Paulians rally in DC

| April 15, 2008

Basements across America were eerily empty today as several hundred Ron Paul acolytes (known as “Granny Warriors”) descended on the grounds of the Capitol this morning for a Freedom Rally.

They raged against the empire and demanded that they be heard. The Capitol Police came along and made this guy take down the upside down flag – but it shows the diversity of views and the confusion among many of the Ron Paul supporters as to what the Paul message is.

Now, I’m not sure what the bar code on the forehead means, but I’m pretty sure it’s something about the “empire” which I heard discussed time and again. There were several people wearing these, in fact this guy was handing them out and he remarked that he was running out of them.

I suppose that the revolutionary-era clothes were supposed to remind us of our roots, but it should also remind us that, although it’s nice to remember those times, it was also a time of an agrarian society with limited communication and a sparse and scattered population. Although the principles of the Constitution still apply, to think that government should return to the size it was in those days is Utopian and juvenile.

Russell Means is a pretty big guy

Dr. Paul arrived at about 11:30 to a rock star welcome;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

He addressed his admirers;


Unfortunately, the public address system didn’t work for the first few minutes so, even though I videoed his speech, I only caught about the last minute;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Although there was little I could disagree with him about, I remember the people who flooded the internet last year and absolutely squelched any debate about him. And that his stance on the war against terror is absolutely infantile and naive.

But it took him about twenty minutes to leave because he signed autographs for his fans;

But when Dr. Paul left, the event didn’t end, they had speakers lined up to talk to the Paulians. Most used populist themes like “out-of-control government” to whip the crowd into a frenzy. I don’t disagree with them on many of their themes, but to base a national campaign on populist sloganeering is a good way to hand the government over to the Left.

This fellow (in the red, white and blue shirt) worried the crowd with charges that “Big Brother” was probably taping them out here (even though they were secreted away on the Capitol grounds where no one could find them) and would record all of their faces for future reference.


This fellow I overheard telling a group of people that he was a New Jersey Republican delegate to the convention and that he was going to vote for Ron Paul at the Republican Convention. He got advice from his (gullible) listeners to not tell anyone – as if they could overturn the convention with their stealth delegates. He told them how he was hated among his fellow delegates because he supported Ron Paul. I suppose there’s some sort of cache in being a rebel among these folks.

There were other speakers scheduled to address the crowd, like Bob Barr, but I needed a beer. Now, Ron Paul acted like the campaign was over for him, but his fans didn’t seem to think so. I hope this doesn’t lead to some sort of Ron Paul Derangement Syndrome.

Although the rally wasn’t as big an event (moonbat-wise) as I’d hoped, there was one bright spot. I got to meet the blogger Charlesr (from the Age of Hooper and Hot Air) and we swapped Medea Benjamin stories.

UPDATED: I welcome the lizards from LGF, and urge ya’all to go look at the work of a real pro; Charles has his post up at Age of Hooper.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Protests/Rallies, Ron Paul

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Thus Spake Ortner

Your battle buddy isn’t going to make it. Has to do a TV interview for some Indiana station.


Jonn wrote: Well, to your probable delight, you didn’t miss much except blogging war stories from Hooper.

Jeffrey Nihart

Clowns can be scarey.
The weatherman reported it was as cold as Ron Paul’s ideas.
Film at eleven

Jeffrey Nihart

Charles Ryder

Delightful meeting you, Jonn … next time there should be more opportunity for us to visit and knock back a couple of beers (or four).

… it’s been eerily quiet of late …

I should have my own pathetic post up in a few hours. I’m still battling the clients. They don’t shut up, but they do pay.

Jonn wrote: Thanks for stopping by, Charles and thanks for meeting up this morning. Maybe the Left will get a little antsy this summer and we’ll have more opportunities.


Charles scares me sometimes. He wades into the middle of flag-burning moonbats and talks to them while videoing the event.

Jonn, I’d like to get you up to Reed one Saturday. We have some guests from the 173DABN in town.

Jonn wrote: I was at Walter Reed two weeks ago and you weren’t there. I asked for you, though. But, I finally met Tom the Redhunter. I’m in the messhall (or is it DFAC now?) every Saturday morning getting my weekly SOS fix.


Was RP’s biggest groupie – Kokesh present? Or did he just blend in with this crowd?


Jonn wrote: Nope. I looked for him. None of those supposed IVAW Ron Paul supporters bothered to show up. Just like everything else about them, it was a lie.


Ron who?

Charles Ryder

concretebob … my wife asked me to tell you that that scares her, too. Me, I have a blast.

Ringo the Gringo

The best of these nutters are merely stupid, deluded fools and mental defects…the worst of them are raving Jew-haters.

Great report.


You can mock, but is what he says that bad? Smaller government, end foreign aid, repeal the welfare state, end the worthless dollar, and stop government intervention in our lives?

It seems like it’s ok to tout these thing in our conservative cloisters, but everyone thinks it is bad form to run a GOP candidate who actually believes these things. We should stop claiming to be the party of Reagan if we’re that ashamed of his message.

Was Dr. Paul perfect? Not by a long shot. Was he the ideal candidate? No, but he stood up for what I believe when no one else would. The problem isn’t that he ran, it’s that he ran for things that the GOP has abandoned…and they were ideas worth keeping, ideas we once fought for, ideas that once united us. They certainly aren’t Bush values, judging by the growth of government under his reign, but we threw the good aside for easy victories, yet those victories (see McCain) leave us strangely unsatisfied.

Where have all the conservatives gone?

Jonn wrote: If you read my post, you’ll see that I wrote that I agreed with much of what he said yesterday (what I could hear), however he falls short on national security and fiscal policy. In my opinion, what did Paul in was his supporters who screamed about not being heard, yet, as you demonstrated with your post, they don’t listen to anyone else. Then Americans identified the behavior of the paulians with the candidate. Click over to my YouTube channel and the read the comments on these two videos and you’ll see what I mean. Questioning my credentials as a conservative doesn’t help you much. I’m willing to have a rational discussion about Ron Paul, but the paulians can’t really be identified with any traits resembling rational.

509th Bob

Now I know the reason why those YouTubes of the Millennium Falcon over Mexico, San Francisco, backyard, etc., surfaced the other day! It was in preparation for this awe-inspiring event!

/sarc off

John! Your Blogroll just keeps growing and growing. I’m impressed! You certainly have earned the recognition.


Jonn wrote: Thanks, Bob. Almost 80 new links in a month. I’m still reading them each everyday, though.


I know you were Jonn, sorry I missd that Friday night. I read the post you wrote. Great stuff. I will be up this weekend to visit some of my buds at Warrior Transition.
If you’ll send me an email, I’ll send you my cell number.
I owe you a beer anyway, for the great write-up, and for missing you at VFF Vets on the Hill.


John, I was also with VFF Vets on the Hill and saw concretebob and Thus Spake Ortner but I didn’t know you were going to be there — hope to meet you sometime.

Jonn wrote: Just shoot me a notice next time you’re in town. You can always figure wherever you guys are, I’m around somewhere.


Hey! Looks like a great time out there in D.C. I sure envy your ability to go out to the front lines and see the moonbats in all their glory.

Jonn wrote: Thanks, Renwaa. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of exotic life surrounding you where you’re going now, too. When are you leaving?


[…] that momentum has been building since I started watching the Paulians four years ago and it’s resulted in one second place win in a two-man race in those four years. Maybe in […]