Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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You and your soldiers be careful out there, Nichevo. (I won’t tell you to “stay safe” ’cause you can’t always do that – the enemy gets a vote.)

And I’ll respectfully ask CINC-Universe to keep an Eye on you and your troops, too – along with your families.


I would love to go to his wedding so I can piss on his cow too. I wanna know why people do this shit.

9/11 TruthBtold

I do not understand why these people think it is ok to pull this shit! Oh yeah, because our government deems it as free speech! It is wrong and a slap in the face to every man and woman who has ever served our great Nation.


Thanks for the thoughts and requests being sent up to CINCUNI. As far as the enemy having a vote goes, I am just glad I am not deployed to Chicago where they’d probably have more than one. Hope all is well.


Nichevo: no thanks needed, amigo. Just keep taking care of your troops – and yourself as well.

ex mother in law

Well i want to say as soon as i find out the date i will post for everyone,this way you can all invite yourselves to take pics,( wink wink,} in his dress blues at this Fabulous wedding, lol


That would be WONDERFUL. I love seeing a pv1 in a generals outfit. I hope by now he is the youngest Admiral in the history of NASA.


If the Rebel Alliance ever asks you to lead an attack on the Death Star, don’t do it…IT’S A TRAP!


Wow. I stay off this website for a while, come back, and the oral/typed version of a carpet bombing campaign is unleashed. I must say that I am quite impressed with the information gathering abilities of some people. Remind me never to piss any of you folks off. Wow. For the record, this guy is getting everything he deserves. As a divorced father of two little girls, I find it reprehensible that he is a deadbeat dad. My daughters are my entire world, and no matter my feelings about their mother, their well-being is paramount to everything else in my life. Men, no, let me take that back as he is not a man. Creatures like him, give caring and loving non-custodial fathers like myself and others, a bad name. It is because of creatures like him, that non-custodial fathers are looked upon with a wary eye because there is so much written in the media about “deadbeat dads”.

In regards to his claims of military service, I am saddened. There are so many brave men and women who died while hknorably serving


These men and women did it not for recognition, but out of a sense of honor and duty. We only exist as “The Land of The Free”, because of those brave men and women. He has sullied them by wearing what he did not earn. I am angered by what he has done. I may be a bit liberal in my socio-political views, but people like this guy have to be stopped. In closing, I’d really like to dick punch this moron. Some fucking guys…

ex mother in law

i needed to share yet another email from ronald mailahn

I read your post ex mother in law u wanna tell me off go for it I’m tired of you and your son attacking me he knows I can’t get into a fight cause I’m on probation I want u and the rest of your family to leave me alone !!! I have done nothing to u ever. Never said one bad thing to u and u say the shit about me. Look at yourself before u judge me. And my daughter loves me and I don’t have to buy her love like u do ( American girl doll) and just cause your mother is dead don’t attack mine. She was always nice to u and your family and if wanna post this in that blog go for it see I don’t read it anymore but I have other people keep me informed and tell your son to leave me alone he has the nerve to call the police and say I’m harassing him then post stuff about me on some ham and egger site I have better things to do then sit in front of the computer like u do. See I’m not angry anymore I see someone now that let’s me get my anger out. And as for the 900 numbers I was young when that happened I bet there is a lot of stuff in your closet u would not want out. So I said what I needed to say but anytime your in NJ and wanna tell me off go for it but don’t think I won’t do the same . Have a nice day

ex mother in law

so here is your reply ronald mailahn You know you seem to always insert your foot every time you think,seems like we were in new jersey for 5 days, what’s funny is you knew that, and decided not to bother my daughter,you decided to lay low and be quiet like the snake that you are,another thing i seen the emails you sent my son,every time when things are quiet,you decided to start your stupid crap and send every one emails,first, you told my son that you have contacted the police, then when my son asked the name of your probation officer,you gave him a phony name and told him how “tight” you and the PO are, a phony name just like the phony person you are,you accused us of owning this (it aint hell but i can see it from here)blog, which we don’t,then you disrespect the men and women of the military ,who many are in the marines that blog on here, then if that were not enough ,you call them a bunch of ham and eggers,in your own words,because you have NO respect for our military who fight for the freedom you have to parade around in a uniform that you never earned,all that was asked of you was your DD214, now lets get to the other part,its funny that you only remember the American Girl Doll, that i bought my little granddaughter for Easter last year,you tell me i buy her love,you fail to mention that i also bought all her school supplies,new school clothes, underwear,socks,new shoes,because my daughter is working to pay bills,and your just sitting on your ass doing nothing,so i have to pick up your responsibility ,no one ask me to do it, but as a Grandmother,i love doing this, she is one of the most important people in my life besides my grandson,and my family, We wanted her to look nice and feel good about herself going off to her first day of school,at that time you were to busy with your many Internet dates and motels,and dinners and flowers for all those… Read more »

