The Ron Paul Revolution in full swing

| July 12, 2008

Ron Paul 046

Ron Paulians filled Constitution Avenue this morning to bring the “Second Revolutionary War” to Washington. I’ll admit that it was a pretty big crowd, the website had over 15,000 people pledged to come, but it looked like less than half that many showed up, but it was fairly impressive nonetheless. Well, compared to their gathering in April and the gatherings of other moonbats I’ve witnessed lately.

The crowd was fairly young, another point that distinguishes it from recent events,

but the elderly lunatics were still there;

I love how they think signs in Latin make them seem smart;

Added 7-14-08: John emails from a college in South Carolina;

The Ron Paul photos in your report of the Washington demonstration show a sign written in Latin, to wit, Expellus Tyrannus.  Actually, the first word, a verb, would be placed in the imperative plural and the second, a noun, in the accusative singular.  The proper spelling in this situation would probably have been Expellite tyrannum.

I’m no student of dead languages, so I’m going to take John’s word for it just because it makes the picture funnier.

And since I know how much the lizards at Little Green Footballs like the bimp, this one’s for you;

UPDATED: It looks like the blimp doesn’t support Ron Paul anymore. It’s been confiscated by the evil Bush government. Probably another conspiracy.

They began near the Washington Monument and, like so many other events, they pumped up the crowd. But, since these were mostly anti-war people, they had chants like “Obama and McCain, one and the same” and “No war in Iran”.

They were much more prompt than the usual anti-war protests – they actually started the march from the Mall to the Capitol at 10:30 like they promised.

They picked up stragglers along the way and some joined late, but by the time they reached the Capitol, there were probably 5-7000 of them.

Most of the US flags I saw were right side up, but that’s in keeping with the strictly American traditions of the Ron Paulians. Of course, whenever you see an upside down flag, you have to figure that IVAW can’t be too far away.

Raoul will recognize Bill Perry from VFP in the picture, and I’m sure he’ll have something to say about him.

Of course, I went over and introduced myself to Adam Kokesh, so he couldn’t make the mistake he made here a few weeks ago when he said we’d never met. Kokesh called me his stalker. He declined to have his picture taken with me, but I did run this little video for future reference;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Sorry the video wasn’t centered but he was a little reticent about me filming him, so I don’t think he knew the camera was running. He also declined to shake my hand when we parted. So much for the whole Band of Brothers thing. Besides he more important things on his mind like this meeting of the brain trust;

UPDATE: According to Army Sergeant, they did a bad, bad thing and they’ve jeopardized their tax-exempt status. You read it here and saw the proof here first.

This fellow just stood on stage while some dopey Ron Paul song played in the background (you can hear it on the video – it was fairly nauseating.)

Meanwhile the crowd poured in from the march;

After everyone arrived, I took this picture of the entire crowd;

I think it supports my 5-7000 estimate.

But, again, there were more than just Ron Paul supporters there. The truthers were out in force as well as the regular anti-war crowd. I didn’t see any Code Pink, but then Ron Paul is a Republican, why would those partisan Democrats want to be seen there.

Kokesh put out a call on his blog a few days ago for IVAW members to show their support at the rally, but their participation was anemic. For the actual march, they only had enough to carry a flag and two to hold their banner;

Overall, the rally was probably as successful as they could make it. But of course, this is no “Second Revolutionary War” as they called it. It certainly won’t make Americans stand up and take notice and demand Ron Paul be the President. But like so much from that side of the political spectrum, the only reason this rally happened was to feed a bunch of egos, and Ron Paul to replenish his coffers for another Congressional run.

For a bunch of people who claim they don’t trust politicians, they sure are gullible when it comes to Ron Paul.

But here’s my video of the event (it’s still processing at YouTube, so it might not be available for a few minutes);

ARVE Error: need id and provider

ADDED: Rurik, bless his combat engineer heart, in an email reminded me of something that’s been in the back of my mind all day – a line from MacBeth;

…a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

That pretty much summarizes the day’s events.

Welcome readers from Blackfive, Little Green Footballs, Jammie Wearing Fool, Gateway Pundit, Pirate’s Cove , My Two Cents Worth, C.H.U.D. Busters, Political Byline, Noblese Oblige, Real Clear Politics’ Best of the Blogs, and The Raw Story.

