Evil doin’s at Fort Hood

| September 16, 2009

Apparently Fort Hood has become the focus of the anti-war and “soldier resistance” movement. You’ll remember that we wrote about Victor Agosto who was shipped off to the Bell County jail in texas after he refused to deploy with his unit. When he finished his 30 day sentence, he was celebrated as a returning hero by about 50 Leftist clowns according to an article in Socialist Worker;

On an unusually pleasant 95-degree afternoon at Under the Hood Café, the G.I. café just outside Fort Hood, there was a celebration for a hero, a barbecue and fundraiser, and a rally to continue the fight for the other men, women and families victimized by the war machine and inspired by Victor’s courage.

Sweet, huh? I wonder how many of Agosto’s fellow soldiers get the same treatment when they return from their deployment – will Victor greet them with the amenities that he got upon his “return”?.

Travis Bishop is still rotting in the Bell County jail thanks to his completely incompetent lawyer, James M. Branum. Here’s the piece I wrote before Bishop’s court martial predicting a bad outcome for Bishop because of his idiot lawyer. Bishop is so stupid that he doesn’t even realize that Branum is an ass clown his lawyer, so he’s recommended another doofus who can subject himself to Branum’s incompetency, Leo Church.

I wasn’t familiar with Church’s story, but it’s a typical “private’s story”;

My problems started not long after I finished Basic and A.I.T. when I received a call from Angie, the mother of my children, Alyssa and Kaitlynn, saying that the three were homeless and living in a van in Arlington, Texas.

I asked my company for permission to leave to get them and was blatantly denied. Seeing that I had no other choice I left to pick up my children and then immediately returned to Ft. Hood, back to my company. When I returned I was charged for leaving without permission and given an Article 15, and my pay was cut in half.

Things only got worse from there. I had no one to watch my children. Even though I was not allowed to have my daughters living with me in my barracks room, when I asked for help from my captain I was told to just have them live with me and come to work with me. Unfortunately, the wait for BAH at the time was 6 months. Knowing that I was not allowed to have them in my room over night and it being inappropriate to take them to my company to work, I left to take my children to Amarillo, Texas so I could find them a safe place to live.

Having only my mother to turn to, but knowing that she could not keep them 24 hours a day for me to be able to return to Ft. Hood, I stayed and found myself a civilian job. I knew my obligation was to the Army and my company, but my children were my obligation long before I ever considered enlisting and they needed their father.

Oh, that comes from his Free Leo Church website that Branum set up for him on WordPress. Branum sets up websites for all of his clients apparently. A consolation prize for having to do prison time, I guess. I’m no experts on the facts of Church’s case, but I know privates. The fact that he thought he could just go home after a fewe months in the Army and get another job tells me lots about him.

Back to Bishop for a minute, on Branum’s website for Bishop, Branum announces that Amnesty International has declared Bishop a Prisoner of Conscience. I’m not surprised. Amnesty International is more worried about people who don’t need them. But here’s the .pdf to AI’s plea for action in regards to Bishop if you’re interested.

Also at Fort Hood, the left has begun distributing a newsletter titled “Not So Great Place” – I’m guessing it’s a take-off on a command slogan for Ft Hood. The Left is so clever at that kind of stuff. But it’s a typical sniveling, crybaby rag designed to undermine good order and discipline at fort Hood.

Of course, in my opinion, a lot of the problems they have at Fort Hood is their proximity to Carl Webb and Doug Zachary. Someone smells a money opportunity.

This is just my warm post about Fort Hood and these clowns.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military issues, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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While I’m sure that this young private had some issues; what private with a family doesn’t/didn’t have issues? Was the problem that he joined, knowing he had 2 small children and their mother living in the streets? It sounds like he didn’t live with the mother to begin with and that sets up another clue to him. He has problems with planning. If your going to engage in such activity, maybe you should wear a little anti-kid protection? Not surprising, he then goes into the military and when he suddenly finds out that his kids are homeless, he takes off to work a civilian job (what about mommy, why isn’t she working?) and blow off the Army.

Now, his claim that he only has his mom for back-up; what about the mother’s kin-folk?

I just don’t get it, I guess.

Of course, I think that rats nest cafe needs to go away, but that’s just me.

Hey; I have an idea!!! Why don’t we stage a protest against it with all sorts of Vets groups in attendance? Wouldn’t that be cool? I mean, we could draw straws to see who would volunteer to be arrested and we could make fun of the black beret and get Uncle Jimbo on the bullhorn (that would be worth the price of admission in and of itself). We could show them how they are not wanted in the community!!!

Whattya think, Jonn?

Casey J Porter

Well, there are lots of plot holes in this kids story. But I think clarification would help. I’ve heard about Leo Church, but I’ve never met him and know very little about his case. I always stress transparency and details to flesh the story out more.


I was only there for a stopover and I still understand what you’re talking about. Pretty much 75% of my class got orders for Hood and I assumed I was going to go there, too, but I ended up in the fun n sun of Georgia (you know where, heh, heh, heh)


I was at Hood for a few years (4 yrs less Iraq and GTMO), This joe is just an oxygen thief. When he joined and had to do the extra steps to ensure the military that his children would be taken care of if he was unable to did he think they were just joking around? I mean, I could not image a situation in which I would leave my kids with a dead beat (evidenced by being homeless) and enter a situation in which I know I would have my ability to help restricted.

I saw my fair share of privates that thought the Army was going to be just like summer camp and that they could quite at any time.
It is fortunate that the anti war crowd cannot find a bonifide figure head for their movement.