Frank Ferris

Buying your daughters love. Hey fuck face my parents are funding her survival since her so called daddy is to lazy to get a job to support her. Oh but you seem to have money for hotel rooms. When Christmas came and went you told your daughter that Santa forgot to stop your house that’s pretty low. It’s not about buying love it’s about supporting your child which as we all know you are totally failing at. Still haven’t seen you at Clancys.


Thought you guys might appreciate this:


Lol Mustang. Love the facebook profile. This guy is such a pussy. Calls his ex and gives her grief about all the mean people who pick on him. Boo hoo! Hey Mr No Balls, try calling the people You have a beef with. Oh btw, nice fake ring! Hope her finger doesn’t turn green. Lol.


And another one just for posterity. Currently showing up 4th on the list when doing a Google search for “Ron Mailahn”

Michael Swiger

Why the hell is he wearing his cover indoors? What Marine Sgt Maj takes a cell phone ‘self pic’ of themself? I’m just an Army guy but since when do Marines wear red undershirts?


cause he is a make believe marine and a nitwit

ex wifes friend

I just wanted to send this link out to Ron
if you can watch this video and still with a clear heart , head and mind come on to this site and tell ME that you are truly the youngest Sgt. Major ever in the Marines and that you served your time and sacrificed all that these MEN & WOMEN have that you have missed your family while fight for our freedom , that you have missed out on any thing that you have ever wanted to do because you were in a war zone and to worried about saving your own life or the lives of your fellow men & women in uniform to even think about what might be going on at home .
Ron if you can do this and show me just one piece of evident that you went through just a small bit of what these BRAVE MEN&WOMEN have gone through then I will personally do all that I can to end this blog about you and to end the postings all of the other sites . So Ron I am just asking for one thing from you one little piece of something to prove to all of us what you say is true. So please be a man and do this and for once DO NOT RUN to your ex telling her that we are picking on you. I am trying my best to make you an offer to help you


wow,that was very moving,hope he takes a moment out of his ‘busy’life to at least view this video,

Taco bell

In 26 years, I don’t recall ever wearing my shooting badges on my Charlie’s . They (posers) always seem to do that too. Losers
Great thread john!
Semper Fi



Not that I’m defending the doucher in any way. Obvious poser is obvious, but in my 24+ years, I’ve worn my marksmanship badges on my Service B/C’s on a few (VERY few) different occasions. It is legal to prescribe “with badges” with the service B/C’s etc. Also, in boot camp, way back when, I THINK I remember a service B (or maybe it was C) inspection that we had to wear our badges as well. Maybe the Company Commander’s inspection??

Just saying it’s legal, but certainly not the norm.


I wore my badges on my Charlies probably a handful of times, but it was always when the CO prescribed it for some retirement ceremony or something. I don’t recall ever wearing them ON the pocket though 😉


Hah, Mustang, you’re right…….never on the pocket.


I emailed him his local news paper and friends of his on Facebook. We will have something found out on this guy soon. How are you a SGM in under 20 years but he has never lived out side of NJ?


Von he lives in his Mommys 1 bedroom rent controlled apartment. He’s a deadbeat dad who doesn’t pay his child support or keep a job because of his criminal record and lack of intelligence and ambition.


Jesus, make it go away…………


Hey pussy haven’t seen you at Clancy’s

proud vet

This douch is a real piece of work. I myself am a vet, son & grandson of vets & currently married to a active duty MSgt in the air force. I may hve only done six years & got out as a SSgt but I did serve and would not dishonor any other vets by saying I did something I did not. To earn & wear a uniform for any branch of the military is an honor and those who have earned it hold it sacred. He says he has served- BULLSHIT. Anyone who had would never let a pic be posted of yourself in a uniform with one thing being out regulation let alone the amount of fuck ups on his. Fuck you Ron, its really pitiful that you don’t even realize you dishonor the ones your tring to pretend to be. I will make it my mission to make sure your charades come to a close. You know what they say about a soldier on a mission– thats right you wouldn’t. And to all those who read this that have served or who are currently serving- Thank You- you all have my support & prayers.


This guys old lady looks like a like sloth from goonies, no wouder she’s with him or what ever sick shit is going on there.