And special thanks to those Paulians who didn’t leave their basements today for hitting my YouTube video 211 times in the first hour it was posted. Take the time to read the comments on my video at YouTube – everything is a conspiracy including YouTube not updating the viewer total in a timely manner.

UPDATE 7-13-08; Wonkette has the view from the other side of the spectrum and I guess I left before the real whackos showed up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Protests/Rallies, Ron Paul

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Hmmm…forgot that I had filmed a clip of the bastard that hit me (twice). You can see him standing next to Raoul in the opening sequence of the above clip.

Jonn wrote: Oh, so that’s Raoul. I think I saw him when I was up there.


To Nonya, Tao & NH,

I never said dressing up in silly costumes was, or should be illegal; I’d opposre that. I merely suggested it was preposteous when grown people tried to substitute costumery for actual ideas.
I like Sam Adams – the original one, though I don’t recall him doing much after getting the revolution started – save for brewing beer (of which I also thoroughly approve). Even more, I esteem Washington, Jefferson, and Madison (you’ll be relieved to note I did NOT include Hamilton). But let me remind you, our Founding Fathers wrote documents, and wore the costume of their own time, instead of dressing up in fourteenth century robes and suits of armor. If you want to be taken seriously, exchange the vituperation and costumes for coherent argument. All you’ve done is descend to the level of Code Punk.


Aren’t they gone yet? Maybe they’ll disappear when the new “X Files” movie opens. Paulistas Begone Begone… you have no power here.


The Dr., Raoul, indeed handed that guy his asss. I.LOVE.THIS.MAN!
I love how he confounds them with the facts. I wrote about all the associated groups on my blog before a GOE event. I’m sure you know it all already but…

Army Sergeant

Jonn-I’ll note that I never said IVAW was in danger in any way or that IVAW members aren’t allowed to express their personal political views as individuals. For example: I, as an individual, hate Ron Paul, and wish he would go away. He’s got one or two good ideas, and a pot full of STARK RAVING INSANE.
However, IVAW does not endorse that position. That’s all me.

LT Nixon: That is truly a shameless plug. I’m amazed.

Raoul-Individual members talking to other individuals do not an organizational puppeting make.


Thank you for the photographs. I enjoyed reading your commentary as it provided me a different perspective of the rally.

I may not agree with you, but it’s perfectly fine to disagree with the ideas of limited government and personal accountability. I’m sure you’re doing your utmost in helping improve America as you see fit by lobbying your representatives in Washington to amend the Constitution and allow for bigger government intervention in the lives of Americans and of foreign nationals.

In the meantime, we Liberty supporters will continue to exercise our rights as U.S. citizens to protect and preserve our futures …And if that includes having fun dressing up as the Statue of Liberty, we’re venatus!


I agree with a lot of what Ron Paul says but I thought the rally was really disappointing. I showed up a little late but just in time to hear some loony former police officer spouting conspiracy theories and quoting bible scriptures at the crowd.

I was expecting them to talk about legitimate issues like fiscal responsibility and civil liberties not 9/11 truth nonsense and all that other crazy bs.


Dr. Paul is a Libertarian.

I was once a Libertarian as well. The party platform has morphed into something akin to outright silly with shades of goofiness. Once it was focused on getting government out of our lives, now it’s just spooky.


I was there for the VAST majority of the event (had to leave a while because a member of my group was getting sick). To be honest, I am a supporter of a lot of what RON PAUL says (read, not always the same or nearly as kooky as his supporters). Many of the speeches were conspiracy theory crap, but Ron Paul’s was pretty good. I honestly think that the reason that he accepts them as supporters is that he believes very strongly in peoples’ right to say what they want.
By the look of this blog, my comment will probably get ripped into quite vigorously, but whatever. The great thing about this country is that we can say what we believe.


JP, Ben, and Sophie, et. al.

I don’t think this amounts to a ‘ripping’ of your comments, but I do wonder how you can so gleefully associate with folks you don’t agree with?

It’s a bit difficult to give credence to your positions.

There’s an old saying that seems apropos: ‘Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.’

However, if it’s of any consolation, our vote this November will likely be thick with said fleas.




VVAW makes all of IVAW’s stratigic decisions. Hell, Kelly Dougherty’s panel at WS 2.1 should have been titled, “Meet Your Leadership”.

Count all the IVAW events that are poor copies of the VVAW’s “Glory Days” and compare that to the number of original events, IF ANY, and make a determination of who’s running the show.

