Finally! Shepherd denied asylum in Germany

| April 5, 2011

We’ve been following this for years, but it seems that the Germans, after two years of dithering have finally arrived at the right decision and denied asylum for Andre Shepherd, an Army deserter. They were supposed to hand down a decision back in June 2009. I’ve been waiting for this day.

“The asylum claim was rejected because there is no evidence to suggest that the asylum seeker could have been involved in war crimes or other crimes during another posting to Iraq,” the office said in a statement.

“He could not cite any concrete crimes his unit committed during his first tour. In addition, as a helicopter mechanic, he was not in danger of becoming involved in fighting and therefore in possible crimes,” added the office.

We’ve said that since the beginning. Shepherd told the German panel at his hearing that there was a potential that he’d be sentenced to death…even though the Army hasn’t put to death a deserter since Eddie Slovik in 1945. Members of Shepherd’s unit have told us that he was so fucked up as a mechanic, on his tour Iraq they put him in charge of the gym or some shit. A guy who knew him before Shepherd joined the Army told us that Shepherd stole from him and Shepherd’s girlfriend and ended up living in his (stolen) car.

The only reason Shepherd didn’t go to Iraq the second time was because he knew Jody would get his German girlfriend.

Shepherd held a news conference Thursday in Frankfurt and claimed the Iraq War is illegal because people are killed with machine guns and Hellfire missiles. Shepherd said he feels guided by the Nuremburg Trials in making his own responsible decisions.

Strangely, he didn’t mentioned the fact that he signed a contract.

The Germans ain’t buyin’ what you’re cookin’, Andre. So I guess any Americans that find Shepherd rummaging through their dumpster can club him and turn him over the MPs. BOLO

More on future convict Shepherd and his cohorts. Is he still a member of IVAW? Someone out there knows.

Picked up at the Jawa Report.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Zero Ponsdorf

It’s gotta be said: Maybe our current CINC will pull a Carter and do the amnesty thing?

Seems like it would please his base.


I don’t believe this POTUS wants any more comparisons to Jimmeh.


I been to three county fairs and a goat fucking contest and never seen or heard of such a thing, machine guns and Hellfire Missiles in a war…WHO KNEW!

Zero Ponsdorf

DaveO #2: I dunno, you might be right, but in a series of feckless efforts… what’s one more? The campaign is (still) on.



First time I’ve ever heard Great Mistakes called a goat-f*cking contest.

What is it with the Navy and goats?


We’re only a Department of the Navy…The Mens Department.

However You really should “Fear the Goat”…What, six more months til football?

Zero Ponsdorf

Oh Geez… Marines used to guard gates for the NAVY. They did a good job, nobody stole one. I suspect the Jarheads just have an unnatural fear of goats. I think it starts in boot camp.


LOL @ “Men’s Department” I’ll have to steal that one.

As for football: not in Oklahoma. The season never stops.


Hook’em Horns!…OU or OSU?

Touche’, I’ll give you that one.

Marine 83

Well Zero, we all know what the lowest form of Marine life is….a squid! P.S. ever since we started going purple, making fun of our fellow services has been bad form. Where is the fun in that? I miss the good old days where I was allowed, nay even encouraged to hold all of the other services in well justified contempt ;-).


We had to quit teasing the Marines because it was ‘bad form’? I thought we couldn’t call you Jar Heads anymore because everyone realized you could store stuff in a jar??? 😉


Get his ass! Is this guy a member of IVAW?