Ron Tiesupfatchicks

First Santa Clause got lost going to your house now the Easter Bunny forgot to come. You really are a worthless piece of shit.


Love all these comments that say ” I’m a ‘rank’ blah blah” who gives a fuck you cocky ass marines. We had a few cocky ones and we turned them into the opposite ” pussys” overrated ass wannabes lol.


@488 Thank you for your insightful, intelligent, and well-reasoned opinion. It was as useless as tits on a boar hog. Do you have a point, or are you pointless?


Marine_7002: I’d guess lol (#488) above is pointy-headed, actually. But I could be wrong.


betting my money that # 488 is ronald the fake, hiding under another simple name, he is the only one who is that direspectful to our armed forces, while the marines are out fighting battle and making sure people like the fake bullshit artist are safe. God Bless our Men and Women who serve to keep us safe,


HAHAHAHH SUCK TO BE YOU SGTMAJOR SHITBAG. Fuck around and get exposed. Enjoy the limelight.


he has 3 hash marks. That’s 12 years. Math for Marines.


Haha what a fucking turd. What ever happened to natural selection?



Ha, his profile says he watches NCIS. That’s probably where he gets all his info.

Navy "Doc" Dave

This dude is a real piece of shit. I was a Navy Corpsman for 8 years stationed with the Marines 0311 Infantry 2/6 and 1/6 in Camp Lejuene. I just sent his pic too all my Marines to have a good laugh LOL.


As a fomer Active Duty Marine, I served as an Amtrak Crewman (MOS 1833) with 3rd AABN from 1991 to 1994. It was my second MOS, having not done so well in my first MOS. My point is, that even though I left with the rank of Lance Corporal and only 2 ribbons (MUS and Sea Service Deployment) and the National Defence Service Medal, I recieved one hash mark and an HONORABLE discharge. It does not take a rocket scientist to look at Ronnie’s uniform and see all the fuck ups on it. I think maybe he has delusions of grandeur. HOwever even that would not excuse his obvious disrespectful act of douchebaggery. I, like so many before and after me, EARNED my title of United States Marine and the right that goes with that title to wear the uniform. It takes a big man to admit that his was not the most stellar of service, but I can at least honestly and truthfully say I served. What can this douchebag (I am sorry for insluting true douchebags everywhere) truthfully say?

Navy "Doc" Dave

Now does anyone have any updates as to if anyone from his home town has confronted him about this or not? I would love to hear about some real Marines fucking up his poser ass LOL.


Ronnie boy, Marines, even the dumbest ones, know how to spell. You are the winner of epic fails.


Ronnie, try suicide. It will make you a household name.


Just submitted another tip into the FBI about this turd


Ronald Lee Mailahn of 1028 N 31st St Camdon, nj


I cannot believe how you can discrace the people who defend your freedom and how you can be a SGTMAJ with Fucked up ribbons, red t-shirt, looks like a Vietnam ribbon or WWII, and ribbons all back wards and out of order! Your also a former Fire Fighter????? WOW I wish my 22.5 year career as a REAL Marine Master Sergeant was as good as yours! Oh BTW Did you all know he was in the ARMY TOO???? And in Korea! Go to his FB page and check out his pics!

The Local VFW in NJ needs to persue this ASSHOLE for impersonnating a Marine and Stealing Valor!

Like a friend of mine said…

You need to Suck Start a M4, and I will let you use mine if you ask nicely!!!! BTW a M4 is a short version of the M16A2 or AR-15 Service Rifle, what ever you want to call it! But i bet you knew that too huh?

I hope your soon to be wife knows how much of a FAKE you are!


I retired as a MGYSGT(0291). That man is as much a SGTMAJ as my dogs.

Semper Fi


does anyone know where this poser piece of shit actually lives?

8404 FMF Corpsman

He has been reported (officially) to the local FBI field office in his area – also to Cherry Hill NJPD

‘Nuff said

Last known City of residence: Cherry Hill New Jersey*

*10 mins. or so from Barrington, where he was arrested for stealing $12K from a little girl’s softball league


i’m originally from nj and currently in afghanistan. when i get back to nc and than go to nj for leave i would love to have an honest talk with him. ask him if he knows what BAMCIS is, OSMEAC, ADDRAC, PICMDEEP, draw me up a range card, spit out a nato nine line with zmist, shit ask him if he even knows what a zap number is, max effective range for an m16a4 on a point and area target, when screwing on the .50 cal barrel how many clicks do you want to hear, how to check head space and timing, weapons safety rules, etc.

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