to be stopped and sent packing right.fucking.now.

BTW, think this only applies to musical instruments? Do you own ivory grips on a weapon? An ivory pommeled sword, dagger or other blade? Antique Ivory or ebony handled surgical instruments or even precision wood hand tools? Perhaps an ivory or rare wood bookmark, box, humidor, or chess board? Ivory & ebony chess pieces?

All of these sorts can be used to harass, fine and/or jail you if the green gestapo decides to take an interest in you. Regardless of where you bought the item, you better pray to your Gods that you have documentation going back to when Christ was a corporal or else they will nail you.

It isn’t a reach. It isn’t a joke. It isn’t a Ron Paul lunatic theory. It is demonstrable fact. These green gestapo thugs have been given free rein to do as they please and the only hope left is either the courts, or electing a president and enough congress critters with spines who will repeal these regulations and shut down this perverse system.



US Fish and Wildlife officers are “Gun Grabbing Fascists”? Really?

I thought they were seizing some exotic wood. How on earth does that equal “gun grabbing?” In fact, I don’t see a single reference in the original story to firearms at all. Not a word.

And “Fascists”? In my experience, every single Fish & Game guy I have ever met were decent guys, very pro-gun rights, pro-hunting, pro-Second Amendment, et cetera, et cetera.

Hyperbole much?

Frankly Opinionated

Years ago, when stopped for a trucking offense in a state other than my place of residence, I was searched and had a Schrade IMITATION Scrimshaw gripped knife. It was confiscated because Scrimshaw is done on ivory and illegal. I told the cop that it was NOT Scrimshaw, but he told me that I would have to appeal for a hearing on it, appear, to get it back. Being a long haul owner operator, that was out of the picture, so I suppose some damned lazy assed cop has my knife as his own. Just one more state that I refuse to do anything to assist any cop in.


Read this story earlier today and had one of those slap your head moments – maybe it’s just a little bit reassuring to still be able to occasionally be surprised by the distance idiots will over reach?

@2: Not sure that any Constitutionally mandated function of government could/should be considered a “program.” The functions of government, and the necessary jobs to perform those functions, aren’t really jobs created by the government. They are created by the Constitution, in our case. All the stuff that isn’t in the Constitution? I might call them programs. Most filled with folks completely unnecessary to our survival as a nation.

And, no, those programs have not created a single job beyond the bloat of gubmint employees. But they certainly cost us plenty; increasingly it would appear they just might cost us our sovereignty.

AW1 Tim


Read the article. I don’t believe there’s any hyperbole being shown at all.


Frankly Opinionated

Those are not “Government programs”, but civil service, an accepted necessary part of infrastructure.
Created long, long ago, and having long term usage; as compared to such as CETA, CCC, WPA, and other “make work” programs.
I stand by my claim.

Frankly Opinionated

For those of diminished reading comprehension skills:
“Gun-grabbing Facists” is NOT referring to the Fish n Wildlife folks, but to those who direct their activities.


AW1 Tim: I read it. The hyperbole I’m talking about is this post.

Frankly Opinionated: My reading comprehension is just fine. In fact, it’s off the charts. Much like the paranoia in this post and the subsequent comments.

Deep breaths, people. Deep breaths.


At #7: NASA has created great wealth for this nation and others outstripping the money it has spent and if you don’t think so you haven’t been paying attention. Has it got some stuff wrong, you betcha. Global warming comes to mind.


@ # 12: you mean your post, your right it is full of hyperbole. 😉


@13: And you think you and I have some argument about that??


First I have diminished reading comprehension skills, now I’m a “kid.”

Here is some of the hyperbole of which i speak:

“Our firearms, our food, our livelihoods, and now our music? Picture a country music station being told that they must include Arabic music for the sake of diversity.”

That, in my opinion, is a ridiculous exaggeration, that really has nothing to do with the Gibson deal. The Gibson thing has nothing to do with “gun grabbing fascists.” Got a problem with the raid on Gibson? Hey, me too. But it is what it is.

Personally, I don’t think an investigation into some importation of exotics woods for guitars as a reason to go all Chicken Little. “Oh no! The Guvmint Stormtroopers are coming to kick in our doors because we won’t worship Allah! get the guns, boys, it’s ‘Wolverines!’ time!” The preceding statement is another good example of hyperbole, by the way. Now, if you think the Gibson deal equals radio stations being forced to play Arabic music, well, sorry, but I think that’s silly.

But hey, what do I know. I’m just a kid who can’t read, right? Hell, I’m probably a dirty liberal hippy who hates America, too. I mean, you would know, right? Can’t be any other reason I wouldn’t agree with every single sacred word in this post, right?


Now I’m done on this one, too.

Old Trooper

I’m glad you’re done, Jack, since you haven’t figured out that what Zero was talking about was the same ones that grab the guns are the same ones now going after the music through the use of environmental law, real or imagined. I understood what he was saying from the get go and I’m just a simple chimp. It’s the gummint in general and yes, it sure does have a lot to do with the Gibson case. You may think that Zero’s logical tie-in to radio stations being forced to play Arabic music is silly; but did you ever think the government would raid a guitar manufacturer for the type of wood they use or pianos being confiscated because someone can’t prove that the ivory is antique? I’m sure plenty of people that think they are much more grounded in reality ans lees paranoid would have said that’s silly, too, just a few short years ago.


Having heard arabic music on radio stations when living on the East Coast (vicinity of Norfolk Navy Base and DC), I can’t describe the comment as hyperbole, but fact.

At question is the nature of authority. Was Gibson guilty of violating law, or regulations? If the wood was illegal, then why wasn’t it confiscated at port? Why wait through a lengthy court process, then flip the bird at the judge and make the raid?

Authority is in question here. Did it come from law, and if so whose law? Did it come from regulation, and if so which law permits a regulation to supercede the court? Did it come from a court order, and if so did the judge use US law, or did the judge interpret foreign law? The Fish & Wildlife service create their own authority, and if so, when will they cede back power that isn’t theirs to take?

Gibson, Les Paul, Yamaha – doesn’t matter the brand name – it matters that our policing agencies have increasingly opted for force over fact.

Each day I’m reminded that Ratko Mladic read the same books as our green movement.


[…] as I noted earlier, pointing out a pattern isn’t hyperbole after all? Or is it? […]


[…] The Gun Grabbing Fascists are now killing the music as well. […]