He*@, look at Chaplain Jeff Struecker. (www.jeffstruecker.com/about.aspx)
Their is a person that felt a higher calling and did the right thing!

Bill R.

I was in the Air Force, so I might be wrong here but his BAH should have started the day he left for basic training. If the Army knew he had dependents, his pay should have reflected that from day one. What is this six month wait for BAH all about? And, even supposing this is true, what is Army Community Services for?

B Woodman

Ummmm. “The mother of my children. . .”
Is this dirtbag private even MARRIED to mommy? Can he even claim them all as dependants? This story has more holes then swiss cheese. It would be interesting to get the other half of the story from the commander, chaplin, AER, anyone & everyone else this duffelbag drag may or may NOT have talked to.
I’ve learned to NEVER, EVER take only one side of a story, ESPECIALLY from a newbie know-nothing private.


Mmmm- Yep, diesel fuel or the wheel bearing packing goo for a duece. Ugh. I was soooo traumatized…Have you seen the damage one of those heffers can do to a mustang when ya hit it? 🙂


I’ve been looking for somthing to do while I wait for classes on hood to open


#1- This doofus is one of those privates that did not have copies of his kids birth certificates at Basic or AIT to present to finance to start his BAH. Guess they don’t allow privates to send mail anymore. Then he arrives at Ft Hood where he sat thru the mandatory finance briefing. Another opportunity to get the BAH paperwork straight, to include back pay.

#2- There is a six month wait for housing at Ft Hood. But there is absolutely no shortage of rental units available off post. He obviously has a car, otherwise how would he have picked up his kids. The CDR/1SG would have helped him secure a loan/grant from AER to cover the initial rental costs until his BAH kicked in.

#3- Tons of child care opportunities on and off post. But douchebag obviously did not take the time to do his research.

#4- His pay would only have been reduced in half for one month and he could have requested relief from that due to his family situation.

Casey J Porter

To play devil’s advocate here, I knew a Soldier that did all the right steps for his BAH and it took months of fighting. His chain of command lied to him, dropped the ball, just all around didn’t care. When him and his Wife called IG, and their rep, things got done. But it took a huge fight to get the chain of command to actually do something. I’m not saying this kid is right or wrong, but it does really get that bad. He didn’t have BAH in basic because he got married when he arrived at Hood.

Old Tanker

Oh the memories, thanks John for reminding me of driving my tank through Cowhouse creek….it was always just full enough to leak through the freakin’ hatch. My best memories…..my “buddies” hitting the drivers hatch with the water cannons at the vehicle bath…..effin’ bff’s

Old Tanker

BTW Casey, all of my buddies in basic/AIT that where married didn’t have BAH until we got to our duty station and then it took a little doing (a month or two), have things changed that much since “my day”?

Casey J Porter

Well, I guess they have. I could go on and on about pay nightmares. I saw a sharp drop in quality leadership in the five and half years I was in.


I’ve been to DFAS. A place run by civilians, BTW, that if you ever visited, you wonder why you ever get payed.


I’ve been to DFAS. A place run by civilians, BTW, that if you ever visited, you wonder why you ever get payed.

They’re processing pay for VA employees starting with the current pay period. This Friday should be pay day. I’ve heard enough from family about how much they screw up that I’m not counting on a paycheck this week.

Bill R.

… He didn’t have BAH in basic because he got married when he arrived at Hood…

You don’t need to be married to get dependent rate BAH, the kids would be proof enough for that.


First rule: Never trust anyone the second time you have to re-do paperwork. Hand carry the shit and it won’t get ‘lost’!! I learned that after applying for a change of name ID card X3. Same for BOQ. When I got married, I walked all the paperwork through. No time to waste. From Landstuhl to Zweibrucken and back again. No screw-ups, although they did lose the hubby’s orders to go back stateside and by then it was not cost effective to get him there on a short hitch. See, what I mean?


“My problems started not long after I finished Basic and A.I.T. when I received a call from Angie, the mother of my children, Alyssa and Kaitlynn, saying that the three were homeless and living in a van in Arlington, Texas.”

Did their trailer burn down?

“I stayed and found myself a civilian job. I knew my obligation was to the Army and my company, but my children were my obligation long before I ever considered enlisting and they needed their father.”

Really? So that military oath you took had an “I’m just kidding” clause in the fine print?

There’s a lot of holes in Bishop’s story. For one thing, anyone who has dependents is supposed to have a Family Care Plan. This douchenozzle doesn’t strike me as being very responsible and mature to begin with. The sooner the Army shows this piece of shit the door, the better.

Casey J Porter

Bill R. – His child was not born yet.

Carl Webb

“Someone smells a money opportunity.” What does that mean?


Why, Carl–you get booted out of your latest couch and are looking for someone with two coins to rub together so you can freeload off THEM for a while?

Carl Webb

I hope none of Agosto’s fellow soldiers get the same treatment when they return from their deployment.


No, we reserve that treatment for you, Carl, and all the duty dodging a-holes.


Cousin should be touching down at Ft. Hood this afternoon …wait’ll he sees this ROFLMAO!!!


[…] his family, but because he turned against the war. they did the same thing for that other fat turd, Leo Church who did the same thing as Bulechek – they turned Church into an anti-war boob from an average […]


He wouldn’t have gotten BAH regardless. If he ever had custody he would have had to give it up prior to joining. In other words, the Army did not consider them his dependents unless he was married to their mother. I was in the same position when I joined. No BAH until I got to Campbell even though I got married during Christmas exodus.