Left doesn’t like it’s own tactics
At Ace of Spades, you can see videos of Kathleen Sebelius and the Senate’s newest Democrat Arlen Specter getting shouted down at a Townhall meeting and Lloyd Doggett getting a dose of Tea Partiers at his own town hall meeting.
Well, Think Progress thinks they’ve found a “talking points memo” from Freedom Works that outlines ways to disrupt these townhall meetings. And they’re not happy about it. One commenter at Think Progress complained;
These are truly un-American people, afraid of change, afraid of improvements, and completely against helping ordinary people. It’s all about how much these Repubs can line their greedy pockets. This intimidation of duly elected persons, attempting to do their jobs & actually communicate with voters is truly disturbing & frightening.
I hope all Dems & in particular, the White House, has received this information.
And how is it that Gates is arrested, yet hanging a politician in effigy is simply ignored?
They’re pretty upset about it at Democratic Underground, too;
We bring in the tasers and the fine books and take care of these assholes. Yelling out and causing disruptions like this should get you fined and if it continues tased. I mean they weren’t afraid to shoot liberal students in college. I’m only talking about town hall meetings, if they want to chant let them go outside and chant away.
It’s as if the last eight years never happened, isn’t it? What made me laugh was one of the “talking points” was;
Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”
While I was reading the HuffPo article about the Sebelius/Specter incident, I found this description of the supporters of the healthcare plan;
There were people in the crowd wearing purple t-shirts with gold and white lettering that said “Health Care Now We Can’t Wait.”
Yeah, those people in the purple shirts were forced to be there by their SEIU union masters. That’s how the Left boosts their numbers at rallies – send in the unions.
Think Progress interviewed Dick Durbin (you know, the guy who called our troops at Guantanamo SS guards) called protests at townhall meetings “a sucker punch”.
But you know, I hope my colleagues won’t fall for a sucker-punch like this. These health insurance companies and people like them are trying to load these town halls for visual impact on television.
So, we need to have a much more balanced approach that really allows members of Congress to hear both sides of the story, rather than being sucker-punched or side-tracked by these types of tactics.
Yeah, we don’t want the Democrats sidetracked like the Left has sidetracked the war against terror. TSO writes; “the rank hypocrisy of this is phenomenal.”
Thanks to Claymore for the link.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects
How amusing. If the Left does things like this, it’s a “Grassroots movement that conveys the will of the people.” When anyone else does it, it’s “An astroturf movement brought on by Fox News and their masters.”
I am remaining hopeful that this turns out to be a very bad recess for Congresscritters.
Having attended the Tax Day Tea Party in Rapid City, SD and the July 4th Tea Party in DC, I am looking forward to more of these ‘sucker punches’. The Dems are starting to sound like scared little girls.
Rank hyprocricy! Anyone want to carve out a new country of conservatives only, & let the SocDemLibs drown in their own s**t?? It wouldn’t take long, I’m sure, for them to come knocking, “Ummm, we’re out of (fill in the blank). Can we borrow a cup of yours?”
Not only NO, but H**L NO!!!
Ohhh, I’m so mad at this, I’m steaming.
Idiots all.
The left’s steaming pile of hypocrisy WILL come back to haunt them.
When these retards do this, they call it ‘strategy’…when it’s turned on them they call it ‘mean spirited’ or ‘dirty tricks’.
You read my mind!! Holy COW. I’m telling you these retards(oops, did I say that out loud?) just don’t see it because of their RCG’s. They live in la-la land.
Boy, talk about that Post modern liberal shit and they are IT!! Scary.
Has anyone ever noticed that when the commies are on the attack at a function that they’re protesting; they have the usual smug look of defiance on their faces and the arrogance of having the upper hand, yet when the tables are turned, they immediately become “victims” of the bullies?
They start crying like the little bitches they are and play the “oh woe is me” card as though they have never done anything like that to anyone else, before.
As was pointed out; they are doing exactly what they are accusing those that disagree of doing. They load the town hall meetings with union lackeys and yet accuse the healthcare industry of loading the meetings with their supporters. In reality, the ones against this are there out of concern as citizens, instead of organized, paid, thugs.
“Much more balanced approach” translates to, you’ll have to have your union card to get into a Dem “town hall” meeting. I thought the preferred uniform was the brown shirt, now I see that it’s the purple shirt. On that note, does anyone in the SEIU actually have a job, other than attending rallies and circulating petitions?
UpNorth–none worth more than getting out of bed or putting more than 10 percent effort into.
Or, another example of the hypocrisy is the UNC “protest” where they disrupted a conservative speaker–and mighty nastily, too.
Did you ever notice that conservatives are never “victims” very often? Unlike the left who uses victimhood as a battle cry, year after year…
“I mean they weren’t afraid to shoot liberal students in college.”
I’m still not afraid of shooting liberals.
H3ll, they use the same tactics all the time. 2 years ago, I and several of my friends, counter-protested a bunch of them locally. These clowns were sponsored by ANSWER, and were protesting the launching of a new DDG_51 from BIW. The ANSWER folks were all wearing red berets so as to see eachother in the crowd.
When they say us counterprotesters, they sent a group of their own over to surround us and start shouting at us to drown us out. One of our guys had a loud-hailer, and two of the little bastards tried to wrest it from his hads, Fortunately the cops saw that and swooped in to arrest them.
No, the leftists are all about goon-squad tactics, thugging up and getting loud and physical when they think it will work. They learned their tactics from the unions, from the Soviets and the Nazis and the Fascists.
Now, when it’s tossed back at them they are all weepy-eyed that their “rights” are being violated. Well, scr3w them. The only time their rights should be respected is when they, in turn, respect other’s rights. So far, that hasn’t happened, and I am more than happy to throw their tactics back into their faces and see them cry.
WE must draw the line here and now and stop any further move of this nation to the left, to any further socialism. Once halted, they need to be driven back, dismantled, and the nation returned to it’s basic ideals of self-reliance and capitalism, with VERY limited government.
All of the major domestic problems this nation faces can be traced directly back to FDR and his programs, through Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, and now Obama.
Elections have consequences, and it’s time those consequences were forced home upon the left.
Exactly. They’ve been bitching and moaning about Bush and God knows whatever else for 8+ years, but now that they’re required to consume some of the fecal matter they’ve been tossing around, they find the flavor less than palatable. Tough effin’ shit.
Kill them all and let Darwin sort them out.
I believe I like to use the idiom, “They can dish it out, but they can’t take it!” It fits, perfectly.
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Can’t we all just get along?
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