The Few, The Proud…

| January 22, 2010


…the incredibly bored and stupid.

These are Marines with 5th Marine Regiment out of Camp Pendleton (San Mateo), which is being hit by the worst storm in a decade. I miss working with people like this…

Category: Military issues, Pointless blather

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Old Tanker

AS the saying goes

When life hands you lemons……..

Military people are the best at making lemonade!




$10 a bets it’s the Lt’s car…
Ten minutes after pictured Marines recommended he not try to go out for breakfast after PT….
And a snide remarks similar to “Men when you have attended college you will learn such things as well.”
“An Officer’s judgment is never wrong.”

I don’t know I am just guessing.


Adapt, Improvise, Overcome. Yeah, the LT said, “rain? what rain”?


At which point the Sergeant Major just smiled at the thought of that much mud on the course. I’ve done the Pendleton Mud Run, and that’s when it was freakin dry for the last month. To do that now would be pure suicide.

AW1 Tim

You’re right, shipmate… I miss those guys, and those days, too. God Bless ’em all.

Yat Yas

Looks like amtrac weather. Hauling through the mud during the rainy season at Pendleton and laughing at mired tanks and LAVs was always fun. Good post, Dan.


Semper Fish.


[…] January 22, 2010 · Leave a Comment via This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here: The Few, The Proud…: […]


San Mateo is up by San Francisco. Camp Pendleton is near Oceanside, CA.

Operator Dan


5th Marines is at Camp San Mateo, a subcamp within Camp Pendleton. That why I put (San Mateo).

Militant Bibliophile

San Mateo is an area on Camp Pendleton, home of 5th Marines and 5th Combat Engineer Battalion (CEB). I almost didn’t recognize the place! I imagine that dry riverbed turned into a howling torrent, and if I recall correctly, more than a few buildings were almost on top of it. Wonder how the flightline made out, seeing as it practically floated away during the last major storm back in the ’90s.

Operator Dan

Thats actually right in front of the PX and that is a road that is flooded.


I stand corrected. Only been to Camp Pendleton a three occasions and spent more time watching my six than looking at street signs. Not many Army Aviators visit that place.


Semper Gumby!


The Marine Corps never changes, God bless’em all…

Yat Yas


My favorite Marine motto.