More Base Gate Crashers

| August 23, 2010

I know that this is older news since it happened in June and already reported, but I found it on with the most info so far.

PERSON 1 & 2 attempted to gain access to MacDill AFB, FL by presenting fraudulent military ID cards and fraudulent military orders (assigning them to US SOCOM and sending them to Kandahar, Afghanistan; orders were dated 14 Jun 10) to U.S. Air Force Security Forces at the entrance gate. When Person 1 was instructed to exit the vehicle he was observed wearing an empty gun holster. A Magistrate authorized search the vehicle resulted in the discovery of 3 rifles, 3 handguns, and ammunition. An K9 alerted on the vehicle prompting the use of an EOD robot to conduct a further search of the vehicle meeting with negative results.

These two appear to have acted alone and their detention mitigates additional risk to DoD interests. Law Enforcement checks on Person 1 revealed potential criminal acts pertaining to unlawful procurement of documents from a DMV office. His DoD affiliation can be characterized as brief with “other than honorable” discharges from 2 branches of the Armed Forces.

It seems that one of them was AWOL at the time.

But overall I am glad that these posers did not get past the gate and put people lives in danger.


One of them has been IDed as Christopher Kilburn.

In 2005, Kilburn was arrested in Culpepper County, Va., and charged with forging a public record, unlawfully obtaining state motor vehicle documents and uttering a public record, according to court records. Kilburn had gotten a phony driver’s license in his older brother’s name in 2003, according to court records.

Court records show Kilburn pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of obstruction of justice without violence and served a one-year suspended sentence and two years of unsupervised probation.

Updated x2:
Even though this is late , I had to put this in.

The AWOL soldier accused of trying to enter MacDill Air Force Base with weapons and ammunition in his car is not a terrorist and was merely “trying to impress” his girlfriend during the incident, his father said in an exclusive interview with

“This is all just about a girl,” said Ray Kilburn, whose son, Spc. Christopher Paul Kilburn, has been charged with desertion. “There’s really nothing nefarious here about him trying to get on the base.”

Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers

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