Heck, Bill Perry even brought Jane Fonda out of retirement in January 2007, kissed her and pinned her with a 6 inch VVAW pin.



I’d be hard pressed to do that, since I have no idea what the “VVAW Glory Days” were even like. I wasn’t alive then, and I’m not really sure what happened.


You see, you were doing well. And then you had to say…’by the looks…’ That blew it. As a conservative, I also liked Ron Paul. Trouble is, there were a few flaws in his platform. Foreign policy was the kicker for me. Next time you post here, don’t be so quick to judge. I like people who can debate.


Millions of Americans will waste their vote by voting for Obama or McCain.. As for me I have a choice and the real,true,Patriotic, Conservative ones(not a lot those left) can vote for a REAL CONTITUTIONALIST – CHUCK BALDWIN.
So those of you who have been brain washed to vote for the lesser of two evils and hammer on the fact that a third party can’t win, in case you’re right, look for a gray van with the message: ” Don’t blame me for the mess you created,
I voted for Chuck Baldwin’.



Geez, so I’m to believe you’re the little duck that wakes up to a whole new world every day.

So you hang around with people like Scott Camil and you have no clue who he is and what he did. He only wanted to massacure Congress and his buds, your mentors voted on it a couple of times.

If your claim is true that you don’t know about who they are, what they did and what they are doing now, it has to be because you are in active denial and purposefully avoiding the truth.

Information on VVAW is easy to come by, so I don’t believe your denials. You’re typical of the anti-war movement. If you think it would be hard to prove, or that the audience isn’t well informed, you lie.

Example: Medea Benjamin claiming she’s not a communist, yet she’s got a number of books with both Cuba and Revoultion in the title.

I’ve got the books by Burkett, Lewey, Nicosia, Stacewitz, Hunt,…Lane Anderson’s on the CCI and the original Winter Soldier book published by the UU’s Beacon Press.

If al-Qaeda had a flag, the IVAW would be marching under in at protests, just like the VVAW marched under the Viet Cong and NVA flags, because you ape the VVAW “Glory Days”.

Look at YouTube for either the 30th or 40th VVAW anniversary and you’ll see David Cline in front of an NVA flag. What’s your next slogan “Treason Is Patriotic”?


Negative attitudes always seem to cloud the thinking processes. Hey, it is a parade in support of constitutional government; why can’t they have fun while celebrating their cause? Critics usually have nothing of substance to argue about when their cause has already failed. Bush/McCain globalist ideology has failed and made our nation stink. We are in big trouble because we have left our Constitution out to dry. Our dollar is melting before our eyes-The Federal Government is taking over America’s banks–inflation is skyrocketing and eaten up our pocketbooks–oil/gas prices at are at an all-time high–businesses are going under–people losing their homes/jobs–crime is going up! Well you Ron Paul critics, where’s your parade? What? got nothing to parade about, right? Why don’t you critics step aside and let free people express their freedom? However if the globalist rinos wish to parade, make sure you wear raincoats, hard-hats, and call out extra security; YOU’LL NEED IT!

Jonn wrote: Sorry, a case of mistaken identity, apparently.


“Well you Ron Paul critics, where’s your parade? What? got nothing to parade about, right?”

Well, I categorically believe all Parades not a result of a Boston Championship are teh ghey. But I do love your implicit threat there HR. You stay classy, ok bud?


paulians are just nuts and delusional. They live in a fantasy world. ronpaul will never ever become president and paulians will never amount to anything. If some of the cult of ronpaul ever realize that ronpaul will never be president some of their options will be to return to their basements, form a colony for paulians, commit mass suicide, or support obama.



On the contrary, we don’t ‘gleefully associate’ ourselves with those we disagree with. If anything, many Ron Paul supporters have more reason to dislike intensely those who have hijacked the campaign to promote their own personal agenda. To paraphrase Ron Paul, if they truly cared about me [our campaign], they wouldn’t be spouting conspiracy theories or promoting issues that run counter to ours. Case in point: the “Truther” who was verbally abusive to the Congressman (as he made his way up the steps to give his speech at the rally) was hardly a positive contributor.

However, the Constitution upholds our freedom to believe and articulate our beliefs. We may disapprove of what others say, but we will defend to the death their right to say it — even if that means being bitten to death by fleas.

Also, Ram1, we’re perfectly sane, thank you very much. Please return to *your* fantasy world and continue to believe that the current government has your best interests at heart, and will save you from the coming financial crisis.



