Conyers: Why read the bill?

| July 28, 2009

You’ve probably seen this already, but I just saw it. It’s a real Zen moment for American voters;

In reference to the massive healthcare bill, John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says; “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you’ve read the bill?”

What good indeed. That’ll be my defense when I’m hauled into court for violating the provisions in that bill – because I don’t have two days or two lawyers to explain it to me either.

I bought a new car the other day, and I drove the salesman nuts because I read everything I was signing and asked questions. But, see, I’m personally invested in an automobile contract, Conyers isn’t personally invested in the healthcare bill, or anything else he signs. The Party tells him to sign it and he signs it.

The only benefit he hopes to gain from signing the bill is the political capital it’ll bring him in the form of patronage and donations. Why should he care it actually works?

Anyone going to ask him about his wife’s legal problems? Just last week he called for an investigation into the Bush Administration. So, he’s got all of that going on, so we really can’t expect him to read a bill before he signs it.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Nothing like telling your constituents the truth…accidentally. What an idiot.

AW1 Tim

Here, have another ration of Soylent Green. What’s in it? It’s all natual. Just shut up and eat it, alright?

Stupid Voters….



Hey, his constituents could care less, they all have their hands out for the give-aways already. He wants investigations of the Bush admin. to keep the headlines away from him, and the crap the dems are forcing down our throats.


“John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee”. Sounds like his wife is the smart one in the family, she just got caught in her criminal activity, but how many millions did she steal, with his help, before getting caught? Doesn’t his position as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee say something about the state of the United States congress? New American motto, Never Trust a Democrat, any democrat.


After reading some of this bill it scares the hell out of me. No wonder he doesn’t want anyone to read it. I would like to believe the majority of Americans would reject such a bill but after seeing our current president elected my faith in common sense within this country is eroding fast.