Updates on MacDill and Fort Gordon attempted breaches

| June 17, 2010

Yeah, OK, they probably aren’t terrorists but they weren’t all that balanced either. The AWOL soldier who tried to bring weapons on to MacDill AFB in Florida with his fake IDs was supposedly just trying to impress his girlfriend (Tampa Bay Online);

Monday was not the first time Kilburn had gotten in trouble for fake documents.

In 2005, Kilburn was arrested in Culpepper County, Va., and charged with forging a public record, unlawfully obtaining state motor vehicle documents and uttering a public record, according to court records. Kilburn had gotten a phony driver’s license in his older brother’s name in 2003, according to court records.

Kilburn is charged with desertion and will be turned over to Army authorities, according to 6th Air Mobility Wing vice commander Col. Dave Cohen. Additional charges are pending as the investigation continues. The U.S. Attorney’s office is reviewing the case to see if there will be any charges brought against Goodier, according to spokesman Steve Cole.

Military officials are releasing few details about the case, including any possible explanation offered by the pair, but stressed the incident did not appear to be terrorism. Thanks to the quick response by security, Cohen said, the base was never in danger.

So I see nothing much has changed since the Fort Hood shootings. The Air Force admits that Kilburn was caught because of his fake ID – if he’d had legitimate ID, like Hasan, he would have been allowed through with his weapons.

And the guy in Georgia (Christian Science Monitor):

The U.S. Attorney’s office in Savannah named the man arrested Tuesday as Anthony Todd Saxon, 34. It said charges were expected to be filed Wednesday.

Yarnell said a search of the civilian’s vehicle Tuesday uncovered a knapsack containing military hand grenades. He said the man arrested is a suspect in a theft of military equipment from Fort Gordon in April.

Last night it was landmines and this morning it’s hand grenades in his knapsack. The media should really take classes in weapons ID. But, again, Saxon was on base with his knapsack of whatevers. If he’d just parked somewhere else, like in a parking lot full of cars, he wouldn’t have been caught, more than likely.

Category: Military issues

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amazing stuff here

why not label them terrorists?


Gee, I dunno, ash–were they there to kill people? Shit, they still can’t bring themselves to call Major Hassan a terrorist, and he murdered 14 people while yelling, “ALLAH AKBAR!”

You have something of value to add to the discussion? No? Figures.

amazing stuff here


I call any attempt to infiltrate, hurt, or kill my fellow troops…..terrorism. I don’t give a shit what religion or color they are.

You on the otherhand care only about that.


Hmmm…what leap of logic into the abyss of stupidity in which you presently reside did you have to make to go from dumbshit asswipe deserter trying to impress his equally idiotic girlfriend to terrorist?

I know there’s a lot of big words and concepts you may not easily grap there, ash, but find an adult and have them try to spell it all out for you in a language you can understand. Do they speak imbecile where you live, or do you just sit there and drool?

amazing stuff here

Sad Spanky, all this hate but you’ll do nothing about it. Just pathetic.


Just GOTTA get in that last word, dontcha ash?

Old Tanker


Is there evidence they were planning on using this to target innocent civilians or soldiers or were they just dumbasses trying to steal stuff? If it comes out that it is the former than they are terrorists, if it’s the latter then they’re just dumbasses.

amazing stuff here

yeap…just like you!


#8 Amazing stuff here:
The blog appears to have slid off the road a bit…
The first post was your question about why the man was not labelled a terrorist. It has to do with the fluid use of the English language, I’m afraid.
Technically, anyone who engages in an act of violence may be labelled a terrorist; that is, “one who ispires terror.”
Currently, however, the term terrorist has been shaved down to a very narrow definition, meaning, very specifically, one who acts destructively because of an ideology.
Unless the man involved acted on an idealogical basis, then he will not be given the title “terrorist,” no matter how destructive his potential actions could have been.

Old Tanker


Didn’t you just get after Sparky about “all the hate” and where in my comment did I write anything even remotely disrespectful? I know, I know, just do as you say not as you are….


Old Tanker,

ASH’s ‘just like you’ comment wasn’t aimed at you, it was aimed at Sparky and the ‘last word’ comment. Jus’ sayin, lol

amazing stuff here

Old Tanker,

Jocobite is right, the comment at #8 was aimed at Spanky and not you, unfortunatly my comments are held up due being the only one who’s moderated. Even Carl Webb doesn’t get moderated.

PintoNag, thanks for the explanation. I use the word “terrorist” in a very broad way, while people like Spanky only use it if the person who commits the crime is of Muslim heritage.


[…] dies in prison September 2nd, 2012 We wrote about Anthony Todd Saxon here and here when he dressed up in an Army uniform and innocently signed out a Claymore mine and some […]