I do understand We may disapprove of what others say, but we will defend to the death their right to say it.

Reckon I’ve been there and done that myself, but the Paul campaign appears to embrace some folks a bit too much for me to take you seriously. If Dr. Paul genuinely eschews those fringe elements as part of his platform why do they still make up most of the public images? I’m not directly referring to Jonn’s piece above, they have been a factor from day one.

The issue is one of focus. Ron Paul has allowed his campaign to degenerate into a circus, including the clowns. He may well be a good man with good ideas, but how’s the ‘great unwashed’ to know?

I’ve discussed Ron Paul as a potential candidate here and there and I usually get a laugh even when I’m quite serious.

His public persona is one of feckless good intentions. I’d be hesitant to vote for that alone.


I do appreciate the quick availability of photos and videos from the event, and the general descriptions one can take with the usual handful of salt. What I don’t appreciate is that no element of the criticism of Ron Paul and/or his supporters rises above the level of ad hominem attack. First of all, let’s consider Ron Paul himself. You know, the Congressman who has for decades been steadfast in his support for the Constitution and his opposition to those who would violate it, even when he had to stand alone. Anyone familiar with party politics will immediately understand that he can’t be a tool of the Republican establishment, for they brook no departures from party objectives — however unconstitutional they may be. Hell, the GOP has routinely done all they can to defeat Dr. Paul, election after election. But he wins, again and again. Not by bringing his constituents more than their fair share of tax dollars, but by being a genuinely good, honest … OK, I’ll say it: almost SAINTLY man. No sex scandals (dull 50+ year marriage to his high school sweetheart). No featherbedding (returns a portion of his congressional office budget to the U.S. Treasury each year, goes on no junkets, and lobbyists don’t waste their time at his doorstep. Oh, and there’s that other thing — you know, the “being right after all these years” thing. He has warned, for decades, how each departure from the Constitution would have unintended consequences, spelling out the mechanisms in detail. Dot-com bubble? Warned against it. Housing bubble? Showed how it was inevitable, given the policy of the Federal Reserve, long before anyone took the problem seriously. More: 9-11? Explained why Islamic terrorists would be motivated to commit suicide in order to avenge horrible wrongs perpetrated by the U.S. in the Middle East, and pointed out that (duh!) understanding the motivations of one’s enemies makes a lot of sense. Told us all along that the “Federal” Reserve — a private, not government institution — given the power to print money and set interest rates — was merely a tool… Read more »



You do sound like a ‘truther’ rather than a Paulbot, but I’ll address some of your issues anyway.

Still you yet again painted a feckless (I admit to liking that word) candidate who may even have prescience, but who won’t face the fact he’s surrounded by clowns.

All that wouldn’t matter if he was effective in getting his agenda out. He’s clearly NOT!

This’ll be my last response here. Obama has a better machine in place than does Paul.

Reality’s a bitch.


Jonn, I’ve warned you if you feed them, you’ll never get rid of them.

Jonn wrote: Well, their own websites are getting their stuff together – they’ll go back to their own corner of the internet’s unfinished basement soon enough. After 18,000 views on my YouTube video, they’re starting to go away and I’m losing my popularity. We’ll be able to move the furniture back where it was soon enough.


“…We may disapprove of what others say, but we will defend to the death their right to say it — even if that means being bitten to death by fleas.”

Bravo Sierra.

Army Sergeant


No, I simply don’t have the time to fully research Vietnam and the VVAW movement at the moment. I’m a full time sergeant in the United States Army, which consumes the majority of my time. What time is left over, I spend on IVAW and attempting to maintain some semblance of a personal life. I don’t believe that Vietnam is integrally important to this war, and so I don’t waste my already scarce time reading in depth about it.

If Al-Qaeda had a flag, no, IVAW would not be marching under it. If IVAW supported Al-Qaeda, I would promptly and publicly resign, despite my deep feelings against the Iraq occupation. Now more than ever, it’s becoming painfully obvious that we need those troops in Afghanistan, not Iraq! I’m not opposed to war overall, just the distraction of this one.

