Under the Hood protest update

| August 23, 2010

Apparently, the Army rolled out their buses for the deployment of 3rd ACR to Iraq at about Oh-dark-thirty this morning and the meth-heads of the Under the Hood cafe were out in force – a force of four people. Bobby Whittenberg, Chrystal Colon, Cindy Thomas and of course, Matthis Chiroux. Here’s the video – it’s completely useless because our daunting pirate raiders didn’t know that you can’t video without light.

The only things worth noting in the video is at the end, (1) Whittenberg shouts “Power to the People” a rousing cheer he must’ve learned from Doug Zachary, the aging hippie from the sixties who is Whittenberg’s mentor and (2) Matthis shouts out to the buses that the soldiers shouldn’t make the same mistakes that he made, that “we have shed our blood”. Must be he cut his finger on the napkin dispenser at the Baskin-Robbins in Bagram during his six-days TDY there.

He’s triumphant on Facebook, though. He’s proud of the fact that he didn’t get arrested.

Fist pumps all around;

Their own account of their daring-do;

Five peace activists successfully blockaded six buses carrying Fort Hood Soldiers deploying to Iraq outside Fort Hood’s Clarke gate this morning at around 4 a.m. While the activists took the width of Clarke Rd. and slowed the buses to a halt, police made no arrests, but instead beat the activists out of the streets using automatic weapons and police dogs so the deploying Soldiers could proceed.

If you watch the video, they “successfully blockaded” the buses for about two seconds before the police moved the little poofs out of the street. I guess they have no idea that the rest of the world thinks they’re little fags.

From the press release, Matthis writes his bio;

I was press-ganged into the Army by the Alabama Juvenile “Justice” System in 2002. While in the military, I occupied the nations of Japan and Germany for more than four years, with shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan.

Since he was over the age of 16 when he voluntarily enlisted in the Army, the Alabama Juvenile Justice System had nothing to do with it. He joined to get out of being charged with selling drugs on a playground near an elementary school. “Shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan” means that he passed through those countries – there were no tours, they were temporary duty measured in days – they don’t even show up on his Form 2-1. technically, he was never in either place. Everything about Matthis Chiroux is a lie.

So after all of the hoopla, five people stopped six buses for two seconds. And the birds kept singing, the sun came up in the morning and the 3rd ACR continued on with mission. Same old crap…Matthis and Bobby are still duds and so are their “direct actions”.

ADDED: By the way, Matthis’ father emails “Bless their hearts” (you know, in that condescending southern way of saying “what a bunch of ri-tards”).

2nd ADD: The only story that I have seen so far outside of anything that this group published themselves is this.

Fort Hood officials said that at 3:40 a.m. protesters carrying banners and a bullhorn raced into the intersection when the bus convoy approached. “Acting to protect Department of Defense personnel and equipment, Fort Hood Police physically moved the demonstrators away from the intersection to the sidewalk and were released without incident and the bus convoy continued to (Robert Gray Army Airfield),” Fort Hood officials said in a statement.

But it gets better, just found a rehash of the event according to them.

Five peace activists successfully blockaded six buses carrying Fort Hood Soldiers deploying to Iraq outside Fort Hood’s Clarke gate this morning at around 4 a.m. While the activists took the width of Clarke Rd. and slowed the buses to a halt, police made no arrests, but instead beat the activists out of the streets using automatic weapons and police dogs so the deploying Soldiers could proceed.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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[…] “…five people stopped six buses for two seconds. And the birds kept singing, the sun came up in the morning and the 3rd ACR continued on with mission.”-Jonn Lilyea at This Ain’t Hell […]




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