Um, even Jon Stewart gets it

| September 16, 2009
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Audacity of Hos
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Of course, you’ve probably read that the San Bernadino woman, Tresa Kaelke, from ACORN has said she was just playing along with the fake hooker and her pimp. Here’s a question: Why didn’t you come out ahead of the video and announce that? These people must recognize O’Keefe and Giles by now. Any bells going off, or are they just waiting for the hammer to fall blow by blow, as it were?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Usual Suspects

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Steve In Tulsa

Um, I am pretty sure ALL the videos were in the can before the first one was shown.


You guys are making one big assumption: if you didn’t follow conservative blogs or Fox News, how would you even know about these videos? I’m fairly certain that, internally, ACORN wasn’t doing its utmost to spread this story around to its affiliates.


I should also stress that I do not, in any way, buy Ms. Kaelke’s (or anyone else’s at ACORN) excuse so please don’t jump on me 😉