Daniel McGuire

Ron Paul has some good ideas. Legalizing competing currencies to the downward spiraling dollar is one very good one. I agree with him about pulling most of our military from around the world and no longer meddling in other country’s affairs, abolishing the IRS and the income tax, eliminating billions in federal bureaucracy, coming home from Iraq, pardoning nonviolent drug offenders and leaving drug policy up to the states. I’d have a long discussion with him about abortion because though I think it’s killing a human life, I don’t think the government has any business inside a person’s body and has no authority to require someone to let another life feed off you’re body. I think he’s a bit too harsh on the immigrants too. Remember, much of the U.S. *is* Mexico. We took it from the natives by force so maybe there should be some sort of tribal status for Mexicans in the western U.S. and Texas.


AS- Instead, you brethren in Code Pink that you publically appear with all the time (Millard & Medea for instance) openly raises money for the other side, and Benjamin the other day was saying how we deserved it.

Additionally, you can find your IVAW newsletter being run on the same website that has jihadi propaganda. You know that since I have sent it to you before.

So let’s not act like he is making something up out of whole cloth. It may not be the one step process that is your termination point, but it’s not something that is completely unrealistic.


Now more than ever, it’s becoming painfully obvious that we need those troops in Afghanistan, not Iraq

As if this would NEVER happen in Iraq…,23599,21964019-1702,00.html

Please stuff it and only speak when you can improve upon the silence.


Daniel McGuire:Remember, much of the U.S. *is* Mexico. We took it from the natives by force so maybe there should be some sort of tribal status for Mexicans in the western U.S. and Texas.

Tortured reasoning I’m afraid. There were a few Spaniards there ahead of us. It’d be more rational to say we simply threw the Spaniards out. Further, you might want to remember that the overwhelming flow of genuine indigenous peoples has not been north to south since then.

Before you give away the southwest go live in Chiapas for a spell.

Better yet, read a history book.

Raoul Deming

A/S, [No, I simply don’t have the time to fully research Vietnam and the VVAW movement at the moment.] Let’s just hit the high points, some people you hang with. Camil, Bangert and Perry Camil wanted to assasinate the Congressional “hawks”. Bangert wore an NLF (Viet Cong) flag shirt and entertained the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegartions in Paris by singing the NLF marching song about liberating the South and for the NV types he sang the ballad of Ho Chi Minh. Perry ran away and let his unit walk into an ambush without warning. See his testimony at It’s the same there as what the VVAW published in book form in 1972. [I’m a full time sergeant in the United States Army…] You’re supposed to know better than hang out with these creeps. Camil plots the overthrow of the government, at the very least an attack on it, Bangert litterally comforts the enemy and Perry’s a low life. Don’t ever say anything about your oath and defending the Constitution when you’re hanging out with people that truely are domestic enemies of this country. [I don’t believe that Vietnam is integrally important to this war, and so I don’t waste my already scarce time reading in depth about it.] BS, I’ve told you time and time again how the IVAW events, even the organizational structure are replays of the VVAW’s “Glory Days”. If Vietnam’s history has no value, then go tell Dougherty her panel with Ensign, Romo and the other Vietnam era retreads was irrelevant and a waste of time. Go listen to that on YouTube and tell me how much of that panel loked forward and how much was “back in the day, we did it this way..” [If Al-Qaeda had a flag, no, IVAW would not be marching under it.] IVAW = VVAW replay. The last VVAW event of any note was the “Last Patrol” to Miami to protest the GOP convention and these’s that classic photo of the VVAW convoy arriving with the Viet Cong on the hood and the initials V.V.A.W. Not one VVAW… Read more »

Raoul Deming


Forgot to make one additional comment

[…despite my deep feelings against the Iraq occupation.]

As long as it not based on the traditional anti-American talking points (imperialist, corporate greed, racism, sexism, agism, on and on and on) and doesn’t accept or encourage attacks on US troops fine. But I can’t find any “peace group” that would accept a ceasefire in Iraq. All the major require an American defeat. That should tell you something about whether they are at heart anti-war or anti-America.


Daniel McGuire….

The Mexican War between the United States and Mexico began with a Mexican attack on American troops along the southern border of Texas on Apr. 25, 1846. Fighting ended when U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott occupied Mexico City on Sept. 14, 1847; a few months later a peace treaty was signed (Feb. 2, 1848) at Guadalupe Hidalgo.

The treaty provided for purchase by the US of the lands annexed from Mexico for an amount of ~$20 million (purchase of the lands and settlement of claioms by US citizens against the government of Mexico).

If ya’ don’t want to lose a war, don’t START one…..


BTW, the lands were purchased, not just taken as spoils of war.