Tuesday Thoughts on Angie Harmon and the Nationalized Health Care Debacle

| July 28, 2009


Bottom Line: Angie Harmon is smokin’ hot. Last time I met a conservative woman that hot I married her! End of discussion.

Now on to the train wreck that is the Democrat congress and this rush to socialized medicine.

Nancy Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel both publicly boasted that the House would pass the bill before the August break. Looks like that ain’t going to happen. Apparently the blue dogs are more stubborn (or more likely expensive) than either of these Marxists anticipated.

Harry Reid killed the hope of a rush passage in the senate a week ago. This of course has nothing to do with his legislative prowess. This is about him trying to keep his job. He is up for reelection in 2010 and is tanking in internal Nevada polls.

I think the biggest mistake these clowns made was over stating the crisis. The overwhelming majority of Americans think we have the best healthcare in the world and are actually quite happy with their particular coverage. The mythical 46 million uninsured never quite took hold either. That’s because it’s a totally bullshit number that includes illegal aliens, unicorns and straight people at the Folsom Street Fair.

If you tear through a wall in my house to rescue me from a fire, that’s cool. If however you do the same thing to kill a fly, we’re going to have issues.

I’m torn over how to feel about the fact that these incompetent jackasses couldn’t shove this white hot cattle brand up our asses before the August break.

On the one hand it definitely stalls the momentum for getting this thing done and exposes a huge weakness in the Obama camp. On the other hand these clowns would be on record voting for the biggest lurch to Socialism in US history. That would certainly make for some entertaining events back home in the district.

So what’s ultimately going to happen? With this group of morons running the show, who the hell knows. But here are the possibilities:

First, this will not pass in its current state or anything remotely close to its current state. This will piss off the far left but Obama doesn’t care because these Marxist will whine and blog and threaten but ultimately vote for Obama again.

The most likely outcome will be a bill so watered down that it fails to accomplish anything of substance other than wasteful spending. This would also piss off the left but it would give a little cover to Obama.

Of course it is possible that Obamacare goes the way of Hillarycare and explodes under the sheer weight of its own stupidity. If this happens Cap and Trade is done, there won’t be a second stimulus and Obama is done. Oh and he will face a primary challenge in 2012.

Interesting times in deed.

Category: Politics

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Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

How liberal of conservative Angie Harmon to pose nude in Allure last year.


“He is up for reelection in 2010 and is tanking in internal Nevada polls.”

Yep. I will personally work for free for whomever runs against him. I’m not sure about here in Vegas, but in the other parts of Nevada, he’s in crap neck deep and it’s rising fast.

“On the one hand it definitely stalls the momentum for getting this thing done and exposes a huge weakness in the Obama camp. On the other hand these clowns would be on record voting for the biggest lurch to Socialism in US history. That would certainly make for some entertaining events back home in the district.”

In this particular case, I’m thinking we can have our cake and eat it too. From his Inaugural speech blaming W for whatever, to the Reid’s, “the war is lost…” to the Stimulus bill that we needed like yesterday, then sat on Obama’s desk for days, because we need to get money into the economy RIGHT NOW – and still only 10% spent, ad nauseam.

I personally know of folks who voted for Obama who are experiencing extreme buyer’s remorse and the Democrat controlled House and Senate are getting painted with the same brush because they have been seen as complicit in the most gigantic snake oil sale in US history.


Yeah, well I know who should run against him, but I am not going to put up his link to the nv.gov site that has his bio because he reads this blog and would whup my ass. But I still say he could win.

Frankly Opinionated

From Angie Harmon to Stretchface Pelosi- That is one hell of a jump COB6. Farther than anything you ever did with a T-10. Now to read the post………….
nuf sed


AD: If she ain’t showing the goods, then she ain’t posin nude. Allure isn’t Playboy, so it don’t count. Even if it were Playboy; so what? I’m trying to figure out where the f*ck the left gets the idea that conservatives don’t have fun, swear, pose nude, drink beer, fart, burp, etc.?

Someone please give me the info, cuz I musta missed that part.

Jonn Lilyea

I’m nude right now.


I’ll just add one thing that COB will know what I’m talkin ’bout: Korean Village (back at our old stomping grounds)

And this from someone who is conservative.


Jonn, T.M.I. Nuff said.


I’m farting right now.


Oh, and for Bill “I Could Use A Chemical Peel” Mayer, here’s some info on the “lies” that Obama’s healthcare plan isn’t government run: http://rightsoup.com/twittering-obamacare-horrors-in-the-bill/

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

I’m still trying to understand what conservative means…I get so many mixed messages from the right.

Jonn Lilyea

“I get so many mixed messages from the right.”

Ya mean, like we might be individuals with our very own thoughts, hopes and desires? It’s almost like we’re human, huh?

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

See Jonn, you maybe part of the old conservative movement while the new conservative movement includes people like Mark Sanford, Ted Haggard, John Ensign, David Vitter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Larry Craig…just to name a few conservatives that find it okay to have extra-maritial affairs or abuse drugs.

I don’t think that’s what William F. Buckley Jr. considered conservative.

Is there really only one conservative left in politics??? Dr. Ron Paul…yeah I said it!


Hey, Another Disgruntled ex-IVAW “member” William F. Buckley Jr. killed the conservative movement and ushered in the neo-clowns, FYI.

Brown Neck Gaitor


Buckley allegedly took his sailboat 3 miles off shore once so that he could try Pot legally.

Brown Neck Gaitor

If by conservative you mean smaller government and more freedom, you can include myself in your list.


“If by conservative you mean smaller government and more freedom, you can include myself in your list.”

That definitely doesn’t include the ‘publican party. Just look how much Dubya & Daddy Bush grew goobernmint during their times.

Jonn Lilyea

Ya know what I’ve discovered, AGJunior? A lot of people talk about how much government grew under the Bush presidencies, but they really can’t tell us exactly how it grew. Why don’t you tell us – and, oh, leave out the things that have to do with things like “common defense” and “general welfare” which is something the Constitution says government should do for us. Go ahead. If you need more space, we can take this to the Forum, since this is a little off topic on COB6’s post.